Hody Jones's plan

Fishman Island, Fishman District.

It was initially an institution similar to an orphanage. Still, due to the management's incompetence at the time, it has now evolved into a gathering place for thuggish criminals.

At this moment, in a dark corner of Fishman District.

Dozens of Fishman form a circle, one with an evil smile on their faces; surrounded by them in the middle is a middle-aged man with a gorgeous dress and a dull complexion.

Now, the middle-aged man is in an unconscious state.

"Locke, open your eyes wide and see clearly! This guy, is really a Celestial Dragon?" The pirate with bangs hanging down from his forehead asked, wrapping his arms around him.

"Boss Hody, I will never be mistaken!" The Fishman named Locke gritted his teeth and said, "Although this guy is not the same Celestial Dragon who once enslaved me, but this disgusting smell, I will never forget."

The words fell, the surrounding Fishman was laughing wildly.

"Ahahahaha! Celestial Dragon, this guy is a Celestial Dragon!"

"If you kill him, Brother Hody, your prestige in Fishman Island can definitely exceed that dog Jimbei!"

"With the heads of the Celestial Dragons, we officially declare war on the inferior humans!"

Hody Jones raised his right hand towards the bottom, and there was instant silence around.

"Jimbei such a fishman traitor is indeed disgusting, but can not deny that his strength is indeed very strong, otherwise, the human government will not be recruited for what Shichibukai."

The surrounding Fishman nodded scornfully and cursed.

"That trash forced Brother Arlong away back then just because he was strong!"

"Brother Tiger used to be so nice to him, and then he turned around and became a human lapdog!"

Hody Jones, on the other hand, coldly laughed and said, "Even though even Jimbei is disgusting, but the most disgusting is not him, but instead that, the fishman traitor who only knows how to cry and cry all day, Otohime!"

The sound of cursing around suddenly became much smaller; a Fishman tentatively reminded, "But, big brother, Queen Otohime ... ahem, the traitor Otohime's reputation on Fishman Island is higher than even Jimbei. Even if we kill the Celestial Dragon, it is not necessarily possible to bring her down, right?"

"Idiot! Who told you I was going to kill him?" Hody Jones stepped forward and put his right foot on the Celestial Dragon's face, a groan of pleasure escaping his lips, "Ah! What a comfort! How can you dispose of such a fine piece of trash so casually?"

When they were looking at this freaky scene, the surrounding Fishman thought only tightened their ass, " Ho, Brother Hody, in order to punish him, would you pay too big a price?"

Hody Jones froze, then nodded heavily, "I didn't think you guys already knew what I was planning to do! But this is nothing at all, as long as I can save Fishman Island, I am willing to sell my soul to the devil."

Surrounding Fishman looks at each other, and finally, it is Locke asked stiffly, " Brother Hody, even if you give him that ... should still not be able to save the Fishman Island, right?"

"It's you guys who underestimate the power of Energy Steroid!" Hody Jones said with a slight frown of displeasure, "That is a treasure that has been passed down from ancient times on Fishman Island, it must possess the most incredible power!"

"Huh? Energy Steroid?" The surrounding Fishman said with a dumbfounded look.

"What's wrong? Didn't you guys know I was going to pay for it?"

"Ah~ Hahahaha!" A group of Fishman laughed sarcastically, "Yes, yes, but, Brother Hody, can you tell us your complete plan? We are worried that just guessing might affect your plans."

"This plan, it's not hard to follow at all." Hody Jones craned his neck, "You've heard Locke say it too, these types of trash have always treated us fishman like stinky fish and always looked down on us."

"If he is blindfolded and beaten violently and then thrown into the street, when he opens his eyes and sees all the Fishman, guess what will happen?"

"Heh heh! This guy must be going crazy!"

"There might even be a conflict with other fellow citizens!"

"Exactly!" Hody Jones narrowed his eyes and laughed, "What if that street, again, happens to be in the same place where Otohime passes by?"

"That fishman traitor must be defending humans!"

"That's right." Hody Jones laughed sorrowfully, "There are only three possibilities for the subsequent development."

"The first possibility is that the Celestial Dragons were killed, completely crushing the ridiculous fantasies of those neutrals."

"The second possibility, the fishman was killed so that the nation could see the ugly face of that bitch Otohime."

"The third possibility, and the one I'm most looking forward to. It is to let that bitch Otohime die at the hands of the Celestial Dragons she defended!"

"Brother Hody, will things really go as smoothly as we thought?" The surrounding Fishman asked with some lack of confidence.

"Of course I will. Because, I'll have my men blend in with the crowd ahead of time." Hody Jones laughed, "so that everything will go just as we thought it would! It will be up to us, to ignite the fury of this nation!"

"Hahahahaha!" The surrounding Fishman also followed and laughed.

A few moments later, a Fishman couldn't help but ask, "But, big brother, what does all this have to do with Energy Steroid?"

"Idiot!" Hody Jones said irritably, "Either one of those possibilities would end up triggering a riot on Fishman's Island."

"Once Neptune's army moves out, we'll have a chance to sneak into the kingdom and steal Energy Steroid."

"In this way, both in terms of power and strength, we can surpass that scum JIMBEI!"

"Fishman Island, will be completely liberated in the hands of me, Hody Jones!"

All the Fishman laughed wildly; they seem to have been able to see, boss Hody described to them that wonderful tomorrow!

Just then, there was an uproar from the outside world.

"Wait, what's that?"

"Just kidding, right? This kind of monster!"

Hearing the clamor of the outside world, Hody Jones frowned and took a big step toward the outside, "Now the Fishman, really more and more weak, moving ... fuck! This motherfucker is also a sea king class?"

Fishman Island is surrounded by a vast double-layer type semi-circular bubble membrane shield; at the moment, outside of that shield is the body size of winding stretches of giant monsters.

As the blood moon, two enormous eyes are "hideous" looking down, so that the island's Fishman was a panic.

"This, is this the legendary super-sized sea king class?" Locke exclaimed.

"Not to that extent." Hody Jones settled down, then calm down and said, "that only exists in the legend of the super large sea king class but has more than 5000 meters, but this one, definitely not more than 1000 meters."

"That, that's big too!"

"There is nothing to worry about, we fish people have the blessing of the sea gods, the sea king class never attack us, this giant sea king class ... should just happen to pass by." Hody Jones said and then intended to go inside the house.

However, the Fishman behind him was screaming in succession.

"Brother Hody, it's not right! That sea king class opened his mouth, he is ready, to bite the air membrane!"

"Wait, in its mouth, is there someone there?"

Published in Qidian, July 15, 2019