A Devastating Defeat

Shiki that can barely use shoku Haki are weak?

Not weak at all, or instead, his weakness is relative.

Shiki, in its prime, can still destroy half of the Marine Headquarters under the joint efforts of Garp and Sengoku before being arrested.

The closest man to the Pirate King is not an empty phrase.

Therefore, after seeing the power of Shiki, most of these admiring pirates gave up their initial thoughts.

In the hearts of many pirates, the idea of following Shiki even arose.

It is not Shiki overbearing, but the current environment of the New World due as a result.

Most of the pirates who enter the New World have only two ways to go.

One is to join Sanko's banner; the second is to survive in the three-way situation between the narrow seams.

However, Sanko has their forces; they joined halfway in, at best, as subordinate pirates in existence.

As for surviving in the narrow seams, it's even more challenging.

New world with a little value of the land will choose to hang the flag of Sanko, so they naturally do not dare to plunder, and finally can only compete with other pirates for those barren lots.

To put it bluntly, most of them are worse off than when they were in Paradise, where the Marine dominated.

Seeing Shiki, who can be described as a patron saint who proved his strength, the idea of taking part in the competition has risen in the minds of many people.

"Shiki-sama is number one in the world!"

"Shiki-sama is the man who will become the Pirate King!"

"Shiki-sama, please let us follow you!"

Shiki nodded in satisfaction, incredibly pleased with a specific statement interspersed with the call.

"Jihahahaha! Let this mild age feel the terror of pirates!" Shiki laughed, "All of you, join me in party!"

Soon, Merveille Islands resounded with the laughter of pirates.

"Boss Shiki, will this be our home base from now on?" A pirate asked.

"Idiot! Old me is ... flying pirates Shiki, old me base, how can it be at sea?" Shiki said, slightly drunk.

"Then why did you land the floating island to this sea, Captain?" A pirate questioned the doubts in his mind.

"For ... pure gold-burps, of course!" The golden lion spews out a mist of wine.

"Pure gold, is the legendary pure gold that can give humans eternal life?" Many pirates stunned, drunkenness wholly dissipated.

"As long as you follow the old man, pure gold ... will be available to everyone, Jihahahaha!" Shiki laughed.

These pirates are all thinking in their hearts, but their mouths are cheering.

"Boss Shiki is too powerful!"

"Always follow Captain-sama!"

Just then, an indifferent voice came from outside the palace.

"Shiki, come out."

The palace was silent for a moment, then burst into a roar of laughter.

"Hahahahahaha! There's another one coming to die!"

"There are even idiots like Charlos now?"

Shiki also laughed, "Go, go out and kill!"

Soon, Shiki and a group of pirates all came outside the palace.

At the moment, the bloodstains from Charlos's earlier were not even rinsed.

"Now, for the next victim ..." The pirate who rushed at the forefront came to full consciousness with a jolt the moment he saw the other side and stammered, "You, you, you are ..."

"You idiot drink so much that you can't even speak? Let me see what this guy is ..." The pirate who followed him just happened to meet the scarlet-red-as-blood gaze, his body went limp, and he sat down directly on the ground.

For these pirates, the unpredictable Apophis is as scary as Kaido, or even a more frightening character than Kaido.

At least, Kaido will not actively kill the weak, except, of course, the unlucky ones involved in the battle.

But Apophis is a butcher in the true sense of the word, especially when it comes to killing those slavers, killing without restriction that really won't even spare cannon fodder.

When they saw Apophis, the first reaction of these pirates is, have I bought and sold people before?

Shiki is hugely dissatisfied; he has always looked down on those timid and cowardly pirates, "You trash, you are not qualified to be the old man."

"No, Boss Shiki." A pirate boldly reminded, "The person who came this time is not at all in the same class as Charlos!"

Next to the pirates are also have echoed, "Yes! After Apophis killed nine Celestial Dragons, even the World Government could not do anything to him!"

"Kill the Celestial Dragons? Jihahahaha! This guy is indeed something!" The Golden Lion asked with interest, "What else?"

"And there's ... even the Holy Lance Longinus and Akagami Shanks can't beat him!"

"What Longinus or Shanks, the old man has not even heard of." Although Shiki has seen Shanks on Roger's ship, he will not remember this kind of minor character with his character.

"Anyway, in short, this guy is super powerful, Boss Shiki, you must be careful!"

These pirates are naturally not worried about the safety of Shiki; they are just thinking about the promises made by Shiki.

Something like pure gold, of course, they want it.

"What kind of powerful person can come out of such mild times?" Shiki said impatiently, then floated up.

"Take off your mask, so you don't die without knowing who you are."

Apophis kept silent and just looked at each other quietly like this.

Just as Shiki was feeling irritated by this inexplicable gaze, finally, Apophis spoke up.

"Let me see your swordsmanship."

This superior attitude instantly enraged Shiki.

"Who are you talking to, you son of a bitch?" Shiki kicked with both legs and opened a big move directly, "Shishi - Senjindani!"

"Red- Crescent Moon!"

Apophis eyelids lowered, the demon sword in his hand cut out at great speed, and the red and demonic blade flew out with an invincible force.

The pale gold slashed wave was almost shattered at the first touch when it met the red blade.

Then, in the eyes of everyone who did not dare to believe, he just blew the legendary level of the sea pirate Shiki away with a strong slash.

Crystal beads of blood splashed in the air.

Apophis was indifferent; he was not surprised by such a result.

Shiki's swordsmanship is very strong and can be ranked among the top three among the people he has seen.

But that in no way means that Shiki can match him with a slashing blow kicked by both legs.

If even this kind of swordsmanship was capable of fighting him, it meant that Shiki's swordsmanship was at least one level above his.

And this scene fell in the eyes of others, but almost like the sky and earth.

Once another man with just one slash defeated the closest man to the Pirate King, Shiki, the sea pirates' legendary level.

The process of this defeat was almost as simple as Shiki's previous strike on Charlos.

It is simply not like the same level of combat.

Is Shiki obsolete by the times, or is Apophis already too strong for them to understand?

Published in Qidian, July 25, 2019