Big Brother's Guide to the World

When Hody Jones, who started this riot, died like this, there was a surreal feeling in the crowd's hearts.

Because, it's just too easy!

"This is ... safe ...," asked Neptune, struggling to sit up with a bewildered look on his face.

"The crisis is lifted? This is too easy, right?" First Prince Fukaboshi was also in a trance; one moment, it was a matter of life and death; the next moment, everything was fine; this difference is too big, right?

"This is the power of the highest battle force of the Marine Headquarters, as long as he is out, there is nothing that can not be done!" Jimbei said with a serious look.

Neptune and the others nodded with wooden faces. This power is indeed too powerful!

"Marine?" Celestial Dragon, who finally came back from a series of changes, was overjoyed, bracing his limp body, crawled over and hugged Longinus' thigh, doggedly shouted, "Marine, kill them for me!"

"These stinky fish just tried to kill me!"

Hearing Mjosgard's words shook the crowd; could this be the biggest crisis?

This Vice Admiral will defeat them from the situation is not much more complicated than swatting a mosquito.

"Vice Admiral Longinus, Celestial Dragon-sama, I would like to apologize to you with this life!" Neptune prostrated and bowed his head.

"I was the one who didn't have time to stop it, or pay for it with my life!" Queen Eji said eagerly.

"Just now to do the person is me, His Majesty the king and Her Highness did not need to suffer on my behalf." Jimbei said, "I am at least Oka Shichibukai, this life should also be considered worth a few."

"Uncle, can you not kill Mama and Papa and Uncle Jimbei?" Shirahoshi, who was twice as tall as Longinus, bowed her head and sobbed.

"Hahahaha! This is the price of offending the Celestial Dragons!" Mjosgard was laughing and giggling, but suddenly he heard Longinus say in a very helpless tone.

"What are you guys doing here? When did I say I was going to kill someone?"

"Marine, you're at ..." Saint Mjosgard released the hands holding his thighs and looked up in disbelief.

"Saint Mjosgard, do as I say." Longinus lowered his head, smiled, and patted the Celestial Dragon's head.

Staring into the eyes of Longinus, Mjosgard had no reason to be afraid, instinctively did not dare to disobey the other party, "Okay, I understand."

Seeing this lowly demeanor of the Celestial Dragon, Queen Otohime and others can hardly believe their eyes, is this still the same arrogant and cocky Celestial Dragon who could not distinguish the situation?

Or is it that this Celestial Dragon lacks in parental love?

Just use this mild reprimand to get them to admit their mistakes?

Jimbei even can't help but think, in case we meet the Celestial Dragons in the future, can't we also try it?

Or, do what Father did and say, "Be my son!"

When Longinus finished, he was intimidated correctly, "Don't forget, there is a hidden crisis outside of Fishman's Island, so if Mjosgard is not comfortable, it's best to leave quickly."

"That's right, Apophis!" Only then did Mjosgard recall and once again hugged Longinus' thigh, tearing his heart out and crying, "Someone is trying to kill me, send me away!"

Just then, Fishman Island shakes violently again.

"What's going on? Is there another earthquake?" Neptune asked in disbelief.

"No, look at the sky, guys."

The crowd looked up and saw that it was an incomparably colossal body that had crashed into the air bubble shield of Fishman Island.

"The sea king class, is the sea king class of that time back again?" Queen Otohime said.

"No, it's dead!" Jimbei's voice trembled a little, "Even the body has shrunk and dried up a lot!"

"Apophis' demon sword can suck the life force, and it's not impossible to be sucked into a dry corpse if you're not careful." Longinus looked solemn, "When I fought with him, I also suffered a considerable loss in this regard."

"So, it was really that masked man-san who killed this super large sea king class?" Queen Otohime asked with disbelief.

"And, still sucked into a dry body!" Jimbei said squarely.

"I don't want to turn into a dry body, I don't want to burp ...," said Mjosgard, who fainted in terror under extreme fear.

The crowd also does not care; this is much better clean.

"Vice Admiral Longinus, can you kill this super large Sea King class?" Jimbei could not help but ask.

"Can't do it." Longinus pondered for a moment and then shook his head, "It's not hard to defeat it, what's hard is how to kill it, after all, in this aspect of attack power I still can't compare to a great swordsman like Apophis."

"What's wrong with you guys? What's this look on each one's face?"

The corners of Neptune's eyes and the others jumped wildly to say that it was not difficult to defeat such epic creatures, so was this the world of Big Brother?

You can't afford to mess with it.

"Your Majesty Neptune, can you lend me a ship?" Longinus asked, "As things stand now, it seems that Apophis may return to Fishman Island at any moment."

"It would be bad if he and I fought and accidentally sunk Fishman Island."

Accidentally ... sunk Fishman Island ...

Neptune and others look numb. Is this the way the big brother talks to each other?

But they also know that such words are mostly not exaggerations.

At least, in the eyes of these two big brothers who are not challenging to deal with, the super large sea king class can destroy the Fishman island 10,000 times.

Therefore, Neptune said as fast as he could in his life, "Jimbei, please go pick a ship to bring Vice Admiral Longinus and St. Mjosgard safely to the sea."

"Just leave it to me." Jimbei nodded.

"Then I'll trouble everyone." Longinus said as he carried the fainted Mjosgard in his hands.

"Vice Admiral Longinus, you are too polite, if not you, we may now have died, and even, may therefore become the sinners who promote the destruction of Fishman Island." Neptune is also very emotional; this vice admiral and talking a bit to make people inferior, elsewhere, is perfect.

"Vice Admiral Longinus, I am grateful to you as well." Queen Otohime followed suit, "If you hadn't been running and speaking for peace in the human world, our unilateral efforts on Fishman Island would never have worked."

Jimbei then sighed, " Over the years our race has been rescued by you, Vice Admiral, also very grateful for your help, every time I return from the human world there will be many people come over to me to ask for news of you."

"This is my redemption of sorts!" Longinus sighed, "If peace could truly come, the tragedy that happened to Tiger-san would not be repeated."

The crowd sighed deeply, but they did not blame Longinus; even without him, Tiger couldn't escape the government's siege.

What's more, he did that for the safety of Fishman Island.

"If Your Majesty doesn't mind, I will try to establish a branch in Fishman Island this time when I return."

"With myself as the base chief, I will frequently come to Fishman Island myself to help coordinate and resolve the conflicts between the two races."

"That way, a rebellion like today's might not happen again."

"Really? That's wonderful." Neptune said joyfully without half a doubt.

For her part, Queen Otohime was silent for a moment before asking, "If you can, please take me with you to the land!"

"Otohime, you ..."

"Your Highness Otohime, this ..."

"I want to use my own experience to show people that the human world is not as dangerous as they think, and also, I want to find more support in the human world." Queen Otohime said with a firm face.

"Although it is not appropriate for me to say such words, it might indeed be a good choice to follow me to the land together if Queen Otohime always insists."

Longinus responded, "At least, I'm in a position to still ensure the safety of Her Highness Otohime."

"This ..." Neptune hesitated for a moment but finally let out a long sigh, "Then I will trouble Vice Admiral to take care of Otohime for a while!"

"When I come back and establish the branch, I will definitely bring back Her Highness Otohime safely."

Published in Qidian, July 19, 2019