Finding a Pet

"You bastard, how dare you show off in front of me!" Akagami had a face of grief and anger; was this NTR to his face?

"Give me back my griffin!"

"Gu Gu Gu?" It wrote Minos' big bird face with confusion, where did this fool run out?

The corners of Longinus' mouth twitched slightly, constantly feeling that the current Akagami and the future of the paramount war when it comes to authoritative appearance inconsistent with the style of the picture.

Is it because his current head is not thick enough?

"Let's go." Longinus jumped gently and landed on Minos' back.

Minos quickly took off and hurried away from the retard.

"Yasopp, shoot that bastard down for me!"

"Boss, knock it off." Yasopp said lazily, "With that man's Kenbunshoku, my sniping won't work on him."

"What about the strength of the two of them? Have you gotten to the bottom of anything yet?" Beckman asked.

Hearing Beckman asks about the important things, Akagami also curbed his joking face, put on a serious expression, and said, "All very strong! Especially that guy Longinus, almost can be said to be powerful without any weaknesses, for a few days ago, I should be at the same level with him."

Beckman nodded slightly; the broken hand thing for Shanks more or less still has some impact.

But he did not care, since Longinus can be reborn in two years, that Shanks can do.

Shanks said, and then face gloomy, "As for Apophis, I can not see, or rather, he gives me a very strange feeling."

"A strange feeling? Tell me more carefully." Beckman said.

"He is indeed very strong, but it gives me the feeling that he has not been able to use his strength to the limit." said Akagami, rubbing his smooth chin.

"No way! That guy's strength is so strong, and he still hasn't exerted his full strength?" Lucky Roux asked incredulously.

"To retain strength in a battle at this level, Apophis shouldn't be that arrogant fool." Beckman mused.

"I know, I know."

Luffy also did not wait for them to ask questions and then said, "I heard that sister say, her father was killed by the masked man a few days ago, but also before dying the masked man was seriously injured!"

Yasopp said with some surprise, "To be able to seriously injure Apophis, not many people in this sea can do that."

"If that's the case, it does make sense." Akagami first nodded, then said with a teasing face, "Our little Luffy knows to approach girls so early to talk, really powerful!"

"Is that so? Shanks, you also think I'm powerful, then let me also on board!" Luffy completely did not understand the meaning of Shanks' words but instead said with an excited face.

"Haha! Tonight is a good night!" Akagami smiled sarcastically and changed the subject, "By the way, Luffy, do you think I am particularly powerful, right?"

"Mmmmmm! Shanks you're super awesome, so ..." Luffy asked with a droopy face, "Why did you get your arm bitten off by the King of the Seas?"

"Ha ha! It's a nice night, so let's keep talking about why we won't let you on board."

"Why do I always feel as if you're lying to me?"

"No no, how is that possible?"

Beckman, on the side, is in deep thought, " Still something is not right, there is no reason Apophis does not know his physical condition, in this case, but also take the initiative to seek out Shanks, why do you think there is something wrong."

"If Apophis is the kind of battle maniac, it's not incomprehensible to do so, but if not, there's a big question here!"

Thinking about it, Beckman shook his head, "After all, I still know too little information, and my understanding of Apophis is limited to rumors, and I can't accurately judge his character."

"It seems that in the future, we need to gather as much information about Apophis as possible!"


"It's me, well, okay, it's over!"

"I'll be back in a few days."


Longinus sat on the back of Minos as the calls went out one after another.

The battle that lasted for three days has long shaken the sea.

Whether Akagami Shanks lost an arm in the East Blue, or the reappearance of the Red Swordsman Apophis, or the fierce exchange between the three big figures, have attracted the curious eyes of countless people.

And Den Den Mushi can survive, or thanks to Longinus, left it in advance to Minos.

On the side, Kuina is still seriously swinging the "sword".

She did not have a weapon in her hand but just kept repeating to adjust the best way to deliver the force.

"Kuina, you don't have to push yourself too hard." Longinus sighed.

Kuina pursed her lips, "According to my father, my talent is actually very good, I can easily defeat those adults by just casually training."

"It seemed to me that if I was caught up with my peers, I could quickly lose them with a little effort. In other ways, I was also well protected by my father and subconsciously thought that I could be protected by him for the rest of my life."

"So, I have actually made very little effort to train. It was not until the appearance of Zoro that I really felt a hint of threat. I also began to be like him and began to train hard every day."

Kuina's voice was a little hoarse as if she was trying her best to suppress her emotions, "Unfortunately, it's still too late for me to understand this. In front of a real disaster, I can't do anything."

"It's not your fault, even if you try your best, you can't change anything, time ... is too short!"

"I know." Kuina closed her eyes and exhaled a foul breath, "But I feel regret for not being able to help with any of it. I want to never be that powerless in my future life, never feel that way again."

"To have such a thought, if your father knew, he would be very pleased!"

Just then, Den Den Mushi's voice rang out.

Longinus pulls down the microphone.

"Vice Admiral Longinus?"

"It's me, Gorosei-sama."

"I heard that Apophis has appeared again?"

"That's right. It's just a pity that the capture operation failed."

"Even you couldn't catch him?"

"I'm sorry, but he's not much weaker than me, and besides, there's Akagami in the way of that."

"Akagami..." voice on the other side of Den Den Mushi paused before asking in a calm tone, "He lost his hand in the East Blue?"

"From what he said, it was bitten off by the King of the Sea."

"The King of Sea? What's that?"

"It's probably one of those ... 20 or 30 meter long small Sea King species!"

Longinus saw that Den Den Mushi's expression went from puzzled to bewildered to incredulous.


"Idiot indeed." Longinus was deeply impressed.

"Let's forget about that idiot for now. Vice Admiral Longinus, we have a mission to entrust to you here."

"Please go ahead."

"There is a Celestial Dragon in the West Blue is missing in an attack, the CP's group of losers looking for a few days and still have not found him, I think, Vice Admiral, you should not let us down, right?"

Longinus sighed secretly; when did he have to do the job of finding pets to pick up trash?

Instead of the eye legend of the five village wars, it is also a proper D-level task!

"Any changes to the vivre card of that Celestial Dragon-sama?" Longinus asked politely.

"The vivre card shows survived. But the one he himself carried has been found on the sunken ship."

Naturally, Longinus understood that this meant he could not find the unsorted garbage by the mutual pointing of the vivre cards.

"I understand, I will do my best." Longinus finished and added, "What is that lord's name?"

"Donquixote Mjosgard."

PS: It was initially fished during the day, should be able to three more, but who knows, code the second shift in the dorm room when physical activity, accidentally saw the roommate in pursuit of the play ( Great Song Youth Spirit ), and then ... boing boing. But this play is good; you can look at it when you are bored O (≧ ▽ ≦) O.

Published in Qidian, July 14, 2019