Legendary Level Great Pirate Power

Marine Headquarters, Marineford.

"What's going on here? Didn't we say that a floating island fell in the waters of Paroda? Why did it go to the New World again?" Sengoku asked, rubbing his head.

"This ... I do not know ah ...," said the aggrieved marine who reported the news.

"Forget it, you go down first."


"Tsuru-chan, what do you think?" Sengoku asked as he stepped aside.

"Shiki is a thoughtful person who escaped from Impel Down and did not immediately retaliate, but dormant for ten years, which is enough to show that he is engaged in a plot that could turn the world upside down!"

Vice-Admiral Tsuru underestimated the influence of rudder on Shiki and said in a heavy tone, "And his sudden appearance now is likely that the planning has been completed!"

"But why would he appear in the New World? If it's to retaliate against us, the Four Seas and Paradise are the best options, right?" Sengoku frowned, known as The Resourceful General; he also wholly unable to see through the man's thoughts.

"The strangest thing is that he didn't leave again after he landed in the Alola sea, could it be that there is some secret in that sea?" Vice-Admiral Tsuru was also a bit puzzled.

"Anyway, it's always a good thing when he shows up in the New World, so that we at least don't have to worry about stopping him from doing too much damage to the existing order." Sengoku said with a slight nod.

"That's true, but we also need to strengthen the vigilance. Because of his appearance, there are already many pirates in the New World with unknown movements."

"I understand, I'll contact Sakazuki immediately."

"He's alone, so it's probably not very safe."

"Don't worry, Longinus and Issho will be along for the ride."

"With the three of them around, there is indeed no need to worry."


"It's been two days, how come there's still no movement at all?" Shiki flew up and down grumpily, "Are you sure this golden boat can really lure the lantern fish out?"

"Gold is not pure gold after all, the attraction to lantern fish may not be so great!" Eneru shrugged his shoulders and said.

"So we're just going to keep waiting?"

"Wait another day! Or if it doesn't work, go catch some Fishman to help us lure it out."

"If you ask me, it would be better to catch the Fishman in the first place." Shiki also did not put the death of the Fishman on his mind. "By the way, those pirates outside are you looking for?"

"Since Captain Shiki is going to re-form the Golden Lion Pirates, there can't be just a few of us, right?" Eneru spread his hands and smiled, "I just put the news out in advance, those pirates were attracted by the reputation of you, Captain Shiki!"

"Jihahahaha! It seems that the might of the old man will not be forgotten even after ten years have passed!"

Just then, a roar came from outside the island.

"Shiki, get the hell out of here!"

Shiki, who was laughing wildly, had an instantly gloomy and somewhat frightening face.

"Humph! Come out with me and see."

On the Merveille Islands, those giant beasts of various sizes are now shivering and shrinking aside.

The ones who occupied these islands became pirates who exuded a fierce and wild atmosphere.

Although those giant beasts are powerful and fierce, compared with the New World pirates, they can only be considered docile bunnies.

Now, these pirates are watching with interest this scene that is happening on the island.

"After disappearing for ten years, it is hard to say whether the current Shiki is still the flying pirate that we know!"

"Hey! Among us pirates who have come to join him, those who sincerely intend to submit should not even be one tenth!"

"He was old and had cut off both his legs when he escaped from Impel Down, a lion so old that his teeth and paws had fallen off was indeed nothing to be afraid of at all!"

"The guy who wants to challenge him is not a simple character either, the sea pirate 'Fortress' Charlos who has a reward of seven hundred and fifty million berries."

Soon, Shiki and his three newly admitted cadres all appeared in sight.

Standing opposite him was a man wearing a black and white checkered coat, bare-chested and looking somewhat slouchy.

Not very old should be less than thirty.

"So you're Shiki, old man?" Charlos asked, cocking his head.

"You impolite brat, are you here to courting death?" Shiki's face was not good; he punched him in the face just after pretending, he naturally was not in too good a mood.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm only here today to take your head off." Charlos smiled faintly, "If I can trample you, a sea pirate of the old days, under my feet, maybe I can become a Yonko too!"

"Want my head? How dare you kid say that!"

"I'm not the only one who wants it, all the pirates here want it!" Charlos let out a loud laugh, "I am merely, saying what these cowards are afraid to say."

"How about it, Shiki, you still have the strength to fight, right?"

"You arrogant brat is really annoying, since you want to die so badly, then I will satisfy your request." Shiki raised its right leg, and a vast golden slashing wave instantly flew towards the other party.

"Barrier!" Charlos folded the index and middle fingers of his hands, and an invisible barrier surprisingly appeared in front of his body to block Shiki's slashing attack.

"Bari Bari no Mi?" With Shiki's insight, he naturally recognized the other party's ability at a glance.

"That's right, a barrier that can withstand all attacks ..." Charlos smiled confidently, "is the nemesis of you swordsmen!"

Many of the pirates watching the battle are gloomy, "Charlos's absolute defense is a completely insurmountable ability."

The pirates who followed Charlos were also waving their flags, "The captain's defense is number one in the world!"

Shiki, on the other hand, looked odd, "Absolute defense? Swordsman's nemesis? Do I need to tell you how the last person who ate this fruit died?"

"Hmm?" Charlos's face changed slightly, "What do you mean?"

"He was just sliced into pieces by the old me with a slashing attack!" Shiki's face was fierce as both legs quickly danced, "Shishi - Senjindani!"

"The same fruit in the hands of different people will be completely different ..." Charlos did not even finish his sentence before he was blown away by dozens of golden slashing waves converging into a storm.

The ground of the island, too, leaving a crisscross of gullies and canyons.

"How is it possible? How is it possible that my absolute defense could be broken?" The blood-soaked Charlos staggered to his feet and once again made a gesture to activate his ability, "Try this move again, O Barrier Ball..."


Once again, Charlos was blown away, and this time, he was no longer in one piece.

It tore the whole person into hundreds of pieces of flesh in mid-air; the scene was extremely bloody and cruel.

Surrounded by those crazy pirates who advocate Charlos only felt a chill all over, the reward of 750 million berries of sea pirates, but only three or two efforts to become "scum"!

Is this the power of legendary level sea pirates?

PS: Group No. 569704696, verification password is "boring", by the way, the establishment of this book, if the book is unfortunately sealed, the author bacteria will never be eunuch, on the group upload are going to finish the book \ ( ̄︶ ̄) /. It is my commitment as a man! The actual group does not matter, just in case ( ̄ ▼  ̄).

Published in Qidian, July 24, 2019