Eneru vs Shiki

Eneru lowered his eyelids and pointed his golden rod straight at his opponent, "You're looking for death, Kari!"

"Now brat, all ..." Shiki was saying; the cloudless sky steeply descended a thunderbolt.


The exploding fragmented rock fluttered in the sky, obscuring the eyes of the crowd.

"Shiki-sama, Shiki-sama!" The Golden Lion Pirates members are some newcomers and have not seen many high-level battles, so they look at Eneru with eyes filled with fear.

This long-eared masochist can control thunder?

Shiki-sama, you're not going to turn into charcoal, are you?

"Goro Goro no Mi? You brats have gotten quite a good power!" From the dust came Shiki's voice, the mist cleared, and the man with his cigar was surprisingly not even burned by the smoke.

This time, it was Eneru's turn to be in disbelief.

"Impossible, how can you be okay at all?"

"The fruit is indeed well developed, but at this level, it's not even close! Zanpa!" Shiki's left foot slashed through the air, and a vast golden half-moon sword aura quickly flew towards the opponent.

The good thing is that Eneru's Kenbunshoku Haki is strong enough to use elementalization in time to dodge the blow.

"Old man, you ..." Eneru was saying, behind him came a violent earthquake-like loud noise.

"Just kidding, right? This level of swordsmanship ..."

"It's shockingly powerful!"

Hearing the voices of Wyper and Urouge, Eneru could not help but turn sideways and take in the distant scene out of the corner of his eye.

The island that floating was sliced in half and crashed down to the sea below with a bang.

"This if just did not dodge ..." Eneru, shocked out of a cold sweat, no longer dare to have a half-hearted look at the man in front of you.

"This era is too mild, it's better to let the old man teach you what it means to be a real pirate! Shishi - Senjindani!" Shiki kicked with both feet in a row, kicking out dozens of slashing waves of the kind of level just now in an instant.

The golden storm that covered the sky seemed to tear the sky apart.

"Shiki-sama, don't mess around!"

"Run, the legendary level sea pirate is angry!"

The Golden Lion Pirates members panicked and fled in all directions, but there were still many unlucky people who were affected by the sword blade storm.

"This old guy, is he really human?" Eneru heart trembled, using Kenbunshoku Haki to the extreme, narrowly dodged through the gap.

"Huh? Dodged it? Then let's try ..." Shiki didn't half care about the wailing of his men, his body floating slightly upwards, his feet staggered and separated, as if he was brewing another wave of the outburst.

"Still coming? Can't keep hiding like this!" Eneru raised his left hand, and his entire arm transformed into a pillar of thunder, "El Thor!"

Bucket-like thick pillars of thunder fell from the air, wholly surrounded Shiki in a sea of lightning.

"Did it work?" Eneru looked at the thundering sea with a hopeful gaze.

"All said and done, this level of ..." with Busoshoku Haki cover the whole body, like an iron puppet of Shiki suddenly stifled a grunt, the body of Busoshoku Haki surprisingly like the remnants of ice quickly melted.

"Damn, even Busoshoku Haki is starting to get out of control!"

"That rudder on your head, has weakened you to the point where ... you can't even control Busoshoku Haki?"

"Idiot! I'm Shiki!" Shiki roared furiously, "An injury of this magnitude is nothing!"

With that, Shiki's right hand flipped downward, "Shishi Odoshi - Chimaki!"

The ground outside the palace first shook violently and, surprisingly, surged up as if it had life.

The tumbling land turned into the shape of a lion's head, which roared with fury and rushed towards Eneru.

"Hey, hey, hey, you old man want to be so exaggerated? It seems that I have to be a little more serious too!" Eneru's entire body turned into silver-white thunder; countless electric snakes escaped from his body, "Max 200 million volts - Amaru!"

Thunder and earth collide fiercely, like the end of the world, destroying everything in sight.

"Let's go, and hide farther away to do so!" Urouge said, then took a big step to flee in the distance.

"Two perverts." Wyper muttered and followed.

The shaking stopped, and the churning ground returned to its original state, except that the middle ground was almost half wrecked, with an appalling hollow running through the entire island.

"You're a strong enough old man! I really do not know, who has that ability to cut off your legs." Eneru said in a rare moment of honesty.

"Hmm? You don't know me?" Shiki's face was gloomy, it had only been ten years, and this sea had already forgotten his terror?

"You're a famous old man? Don't be ridiculous, I've never heard of your name in Skypiea."

"Skypiea, you actually came from that kind of place? Little brat, I'm kind of interested in you!" Shiki slowly flew high into the air, then slashed down with a sword, and a vast golden chopping wave filled every corner over the island.

"I tell you what, these two legs were cut off by myself!"

"Cut it off yourself? Are you a pervert?" Eneru spread out his Kenbunshoku Haki infinitely, dodged the attack, and threw another thunderbolt.

Shiki casually waved its legs and quickly shattered the thunder.

"Obviously unable to use Kenbunshoku Haki, but still able to make this kind of reaction, this old man's body instinct is really powerful scary!" Eneru mind shocked, can not imagine this lonely ghost-like man at his peak; in the end, how strong?

But he was still somewhat unbelieving, the golden stick waved, and a sea of thunder instantly descended from the sky.

A vast golden slashing wave crossed the sky, directly cutting off the sea of thunder that had not yet completely fallen.

Fuwa Fuwa no Mi gives Shiki unparalleled mobility, but his strongest attacks are all in his top-notch Great Swordsmanship.

"The power of thunder, should not be so weak!" Eneru's throat hissed like a wounded beast.

"This is the end of the boring play house!" Shiki seemed to be a little impatient and flipped his hands down, violently, "Shishi Odoshi - Gosho Chimaki!"

Unlike the last time, this time it was the entire island's ground, even along with the seawater wrapped in the bottom, all frantically converged together, under the power of the like gods merged into a huge incomparable lion's head, furiously tearing towards the mid-air Eneru.

"Shiki-sama, we're still here!"

"Help, who will save us?"

The members of the Golden Lion Pirates fell like rain into the lower air.

"Hold on to me!" Wyper shifted his body, hooked his sharp claws around Urouge, flapped his wings and quickly flew off into the distance.

"Playing house? You bastard do not look down on people!" Eneru roared, and the thunder that covered the whole island fell, "Raigo!"

"I've told you, you're not even close to this level!"

Shiki stretched out his right hand, and the moment his right hand touched the thunder, the whole sea of thunder turned around and blasted on Eneru.

"What?" Eneru, who is almost the thunder's incarnation, naturally could not be hurt by his thunder, but his brain was a blank.

As the "Thunder God", he would be taken away from the control of the thunder; this is a great shame!

Then, in the moment of Eneru lost in thought, came a golden slash and hit Eneru who like a bird with broken wings fell into the sky.

In the battle between God of Thunder and Shiki;

Eneru, defeated!

Published in Qidian, July 20, 2019