Apophis vs Kaido

Strength is not enough, and the fruit comes together.

Doa Doa no Mi is almost certainly the most suitable ability for a strong person like Apophis with powerful attack and sensory perception.

In conjunction with the fruit ability, the already formidable and robust attack has become even more bizarre and elusive, as opposed to being in a weak physical body. The freedom to enter and exit the space door has more protection.

Together with the power of fear that Ring of Fear absorbs from the surrounding pirates, even against the Beasts Kaido, Apophis can fight.

"Again, Raimei Hakke!" Kaido rushed in furiously, and the ground he had trampled on instantly collapsed.

"Crimson - Haze!" Apophis swung his sword up with a dazzling blood-red and landed directly on the kanabo club.

As before, he was quickly knocked off his feet by the powerful force.

Then a black hole appeared in the path of Apophis backward flight to swallow him up.

Almost at seeing the black hole, Kaido will swing behind him with a single stroke.

However, Apophis was flying out of the top of his head this time.


The powerful slash sent Kaido flying instantly, and his tall body smashed headfirst into the ground.

Before Kaido could stand up from the crumbling ground, Apophis struck dozens of red slashes in front of him, and then they all fell on Kaido through space.


The ground that had collapsed most of the way exploded, burying Kaido's upside-down body completely.

"Kai, joking? Boss Kaido was actually suppressed by that Apophis?" The pirates hiding at the edge of Onigashima said incredulously.

"Just by having a fruit more, how can his strength become so much stronger?" Jack asked with wide eyes.

"Space-type fruit falls in the hands of ordinary people, may be worse than ordinary Paramecia system fruit, but obtained by a monster like Apophis, is absolutely nightmarish and terrifying!"

Ember said in a deep voice, "However, big brother Kaido will not be so easily defeated. Now just not able to adapt to the space class attack, when he reacts, the situation should also be able to reverse!"

Boom! Boom!

Dirt splattered, and a raging beast rushed out of the ground.

"This is, Dragon Man form?" Apophis pupils shrink slightly, seems to have thought of something, hurriedly back behind him.

Sure enough, the next moment is a blazing white column of light shot towards his original location.

It vaporized the soil, rocks, and trees along the route in an instant, and a few unlucky pirates, moreover, were indeed "vanished"!

At the moment, Kaido's hands have turned into incomparably sharp dragon claws, just slashing through the air, were able to hit a slashing wave comparable to the great swordsman.

Apophis raised his wrist, and Nidai Kitetsu counters upward and instantly knocked the slashing wave away.

"You guy's swordsmanship is indeed no worse than that bastard with the red hair." The half-dragon form of Kaido, which combines the strength of dragon and the dexterity of human, has appeared in front of Apophis with a flash of his body, "but it's still not enough, far from it!"

Two dragon claws swiftly swung down, emitting a sonic boom that tore through the air; Apophis straddled his chest, blocking the two sharp dragon claws.

Just then, a dragon tail swept in like a long whip and hit Apophis directly on the waist.

Then, a hot breath spurts out instantly.

The blazing white pillar of light pierced through heaven and earth, completely submerging Apophis' body.

The crowd of pirates had no time to be surprised to see their boss Kaido was once again blown away by the slash that suddenly appeared behind him.

"This guy's reaction is really a bit too fast!" Jack was appalled, "Could he really have responded without any delay?"

He did not expect that this man could fight with big brother Kaido to this extent.

"His will is indeed terrifyingly strong, after being hit by big brother Kaido, not even a grunt, instead of making a counterattack in a flash." Ember is also secretly appalled; it is impossible to completely block out the body's sense of pain in his place.

Apophis, on the other hand, is calmly using Seimei Kikan to repair his body. He is manipulating a dead person, so naturally, he does not feel any pain.

"That's awesome, you guy! How about it, want to come to the old man's ship?" Kaido came again, just now by the wounds chopped by Apophis is healing at speed visible to the naked eye.

Apophis was silent and directly cut out a dozen or so strokes of the red sword as a response.

"What use can such an attack be?" With a single rip of his dragon claws, Kaido shattered the slashing attack.

However, Apophis, standing in front of the blood-red in the sky after the scattering of the blood-red, disappeared from his sight.

"Not good!" Kaido was startled, and his right fist quickly struck behind him.

The black metallic luster of the fist and the sharp blade clashed together, instantly exploding a powerful wave through the air.

Because of the hasty punch, this time it was Kaido who got beat backward and forwards.

Apophis' form disappeared again, and this time, instead of rushing to throw a punch, Kaido closed his eyes and surrendered control of his body to his instincts.

The air ripples subtly and is captured by the physical hair on the surface.

Kaido's body instantly reacted with a mighty fist slammed on the blade of Nidai Kitetsu; even with Busoshoku Haki coverage, the blade is also bent to a certain extent.

At this level of combat, the sword of 21 O Wazamono is indeed somewhat inadequate.

Apophis's body flew backward like a cannonball.

"Hahahahaha! It seems that you bastard's fruit ability is not too difficult to deal with!" Kaido laughed out loud.

"Beast instinct?" Apophis whispered to himself.

For battle maniacs like Kaido, the physical instincts honed through battle after battle are relatively more reliable than Kenbunshoku Haki.

Almost simultaneously, the two figures collided again, both with explosive fists and blades that cut everything, turning the originally eerie and horrifying Onigashima into a ruin.

The battle continues.

Apophis gripped the hilt with both hands and swept forward violently, while Kaido surprisingly grabbed the blade directly with his dragon claws.

Even if the strong as Kaido, as usual, his hands were cut full of blood.

But he still grinned, "Gotcha!"

Less than half a meter apart, a hot breath shot out.

"Full Counter!"

Apophis foresaw the future and used two space gates to switch the heat target almost as soon as it was emitted.


The fierce heatwave drowned Kaido.

"Boss Kaido!"

"Brother Kaido!"

Surrounding pirates shouted in horror, even if the Boss Kaido suffered a big blow from himself, estimated that it would not be good!

However, Kaido's power once again surpassed their expectations.

"You bastard really gave me a big enough surprise!" Kaido's voice came out from the pillar of light.

The next moment, a naked and burnt black, and even the smell of meat Kaido came out.

"This is, a roasted dragon!" Many pirates swallowed their saliva.

"This is, dragon whip!" There are also many pirates, looking at the large size of Kaido beneath them, and a bold thought rises in their hearts.

"Is that enough to qualify?" Apophis asked in a cold voice.

"This ..." Kaido stammered for a rare moment, then said with wavering eyes, "Still have to try if you're durable enough to do it."

"Half a day, if not, I will go to Akagami or Whitebeard." Apophis said.

"Half a day will do!"

PS: I heard that even the great books had been sealed, the author bacteria have been in a small black room shivering, there is an idea in the heart, considering whether to say it ( ̄ ~  ̄).

Published in Qidian, July 22, 2019