The Deal with Kaido


The crowd sat in public, without any house tables and chairs.

Because, when he was getting drunk once, none of these things can resist their boss.

Kaido clutched a boozer and gulped it down.

Apophis sat across the table and did not say a word.

The three disasters sat aside; only Queen and Jack's bruised faces were more noticeable.

The rest that what fight, or more inferior pirates, are hiding far away, some smart even directly outside Onigashima, standing in the boat to watch the movement of Onigashima.

Because they all know very well the character of their boss, when he met the same level of strength, the probability is that he will have to fight.

Therefore, Onigashima is now unsafe.

Finally, Kaido threw the booze jar away, "Hiccup~ is you the bastard who wants to find the old man?"

Hearing Kaido's flaming provocations, even Quinn and Jack couldn't help but quietly move away a bit.

There was no fluctuation in Apophis' calm pupils, just a breeze, "Deal."

"A deal? Interesting. Tell me, a deal on what?"

"I'll give you the copy of the original Poneglyph, and you stop someone for me."

Hearing the news of Poneglyph, Kaido's drunkenness also sobered up a bit, and his body leaned forward slightly, giving great oppression, "Poneglyph?"

"The stone inscription guarded by Kozuki clan, one of the four Road Poneglyphs pointing to Raftel." Apophis said blandly.


Hearing that Poneglyph in Apophis's hand was the very same Road Poneglyphs they needed most, the crowd couldn't help but be horrified.

"Tell me clearly, how did the stone tablet guarded by Kozuki clan come to be in your possession?" Kaido asked with wide eyes and a grimace.

"It was nine years ago, I got it in Zou."

"Zou?" Kaido scratched his hair with a bewildered look.

"It's the rumored giant elephant." Ember said aside, "On its back was established mink tribe's country. The cat and dog that followed Kozuki Oden back in the day and later returned to the Wano to rebel against us was the master of that mink kingdom."

"So Kozuki Oden didn't even put Poneglyph in Wano, that bastard, he really fooled us long enough!" Kaido said with displeasure.

"Even if that Poneglyph is really in Zou, how do you prove that Poneglyph is pointing to coordinates of Raftel? Is the topography that you gave us after completing the deal true?"

This time it was Ember who asked the question.

"The location recorded on the Red Poneglyph is the coordinates, which you should know better than I do. As for the proof, you can choose yourselves to believe it or not."

Ember frowned darkly and was about to question it when he heard Kaido ask, "What's the other half of the deal? Who is the person you want me to stop?"

"Akainu." Apophis spat out two words coldly.

"Akainu? Vice Admiral Sakazuki?" A group of pirates on Onigashima Island could not help but exclaim.

He is the famous character in the Marine Headquarters along with that Longinus; they have not forgotten that three months ago it was that guy who made a big fuss in the Wano.

They removed the supported puppets, they also took out the living forces of the Wano, and finally, even that marine escaped unharmed.

All of this has almost made them the laughing stock of the Beasts Pirates.

If not to calm the civil unrest in the Wano, Kaido has long been a man to fight on the Marine Headquarters to take revenge.

Now, hearing Akainu, who is on par with that man, they naturally do not dare to take it lightly.

"Sakazuki? Hmph!" Kaido coldly snorted, snorting two white mist out of his nostrils, "Since I can't find Longinus, I'll get my revenge back on Sakazuki!"

Ember then noticed something else, "Why would you want us to help you hold off Akainu? He's after you?"

"I'm just carrying out a plot, and his presence would be in the way!" Apophis replied.

"Plotting? What conspiracy?"

"You care about too many things!" Apophis cocked his head, and the bloodshot glint in his eyes made Ember flinch.

"Sounds like you bastard is plotting something interesting! How can such a thing be done with less involvement from old me? I agreed to the deal. Only ..." Kaido's voice turned steeply cold, "you have to prove that you have the qualifications to make a deal with me first!"

"I still prefer to snatch what I want from someone else's hand than to trade!"

His Haoshoku Haki erupted, and Kaido smoothly picked up the kanabo club placed aside and smashed it towards the masked man in front of him.

Apophis did not say a word, and the shining blade cut through the long sky.

Two strong Haoshoku Haki intertwined, rushing through the sky. It tore even the clouds; the surrounding pirates fell one by one, their level can not stay awake in this Haoshoku Haki collision.

Then, centered on the spot where the kanabo club and the demon sword met, the air rippled, and waves of aura-like ripples rushed furiously in all directions.

Two people stepped on the ground, also collapsed, and sank mostly in an instant.

Apophis's body flew backward after a moment of stalemate, but Kaido only slightly swayed, and the difference between the two was immediate.

"This level is far worse than big brother Kaido!" Jack shouted excitedly.

"He is indeed very strong, it's just a pity that big brother Kaido is stronger than him!" Ember also nodded and said.

For swordsmen, weapons are their second life.

A sword of Saijo O Wazamono that falls in the hands of a great swordsman can give them almost an extra 10% of strength.

After killing countless powerful enemies, the Seven Star Sword is considered to be at the top even among Saijo O Wazamono.

Therefore, only the use of Nidai Kitetsu is naturally much weaker than the original state of Apophis, even with the augmentation of Koushirou swordsmanship, at best to offset some Koushirou physical disadvantage.

However, this does not mean that Apophis will lose.

It was as if Apophis, who was flying backward, had suffered an attack of hysteria and cut out a slash towards the place above where there was no enemy.

"Is this guy knowing that he can't beat big brother Kaido and starting to vent randomly?" Queen couldn't help but snicker.

"It shouldn't be! This guy's temperament shouldn't be this bad ..." Ember whispered, his pupils snapping shut, "Brother Kaido, watch out behind you!"

Only to see, in front of Apophis and behind Kaido appeared a black hole simultaneously, then, Apophis struck a slash surprisingly across space directly landed on the back of Kaido.

Kaido grunted and wiped his big hand on his waist and put it in front of his eyes, covered in blood.

Kaido said with joy instead of anger, "Hahahahaha! You've done a great job, you bastard! This fight, finally, is so interesting!"

"Fruit ability? A space-based fruit ability?" Ember muttered to himself in surprise, "Obviously in that battle three months ago, he didn't show the fruit ability."

"Could it be that he chose to eat the fruit because he was suppressed by Holy Lance and Akagami, which he was unwilling to do?"

"No wonder he dares to find us alone, with the space type fruit ability, if he wants to run, even big brother Kaido can not stop him!"

PS: There is one more shift, estimated to be around one o'clock.

Published in Qidian, July 22, 2019