I'm Disabled and Strong!

"This body is really still weak, it's completely suppressed!" Apophis thought this but was not surprised.

After all, his opponent is Akagami Shanks.

Also, this body is not fully fit for now.

Seeing Apophis backing up one after another, Longinus finally ended his spectator mode.

"Waiting for you for a long time, or rather, waiting for this battle has been a long time!" See Longinus rushed into the battlefield, Shanks abandoned Apophis, as lightning jumped in the air, with his right hand holding the Gyphon slash forward at breakneck speed.

"It's this feeling, this feeling of being imprisoned!" Longinus had an indescribable difficulty as if the world had rejected him.

The body's feelings are undoubtedly more profound than Apophis, but Longinus also too late to analyze this power; he faced an enemy who stood at the apex of the sea, Sanko of the pirates.

A simple punch, in addition to the fist center around the vaguely visible milky white circle of light, there does not seem to be any force.

But it was such a pristine, effortless punch that made Akagami's face change, and he could perceive that his Haki Frontier seemed to have been pierced.

"This guy's power although not enough to catch up with Whitebeard, but it should be similar to Kaido."

Although surprised by Longinus' strength, Akagami naturally did not retreat but gathered his right arm muscles and swung his sword in a tit-for-tat manner to meet him.


With a thunderous roar, the sea steeply lifted a raging storm, hissing and roaring; even as it passed to the shore, there were still dozens of meters of remaining waves.

A group of pirates naturally do not care about this wind and waves, just eyes on the battle situation.

Then, in their horrified eyes, their captain flew out backward, while the man surprisingly just swayed his body.

"Just kidding, right? The captain was even suppressed!"

"I know, boss must be playing again!"

They couldn't accept that the captain who had led them to the top would be pinned down so easily.

Listening to the surrounding noises, Beckman said in a deep voice, "Nothing surprising, one day is not enough for Shanks to fully adapt to the changes in his body."

Yasopp also said with a calm face, "You have to believe him, Shanks is the man who can create miracles!"

"What a terrifying talent!" Longinus' face gloomy, not as optimistic as those pirates thought.

He, who is also a great swordsman, naturally understands the difference between holding a sword in one hand and holding it in both hands.

This stance is like a swordsman of Ittoryu suddenly transformed into Nitoryu or Nitoryu that can only use Ittoryu.

But even so, the opposite man still exerted a strength that was entirely at odds with his slender body.

"Haha! Now the difference in strength is obvious, Longinus is the strongest, I am second, you are the weakest." The red hair does not care at all about being suppressed but instead severely urged Apophis, "See? The sooner you lose your left hand, the stronger you are, and if you want to catch up with us, hurry up and cut off your left hand!"

"Idiot!" Apophis said in a cold voice.

"Haha! Not fooled?"

"If you want to fight, fight, don't talk so much."

With that, Apophis took the initiative to rush toward Longinus, and Akagami followed suit to join the fray.

At this moment, Longinus also seems to have forgotten the fact that the doppelganger, the extreme power, has fallen on Apophis repeatedly, and the ferocious gesture can see a chill in the heart of Akagami.

Apophis also did not retreat in the slightest; although his strength is at the bottom of the three, his ferocious energy is the most severe.

"Are they all starting to fight for their lives? Then I can't lag behind!" With this thought, Akagami's domineering aura once again erupted.

Although it was a three-person melee, the strongest Longinus was undoubtedly under the most significant pressure; he alone almost took seventy percent of the battle damage.

Apophis sweeping a sword, Longinus right hand covered with Busoshoku Haki caught directly, the right leg swung straight across the sweep, like a long whip kick in Apophis waist.

Akagami is to take advantage of the opportunity to burst in; his domineering aura let Longinus's mind are a momentary haze, the steel body also appeared a moment of stagnation.

Then, the long sword named Gryphon pierced the entire body of Longinus, and the blood-stained tip of the blade penetrated through the chest.

"Sure enough, this guy's Haoshoku can affect the circulation of Busoshoku in my body to a certain extent, so that my steel body appears a moment of stagnation, without upgrading Haoshoku, this Akagami guy is likely to become my deadly weakness!"

Longinus tightened his muscles without changing his face, holding Gryphon firmly inside, then turned around and punched Akagami in the chest.

"But the most critical problem is that Haoshoku cannot be enhanced by training, and even I can't see the way of progress at all."

Longinus knows very well that his Haoshoku can exceed Doflamingo and others far. The most important thing is that the soul is strong, compared with Akagami, who can listen to the Voice of All Things, who are still inferior.

"Your strength is no match for Whitebeard, the defense is no match for BIG-MOM, vitality is no match for Kaido ...," Akagami wiped the blood flowing from the corner of his mouth. And he sighed from the bottom of his heart, "You don't have a single ability that is the strongest in the world. But again, The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you're capable of yours.

"Why don't you add yourself to the list? The man with the world's number one aura!" Longinus covered the wound, and blood still couldn't stop spilling from his fingers.

"No one who has seen Captain Roger's aura would say such a thing." Akagami laughed.

The three men fought from the sky to the sea, from day to night battle, for three days and nights.


The night sky on the beach is bright and radiant.

Akagami Pirates and the villagers of Foosha Village, after the initial shock stage, have long been surprised by the occasional thunder booms and manic storms on the far side of the sea.

Even they took the aftermath of the triumvirate's battle as fireworks, and one by one, they all had a bonfire banquet on the beach.

"Ha~" a pirate yawned, "How much longer are they going to fight, boss?"

"Who knows! When they get tired of fighting I guess they won't want to fight!"

"But, I really want to sleep! How can anyone sleep with this kind of movement from them?"

"Luffy is not on it."

The already mentally weakened pirate glanced at the drooling Luffy and said indignantly, "This talent of being able to fall asleep at any time is too enviable!"

"Hey, hey, you bastards!" A disgruntled voice came from the sea, "How dare you have a banquet while I'm fighting? That's too much!"

The crowd turned to look, discovering someone in rags like a beggar in the night and stepping on the sea.

The awkward-faced crowd hurriedly changed the subject, "Haha! Captain, you guys finally finished the fight, what was the final result?"

"Results? No results!" Akagami laughed.

"If your captain hadn't messed up, I wouldn't have wasted my efforts again." Longinus' voice came from the rear.

Akagami smiled and said with displeasure, "You guys really can't see the situation! This is my territory, if it falls into my hands, you will lose face as a Vice Admiral!"

"You can try to catch up with me if you can." Longinus snapped his fingers, Minos instantly appeared at his side, and on Minos' back was a certain little girl who was sitting in the middle of her knees.

Published in Qidian, July 14, 2019