Eneru, Joined Us

In the half-collapsed palace;

Shiki leaning on the throne, with one hand resting on the left side of the face and looking down on the ground below; Eneru and others sit cross-legged on the ground below the steps.

"What the hell do you want, you old weed?" Eneru asked with an irritated look on his face.

"I've seen it, there are just three of you on that ship, and I've never heard any rumors of the Thor Pirates in the news I've inquired about."

Shiki also does not get angry, his right hand slightly raised, and a stack of newspapers flew to his hand, " Your kind, you should be newcomers who just went to sea, right?"

"So what if it is?"

"Heh! Still coming from a place like Skypiea, no wonder you haven't heard of the old man's name."

There is more than one Skypiea in the world of pirates, for Shiki with Fuwa Fuwa no Mi ability, the existence of Skypiea, naturally, is not a secret.

"Are you old man very famous?" Eneru said and nodded again, "I should be right, to defeat this god, you should be the strongest person in this world!"

"Jihahahaha! I am at most the second in the world!" Shiki laughed, "But that was all in the past."

"Kid, how about you? As a newcomer who just came out of the sea, you're really strong as hell!"

"Ch! Are you mocking me?" Eneru stretched, "There's nothing to say about me, it's probably that Skypiea is too small and only that vast ocean is worthy of this god."

"Plus I happened to learn about a certain secret treasure from a group of pirates who happened to come to Skypiea, so I left Skypiea on this god's Ark Maxim."

"Secret treasures?" Shiki laughed, "As long as you are willing to join the old man's banner, you can have as many secret treasures as you want."

As the person who was once the closest to the Pirate King, the secret treasures he knows are indeed innumerable.

There has long been nothing worth his heart in addition to the legendary great secret treasure ONE PIECE.

"Are you trying to get me to join your pirates?" Eneru asked.

"To be precise, it's the three of you." Shiki said with some rare sentimentality, "The old man's Golden Lion Pirates was once an invincible fleet capable of fighting hard with the marines, but now it can't even produce a decent battle force."

"If this gets out, where will the old man's face be?"

"Your strength is strong enough to be the captain of this god nor is it impossible, except that ..." Eneru said with a crooked head, "there is one thing you'd better be careful about."

"Be careful of what?"

"Of course be careful of me!" Eneru laughed, "The day this god's strength surpasses yours, this captain will be replaced by me, yahahaha!"

"Are you kidding me, you little kid? Overtake the old man, wait a hundred years before you say it!" Shiki laughed cheerfully.

"Now that I'm under your command, what am I going to do next?" Eneru leapt forward and asked, "The next step, is to conquer the world?"

"Conquer the world? Jihahahaha! You brat is really to the old man's liking." Shiki laughed, "Only, it's still too early, wait for another ten years!"

"What? Ten years?" Eneru's eyes widened, "Are you kidding me, you bastard?"

"Keep the respect you deserve for the captain! Bastard!" Shiki said, and a strong and overpowering aura shot up into the sky.

Crack! Crack!

Cracks appeared in the walls all around, and the ground cracked open as if invisible boulders were pressing down on the hearts of the people, making them gasp for breath.

Then, just as the repression was about to reach its limit, the psychic storm suddenly subsided.

The three looked up and found that Shiki on the throne had a blue face, "Also ... good ... old man restrained his aura, otherwise you three are now dead!"

The three corners of the mouth twitched slightly; you are unleashed Haoshoku out of control halfway, right!

"In short, the old man's plan is to make the world feel pain in ten years' time!"

"Then would you at least tell us what kind of secret weapon is worth waiting for ten years?"

"Humph! Come with the old man!"

Shiki led the three to a vast garden, which is almost filled with animals and plants that they had enlarged dozens of times.

"Look, this is a bird that discharges electricity, this is a pig that breathes fire, and this is a snake that dances ..." Shiki introduced as he flew.

"It looks and seems very weak!" The three were silent for a moment, and still, Wyper couldn't help but ask, "So what exactly is the use of these?"

"We also have a drug called 'SIQ' that can make these giant creatures go berserk, and as long as they are then released into the ocean, those islands that are suitable for human settlements will soon be wiped out!"

Shiki said proudly, "In this way, the fate of the entire world is in the hands of the old man, Jihahahaha!"

"If you just want to destroy the island ..." Urouge asked curiously, "why not control a small island and throw it straight down from the sky?"

Is oh, why it ... Shiki can not help but fall into silence; a moment later, he sarcastically smiled and said, "Ji... Jihahahaha! Of course because personally does not meet the identity of the old man."

"But considering the lack of patience of you youngsters, the old man will reluctantly change his strategy!"

The only thing that the three people can do is be silent; this guy is not funny?

"Starting tomorrow, start making the world feel pain!"

"Next, it is going to be the enemy of the world?" Eneru shouted excitedly.

"That's right, I want to let the government and the Marine know how big a mistake it is to kill a man like Roger in the weakest East Blue!" Shiki said with a face of hatred.

"Roger, who is that?" The three men were a little curious, how they felt; Captain Shiki's attitude towards this man was very unusual.

"That is the man who once defeated the old man, he is truly recognized by the old man as the strongest in the world!"

"I remember you said before that you can only be considered second in the world, is it because of this guy named Roger?"

"Not bad."

"But now that he is dead, doesn't that mean that if your body can be restored to its full strength, you are truly the strongest in the world?"

"Jihahahaha! That's for sure! Whitebeard, that guy has no ambition, a man without ambition, how can be called the strongest in the world?"

Shiki sighed again and touched the rudder on his head, "It's just a pity that the old man's time has passed!"

"Thank me, Captain Shiki." Eneru laughed, "I have a way to restore you to your past peak."

"You? I haven't heard that Goro Goro no Mi has such an ability?" Shiki had a sceptical face.

"The answer lies in the secret treasure I mentioned before." Eneru said.

"Secret treasure? What secret treasure?"

"The secret treasure that can grant a person eternal life, pure gold!"

Published in Qidian, July 20, 2019