Promotion Matters

Holy Land, Mariejois.

Magnificent, beautiful, and the brick and stone used to pave the road is the top material, and the stars that decorate the jungle are also embellished with diamonds, almost all the beauty of the world is gathered here.

"Is this Mariejois? It's magnificent!" Queen Otohime could not help but stop and look at it.

When compared with Mariejois, the Ryugu Palace, which is synonymous with wealth, was outclassed.

"Yes! This is the most outstanding masterpiece of art in the human world." Longinus said.

"Your Highness Otohime, be careful, this is the most dangerous place for us!" Jimbei cautiously reminded.

"A mermaid without a tail is not worth collecting at all." Mjosgard said with disdain, "As long as you keep yourselves out of trouble, we don't have time for you."

Although the attitude is a bit harsh, the words intend to remind each other not to worry too much.

Over these days, he has been much brainwashed by the speech of Queen Otohime.

"That is a bit rude, but it is true." Longinus also nodded his head, while in his heart he was secretly thinking, there should be no refusal to let Queen Otohime teach him the skill of oratory now, right?

Otohime and the two are silent. Is this the tragedy of mermaids? You can only rely on the evolution of the legs to get rid of others' greed!

"Saint Mjosgard-sama, Longinus-sama!" From time to time, some of the soldiers passing around stopped to salute.

This scene makes Jimbei are a little surprised, "Vice Admiral Longinus in the Holy Land also has such a high status?"

"Not only is the Vice Admiral held in high esteem by Gorosei-sama, but even few of the other Celestial Dragons act rudely towards the Vice Admiral, so it's not so surprising that everyone holds the Vice Admiral in high esteem!" That person spoke with Longinus with a mask on his face and a white robe on his body.

Seeing Jimbei and Otohime's gaze towards himself, Longinus shook his head. They smiled, "It's just that I like to talk about some big ideas, and Celestial Dragon people think I'm too long-winded to take the initiative to approach it!"

Vice Admiral Longinus is too modest ... Even Jimbei and other thought of this, they know very well, with the evil character of the Celestial Dragon, they want to grumble at each other only interrupt each other's speech, they will not respect and stay away.

"Could it be that the Vice Admiral's justice would shame even the Celestial Dragons, and that's why they don't dare to approach voluntarily?" Both of them thought secretly.

Longinus didn't care and looked to the masked man and smiled, "By the sound of it, is Captain Cister here to greet us personally?"

The first time the two met was ten years ago in that New World Hegemony War, and they have crossed paths several times since then, so they are not strangers to each other.

"It can't be helped, who asked you, Vice Admiral, to retrieve Saint Mjosgard-sama so quickly, in contrast, we incompetent CP0 can only do the errand work!" Cister said in a helpless tone.

Jimbei was also a bit surprised, in his impression, is not CP0 are cold-blooded killing machine?

How can there still be such mood swings?

"This is not my work alone." Longinus shook his head and said, "If you hadn't ruled out the possibility of the surrounding waters, I wouldn't have been able to find Fishman Island to go in the first place."

"This is ..." Cister was about to speak when Mjosgard interrupted impatiently, "You idiot, don't you know you talk too much?"

Cister shrugged helplessly; what a noticeable difference in treatment!

"Then, Vice Admiral, please follow me. By the way, is Saint Mjosgard also planning to pay a visit to Gorosei-sama?"

"I'm not interested in meeting those five old guys."

"St. Mjosgard, these two will trouble you to take care of them for now." Longinus said.

"I'm not going to take care of such stinky fish, at best, let them stay at my place for a few minutes." Mjosegard said arrogantly.


Room of Authority.

"Gorosei-sama, Longinus has come to pay his respects."

Before leaving for the Holy Land, Longinus had already replaced his body. To use another body to enter Mariejois, he is not yet confident to such an extent.

"Vice Admiral Longinus, you really are reliable as always." The bearded Gorosei nodded in satisfaction, "It was only two days to get Mjosgard back."

"There is not much family line left in the Donquixote family, and we must ensure the integrity of the royal family." The blond Gorosei said.

Longinus just listened quietly.

Then, the Gorosei who held the sword suddenly asked, "I heard that Apophis also appeared in Fishman Island?"

"He made quite a stir and hunted a super-sized Sea King species." Longinus said squarely.

"Humph! It seems he doesn't intend to remain silent anymore." The curly-haired Gorosei snorted, "Really think that hiding for five years will make us forget everything he's done before?"

"Do not underestimate him, to be able to hunt and kill that kind of super large sea king class, that man's strength, already stands at the top of the world!"

"Then send CP0 to locate him, and then, cooperate with the Marine Corps to besiege." The long-haired Gorosei narrowed their eyes, and the aura of slaughter was expressed in words, "Even if one person's strength is strong, he cannot fight against the whole world."

Seeing the voices in the room fall silent for a moment, Longinus took the initiative to say, "Gorosei-sama, I wish to obtain the qualification to establish a marine branch in Fishman Island."

"Fishman Island? Why do you suddenly ask that?"

"Fishman Island is an extremely unstable spot, and if it can't be cleared for guidance, riots like this one are likely to happen again."

"Vice Admiral Longinus, there is no need to waste your energy on such things." The curly-haired Gorosei smiled, "If Fishman Island is restless next time, just send troops to destroy it directly."

"There's no point in caring what those ordinary fishman think."

"Gorosei-sama, on this point, I think we should be more cautious." Longinus said squarely, "In the Four Seas, seven kingdoms have already been overthrown by the revolutionary army, and their starting point is precisely those people at the bottom."

"Although I don't think we can make any kind of impact on the government by relying on some ordinary people, isn't disrupting the enemy's actions the most important thing we should do?"

"Are you saying that Dragon wants to get the power of Fishman Island through those grassroots fishman?" At the mention of the revolutionary army, Gorosei also squared up.

"Dragon tried to snatch Tiger two years ago, most likely with the idea of soliciting the fishman." Longinus said without losing his face.

Blonde Gorosei, silent for a moment, asked, "What about Whitebeard? Fishman Island has been carrying his name."

"Whitebeard lends his name to protect Fishman Island, and with his character, he should not take the initiative to clash with the Marine." Longinus mused.

They looked at each other, and then, the bearded Gorosei said, "Our side has no problem, and the Marine Headquarters will be communicated by you."


"That's good." The curly-haired Gorosei then said, "Make some achievements, perhaps it will also be beneficial to your promotion."


"Just at the end of the year." The Gorosei who hold the sword said, "If you don't want to wait another ten years, make the best possible use of now!"

Published in Qidian, July 19, 2019