Giant Lantern Fish Appear

"Apophis-san, next, let me be your opponent!" Issho leaned on his staff sword and walked towards the aura sensed by Kenbunshoku with a smile.

"I've never heard of you, but this powerful aura doesn't lie." Apophis said blandly.

"It's my first time at sea, so I'm inevitably a little nervous." Issho smiled and drew his staff knife; a purple circle of light rushed up to the sky, "So, does Apophis-san mind if I make the battle a little bigger?"

Apophis looked up slightly, "You've got more than a little bit of a big battle going on."

Don't say those ordinary pirates can't understand the two's behaviour; even Doflamingo and Hancock are a little confused.

"What was the Marine thinking? To let a blind man to block Apophis-sama?" Diamante asked in disbelief.

"Although I have not paid attention to this guy either, but ..." Doflamingo mused, "from the attitude of Longinus and Apophis, this blind man is only afraid... ... fuck! What's that?"

After seeing the real face of the enormous shadow that suddenly appeared in the sky, a cold sweat seeped out from the forehead of Doflamingo, "A meteorite fell from the sky? It seems that the Marine Corps has really come up with a great guy!"

Looking at the meteorite falling from the sky, those pirates, even the soul, is trembling.

"Just kidding, right? The ability to manipulate meteorites?"

"Another monster among monsters!"

The meteorite size is enormous, almost comparable to the island at the feet of the crowd.

But he did not do that but indifferently and breathlessly slashed out towards the sky.

"This is ... Zushi Zushi no Mi?" Shiki also froze for a moment before disdainfully striking an "X"-shaped golden slash towards the sky, "but I'm tired of playing the same routine."

"This indiscriminate attack is quite a mess!" Longinus sighed as a shockwave struck toward the sky.

Akainu and Kaido also paused briefly, each striking a magma and heat breath.

The result of the convergence of five such powerful attacks was that the vast meteorite was naturally pierced in an instant.

Even directly crushed into pieces.

Seeing this scene of pirates can not help but again dumbfounded, that kind of attack comparable to the natural disaster so quickly gone?

They couldn't help but sigh. Is this a mutual test between the big guys?

They can't afford to mess with it.

"Shiki, it's been ten years since you broke out of Impel Down, now, it's time to send you back again!" Longinus said squarely.

"Take me back? Are all the brats nowadays so arrogant?" Shiki said with dissatisfaction.

Among those present and the masked man of unknown size, depending on the face, it is clear that this marine is the youngest.

And it's a generation or even two generations younger than the others.

Shiki assumed that the other party's strength should also be the bottom of the group's existence.

"Whether it's arrogance or not, you'll know if you try it."

Almost as soon as the words fell, Longinus disappeared.

"So fast!" Shiki's pupils contracted fiercely, and his body instinctively turned his twin swords sideways in front of him.

The dark ink-like fist struck the part where Oto and Kogarashi crossed, and the powerful wave of air swept around like a ripple.

Then, Shiki was thrown out.

"Speed, strength, all above me, or rather, it's the outburst of this body of his that is far stronger than me!" Shiki steadied his body and thought with incomparable scorn, "And ... his defense that is so strong that it doesn't make sense!"

"Even if covered with Busoshoku Haki, using the right hand to catch my attack hard is really too much!"

This raging gesture reminds him of the man who once imprisoned him in Impel Down - Garp!

"Really powerful, even in this physical state also can hurt me, really worthy of the man who has suppressed Roger several times!" Longinus looked at the wounds on the finger bones and sighed from the bottom of his heart.

If he hadn't gone hunting a while ago and advanced his body strength a lot again, he would have been only afraid to take on a great top-level swordsman like Shiki.

In the opinion of Longinus, the current him, except for not lasting longer than Kaido, in terms of strength and speed, will be even stronger than Kaido even in the human form dragon.

Of course, the real strength of the strong is also limited, and Kaido should also be 50-50 or 60-40 like that.

"Kid, are you being sarcastic to the old man?" Shiki was naturally furious since when could striking through the defence be a compliment to a swordsman?

"I would not be so vicious, although pirates like you have nothing to pity, but as a symbol of that era once, let you die with dignity will probably be the best end."

Longinus' body emitted a fried bean-like burst, then took a deep breath and said, "You can stop going back to Impel Down because I will execute you here on the spot!"

"You kid is really an interesting marine, but ..." Shiki eyes snapped open, his blonde hair danced without wind, some dried body is once again bulging, "do not look down on the old era of pirates, bastard!"

"Shishi - Senjindani!"

The golden radiant sword aura filled almost every corner between the sky and the sea.

The sky tears apart, and the sea separates.

Any existence blocking the front of the slashing wave is instantly disintegrated into the tiniest particle state.

"This shocking scene really gave me a big enough surprise!" Longinus whispered and mobilized all Busoshoku Haki of his whole body as well, "Rokushiki Ogi - Rokuogan!"

The same shockwave that pierced through heaven and earth struck out from Longinus' hand.

Blows and slashes collide violently.

Boom! Rumble! Rumble!

Like a sinking thunder in the common ears, many pirates are painful to cover the ears, but there is still blood flowing from the fingers.

Heck, even the eardrums are ruptured and directly deaf.

Powerful waves rushed around, forming a series of water tornadoes on the surface of the sea; these tornadoes seem to be a bridge between the sky and the sea, a powerful wave circling the two, the two standing facing each other as the gods of the sea.

Many of the unlucky pirates were caught in the storm and fell when they lost their human form.

This fierce encounter brought the other two battlefields to a halt.

"It's terrifying! Even if you can't see, you can sense how violent the exchange between them is!" Issho said with a sigh.

"That old lion, he really doesn't even want to live?" Akainu, on the other hand, frowned darkly.

Just then, the sea tumbled and surged violently.

A group of pirates restrained the painful look on their faces and reluctantly looked down towards them.

However, this glance almost scared them even lost their souls.

They were drifting in the sea, holding the driftwood, and surprisingly, there was a substantial incomparable black shadow below the surface of that sea.

This appalling size is even far more enormous than the large Sea King class before.

"What is this monster, help!"

"Run away, this is a giant beast that exists only in legends!"

Then, the vast shadow gradually surfaced, even if only the body was exposed to the sea; it put dozens of islands together that large.

The crowd finally got a good look; it was a giant lantern fish.

What is even more bizarre is that it also shines with a bright and dazzling light in its lantern.

Published in Qidian, July 26, 2019