Awakening - The Real Shiki

"Are you kidding? How can I, how can I be defeated by a guy like you?" The voice of extreme anger resounded through the heavens and the earth, and the golden slashes flew like a storm converging.

It is the counterattack made by Shiki.

This time, the golden storm was more than ten times stronger than when it killed Charlos before, and the sharpened sword aura was almost overwhelming.

"Aren't they really ability users? Swordsmen, how can they be so powerful?"

"Run, you'll be killed if you get caught in the wave!"

"That's too bad, Golden Lion! You're still so weak that one can't bring up the battle spirit at all." The red light of scarlet flashed in Apophis' eyes, and with a backhand slash, a scarlet slash instantly flew out.

Compared to the golden slash of the sky, the slash that Apophis struck with his hand seemed small and powerless.

However, it was this small and feeble slash that destroyed the storm.

Shiki's body, once again, was knocked out.

The pirates who were preparing to run for their lives stopped in their tracks. The attack that looked like a natural disaster was just destroyed?

What Apophis said, moreover, made most of the pirates doubt up life.

Shiki is called weak? Then what are we?

Garbage Trash or Scum?

Just then, the ground trembled and surprisingly tumbled and surged as if it had life.

"You bastard, go to hell for the old man! Shishi Odoshi - Gosho Chimaki!"

The surging ground condensed into dozens of huge lion's heads then opened their bloody mouths and tore wildly at Apophis, who was surrounded in the middle.

Surrounding pirates are either fleeing for their lives or plunged into the muddy, swampy ground.

"Boss Shiki, calm down! We're still here!"

"Cheat, right? How can a battle of this level be possible for a human to do?"

"Shiki, is this your last resort? It's really, really disappointing!" Apophis shook his head; Fuwa Fuwa no Mi is powerful but more potent in a strategic sense.

At their level of combat, Fuwa Fuwa's positioning should be more on the support side, with flexible mobility with powerful swordsmanship, which is the source of Shiki's power.

But now, Shiki used the support into the product, against weak people is okay, against the same level of his character, it is practically busted.

The threat to him is even far less than the initial slash wave.

Apophis swiveled in place, and then there were dozens of crescent-shaped slashes flying around.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The lion's head made of ground broke one by one, and the seemingly powerful attack was unable to give Apophis even a semblance of trouble.

Shiki, hidden behind the ground, was also blown away again by the furious wave of air.

Those pirates who have escaped death are falling limp on the ground, "Finally saved ..."

Boom! Boom!

A cloud of restless magma suddenly fell from the sky and burned those pirates who were celebrating directly into ashes.

"Akainu! Sakazuki!" The surrounding pirates shouted in shock and anger.

As the most active marine in the New World, Akainu was naturally recognized for the first time.

"A bunch of scum!" Even in the nest of pirates in the New World, Akainu is still not half afraid.

His position never changes because of the outside world.

A group of pirates grimace but is still silently backward; many pirates also hold the floating wood, hiding in the surrounding waters.

Such characters as Akainu obviously can not be for them to come before the pirates were killed, most likely because of the "incidental" reason.

Sure enough, the next moment, they saw Akainu with a cold face striding forward.

Apophis and Shiki also stopped fighting, with such strong people on the sidelines, which is not a reassuring thing.

It is especially true when the other party does not hide their malice.

"You're the magma brat who followed Sengoku?" Shiki said with displeasure, "You're the only one? Is that how Sengoku belittles the old man?"

Who knows, Akainu's attitude is even worse than his, "I didn't expect you to be wasteful to this extent already, it seems that Sengoku-san's worries were completely unnecessary."

With that, Akainu turned her gaze to Apophis, "Compared to that old guy who's outdated, it's people like you who are the biggest threat to the headquarters and the government!"

Shiki was so angry that every hair on his body was trembling, "You, you brats are really ..."

Then, accompanied by a dragon roar, a colossal body from the clouds peeked out of the corner.

Then a demonic god-like figure jumped down from the sky.

Like meteorite had fallen to the ground, the whole floating island was shaking, and he smashed the ground and made a vast crater.

"Beasts Kaido!" The pirates floating in the surrounding waters let out a feeble groan; what's going on today?

Shiki, Apophis, Akainu, Kaido, one by one, the big names appear here. Is this going to trigger the pace of world war?

"Sakazuki!" A roar came from the giant pit, and then Kaido jumped up from the bottom of the hole.

Even if there are three top sea pirates just around, Sakazuki is not half afraid, just calmly asked, "Your target is me?"

"Three months ago, you can not forget what the marine did to me, right?" Kaido roared.

"So it's the matter of the Wano." Sakazuki knew clearly in his heart that he was taking the blame for Longinus.

But his heart still doesn't have even the slightest fluctuation; people who go against justice should be destroyed; it doesn't matter who the other party is.

Therefore, Sakazuki just said coldly, "I am not forgetting, how about you, do you need me to refresh your memory?"

"It's for you to remember the terror of the old man, Raimei Hakke!" Kaido carried the kanabo club and rushed towards the opponent with great speed.

"A scum like you who doesn't go by the right path doesn't have any value to speak about." Sakazuki's right arm melted into magma and punched out like a volcanic eruption, "Go to the garbage heap while you can, Dai Funka!"

The moment the two collided, the fierce hot airwaves rolled around wildly. First, the ground cracked like a spider web, and then the surrounding seawater is boiling.

Apophis also seems to forget the battle with Shiki, surprisingly, stand aside to watch the fight between Akainu and Kaido.

"It's ironic that I would be looked down upon by these brats." Shiki laughed to himself, "Now that I think about it, the old man was indeed a complete failure after that battle!"

"How ridiculous to say that pulling out the rudder would put your life in danger! As a pirate, I would let the mark of shame remain on my body for such ridiculous reasons."

As Shiki spoke, his right hand touched the top of his head.

"Shiki, what do you want to do?" Apophis noticed the movement of his opponent.

"Captain Shiki, he is going to ..." The pirate who floated in the sea also looked at the scene in horror.

"I am, however, Shiki!"

With a roar, Shiki fiercely pulled out the rudder on his head, his left hand slashed down to his body, and the two famous swords that got had fused with his legs were ripped off.

A bloody, violent and shocking scene!

Published in Qidian, July 25, 2019