The Legend Appears

"Do you know where the vanished pure gold is?" Doflamingo asked after calming down his excitement.

"I know." Apophis replied indifferently.

"With your strength, since you know the location how can you still need our help?" Doflamingo spotted the blind spot.

"The pure gold is just a bait; when the time comes, I am too busy closing the net to pay attention to it." Apophis' tone did not fluctuate, as if to him, pure gold was just something dispensable.

"This kind of thing that can make the Celestial Dragons go crazy is only a bait!" Doflamingo couldn't help but take a deep breath; he was also stunned by Apophis' masterplan!

Hancock, on the other hand, looked at Doflamingo with disdain. Apophis-sama is so powerful; isn't it normal to do anything?

What a world-weary!

"When the time comes, you put all the pure gold into this." Apophis made a stroke with his right hand, the void cracked, and he took out two exquisite small boxes from behind the space door.

"This is a ... space type fruit ability?" Sandersonia couldn't help but exclaim.

"His own strength has been incomparably strong, and now he has got this powerful fruit ..." Diamante's heart secretly horrified, "really dare not imagine what he is now strong to! "

"No wonder you are not at all worried about the response of the World Government of becoming Yonko..." Doflamingo laughed, "with your strength, plus the cooperation of this fruit, maybe all dare to sneak into Mariejois to kill someone, right?"

"With this kind of deterrent, the World Government can only watch you become the Yonko!"

Apophis calmly glanced at Doflamingo; in fact, he did not dare.

You know, the Holy Land has the existence of Imu that completely unknown depths, in the absence of absolute certainty, he naturally will not risk infiltrating into Mariejois.

Of course, he will show the fruit ability is actual as Doflamingo said, this is a message, if the World Government dares to provoke trouble, he will dare to rush into the Holy Land to kill the Celestial Dragons.

After all, he has always been the image of a madman in the eyes of outsiders; with the spatial ability added to the case, it makes sense that he would kill into Mariejois, right?

Moreover, Gorosei is not likely to alarm Imu because of one or two Celestial Dragons.

In this way, until the World Government is sure, he can rest assured that he can be Yonko.

These thoughts flashed through Apophis' mind, and he didn't bother to explain anything to Doflamingo, just handed the box to each of them.

"The bottom of this box is connected to my space, so when the time comes, as long as you put the pure gold in it, you won't have to worry about it being snatched away by others."

"Space ability, really ..." Doflamingo was lamenting, then heard Hancock said cheerfully.

"Apophis-sama, can this fit me in?"

"Ahem ..." Even Doflamingo was taken aback by this woman's clear thinking.

What kind of person's first reaction to seeing something like this is to put themselves in it?


Apophis was silent for a moment, then said, "The box is too small, after that I will come to your place to set up the portal."

"The portal ..." Doflamingo's eyes lit up, "If we can establish a three-way offensive and defensive alliance, then the connection between us can also be more hidden."

"No, even if you are not pervert, you can not be allowed to set foot on Amazon Lily." Hancock discontented beak, "In addition to the Apophis-sama, all the men who dare to enter Amazon Lily will be killed!"

The corners of Doflamingo's mouth twitched wildly; how did he become a pervert? This woman is sick, right?

"We'll talk about that later. You understand what I said before, right?" Apophis asked.


"I know what to do."


New World, Alola Sea.

The two pirates engaged in a fierce gangway battle.

"Damn newcomers, this is the territory of our Barudo Pirates." The one-eyed pirate captain roared.

"Well, not from today on!" The young pirate captain smiled as his hands turned into vines and wrapped around his opponent.

At that moment, a vast shadow enveloped the area where the two sides were fighting; many pirates, are stopping the battle to look to the sky.

Then there was the sound of the clash of weapons falling on the deck.

"Just kidding, right? Above our heads ... is an island?"

"I must be hallucinating, how can the island fly?"

"Wait, that's the glow of gold, could it be, this is the legendary Skypeia with endless treasures?"

"A ship made entirely of gold? That would have to be billions in exchange for berries, right?"

"Hahahaha! We're all going to be rich!"

Just when everyone's mind was captured by the arcane and golden glow of the floating island, a pirate finally shouted, "No, the island is falling!"


Boom! Boom! Boom!

Even with the warning, many people did not have time to jump into the sea, and then, they were directly crushed into the meat by the falling floating island.

The pirates who emerged from the sea, there was no time to grieve for those dead companions, their eyes completely attracted by the dazzling light.

In the end, most pirates go to sea for wealth.

This kind of gold that can almost buy a kingdom is placed in front of one's eyes; how can anyone not be tempted?

"Punch the duck, all this gold is mine!"

"Who dares to touch my gold?"

Before rushing to the floating island, these pirates once again fight to kill.

Even the side that initially was a fellow has forgotten its position.

Just then, disdainful voices came from the floating island.

"You didn't bring in the big fish with this gold, but you brought in a lot of trash."

"What, Captain Shiki is still afraid that these trash will spread the word?"

"What? Someone beat us to the punch?" The two pirates looked in the direction of the floating island with red eyes.

In their eyes, what appeared in their eyes was an old blond man with his legs replaced by swords and a rudder stuck in his head. Behind him was the masochist with his ears over his shoulders and his topless body.

"Kill them first, then divide the gold!"

"An old man and a pervert, kill them all!"

Among these pirates who were blinded by the gold, there were still a few who stayed awake.

"The floating island falling from the sky, Shiki... will not be wrong, this man is definitely the legendary sea pirate, the Flying Pirate Shiki!" The one-eyed pirate captain is almost trembling; as a person who came from that era, he naturally knows how terrifying this man like a lion ghost.

"What nonsense are you talking about, you bastard? I will be afraid of them?" The golden lion kicked out lightly, and the pale golden slash cut through the sea, instantly cutting those pirates who were drowned by greed into flesh.

The few people who survived were also scared silly and swam out like crazy.

Shiki didn't care; he just laughed and said, "Let those remaining wastes, go and announce the arrival of the old man!"

Soon, a message spread across the sea.

The legendary sea pirate Shiki, descend to the New World!

Published in Qidian, July 24, 2019