Secret Realm of Merveille (3/8)

Almost a month, Longinus finally went through all the procedures, the area of influence of the Marine Corps successfully expanded to 10,000 meters below the Fishman Island.

And Queen Otohime achieved her goal, bringing back signatures from the World Nobles agreeing to the conclusion of friendly relations between the Fishman and Humans.

Everything, it seems, is going in a good direction.

Longinus also learned part of his oratory skills from Queen Otohime under the guise of asking for advice.

Indeed, only partially.

Unlike the Red Count, Longinus expanded his ability from reading minds to reading memories because he had a near-identical gift of Kenbunshoku with his opponent.

And although Queen Otohime can also hear other people' hearts, she is more inclined to empathize with the resulting resonance.

Otohime's Kenbunshoku Haki can communicate their thinking and consciousness to others, and if their own will is not strong enough, even their values will be affected.

The best example of this is a particular Celestial Dragon.

The effect of the speech mastered by Longinus is much weaker and requires indirect guidance time and again to be effective.

For example, Queen Otohime can make people like Celestial Dragons who are not strong-willed enough to force themselves to accept opposing ideas.

On the other hand, Longinus had to be guided step by step, first with a more acceptable idea to gain the other side's approval, and then continually leading the other side to accept new thinking and eventually to the side of complete opposition.

In Longinus' view, this is the right way to use "oratory".

It is like Queen Otohime wasting her talent completely.

If she can also adopt an indirect and devious strategy, Fishman Island is estimated to be free of any stubborn faction long ago.

Of course, with the character of Queen Otohime, even if she knew about it, she couldn't do such evil things.

In this way, another two months have passed.


Island of the God, Upper Yard.

Gan Fall and Chief Shandia prostrated themselves on the shrine floor.

"God Messenger-sama, it's our incompetence that we let Eneru escape!" Chief Shandia said, blaming himself.

"So many guards have let him escape, unknowingly, has he grown to this extent?" Longinus sighed.

"It's the power of thunder!" Gan Fall is also ashamed to say, "We don't even know when he ate the Devil Fruit!"

Chief Shandia continued, "His strength has become unimaginably strong, and if he hadn't intended to kill, none of us here would have survived."

"What about Wyper and Urouge?" Longinus asked calmly.

"It was also snatched by that traitor Aniolu, saying that he wanted them to become his subordinates." Gan Fall said with his head bowed.

"What was taken away together was the Ark Maxim that you ordered to be built." Chief Shandia roared low in pain.

"God Messenger-sama, please punish us!"

"I don't blame you guys, I was too naive to have illusions about an existence that is destined to become a demon." Longinus sighed.

"God Messenger-sama!" It touched the two that not only did God Messenger-sama not blame them for such a big mistake they had made, but he even took the initiative to bring the fault onto himself.

What a generous heart!

Longinus walked out of the shrine and looked into the boundless sky, "This era, it's about to storm away!"


Thousands of meters high in the sky;

Dozens of islands, large and small, floating; some islands are even surrounded by blue water, reflecting the colourful rainbow in the sun's light.

The rainbow weaves between the islands like a pontoon bridge, giving a sense of fantasy.

Here is a secret place called Merveille.

On the largest of those floating islands sits a large, spectacular and gorgeous palace.

"Shiki-sama, Shiki-sama ..." With a "puff of footsteps", the scientist dressed like a clown came running over, "I have found a new evolutionary form!"

"Dr. Indigo, tell me what you found." The man who spoke was a man with a full head of blond hair and a rudder stuck in his head.

Dr Indigo lifted the cage in his hand, and inside was a black and white spotted dog.

"This is ..." Shiki's eyes widened in horror as he shouted, "Garp!"

"It's a dog any way you look at it!" Dr. Indigo hit Shiki's head with a hand slash.

Then, the two laughed and danced awkwardly.

At that moment, a gorilla dressed in pink ran in, hammering his chest "wah wah" and screaming, and his limbs kept dancing around.

Dr. Indigo looked at it for a while and surprisingly was reading it, "You say there are ships flying in the sky? Idiot, isn't that our ship?"


"Ohhh!" Dr. Indigo nodded his head and then exclaimed, "You say that's not our ship and it's a flying ship made of gold?"

"A ship that flies? Golden flying ship?" Shiki, who returned to normal, narrowed his eyes, "It's a bit interesting, go, go out and take a look."


Many members of the Golden Lion Pirates were gathered together on the square outside the palace, looking curiously into the sky.

It was the first time they had seen a ship that didn't fly because of their captain's ability.

Just then, two people jumped down from the golden flying ship.

One is a big boy with a cold face and stern eyes, and the other is an older man with a smile and a gentle temperament.

Next, there was the masochist who flew down from the golden flying ship hanging in the air.

Mmm! Still topless, with a big drum across the back of a perverted masochist.

"Scum, scum, this place will be taken over by the Thor Pirates next!" Masochist opened his hands in a gesture of embracing the sky and shouted, "And I, am your new master, the God of Thunder Eneru!"

"No wonder he is the captain of the ship, I can't say such embarrassing words." Weber said with a cold face.

"Keep your voice down and don't forget our mission." Urouge reminded with a smile.

Just then, Shiki stepped out from inside the palace.

"A bird without wings!" Shiki took one look at Eneru and shouted again.

"How does this guy look like a human being!" Dr. Indigo struck another hand slash on the head of Shiki.

Then, two people, one gorilla and the other did not agree to dance.

"Yellow hair, you are the owner of this floating island?" Eneru pulls out his ears and says impatiently.

"Long-eared one, are you talking to old man?" Shiki resumed and said with displeasure.

"Simply put, I'll take this island." Eneru sleepily yawned, "As for you, I allow you to be a small captain under me."

Shiki lion was furious and laughed, "That's what I want to say to you, this golden ship of yours is good, why not become a tool for me to conquer the world!"

PS: Catch out. Finally, I can go to the laundry (*  ̄︶ ̄).

Published in Qidian, July 19, 2019