Everybody Here Is Trash

In stark contrast to the wild and frightening sea is the main island of Merveille, which has almost been sunk.

The six people on the island are either calm and collected or smiling peacefully, for this almost comparable to the continent's giant beast without half a panic.

"It seems that a big guy has appeared." Issho's staff blade in his hand rose slightly, and a purple aura faintly bloomed, as if he wanted to summon down a meteorite from the sky to smash the giant beast directly to death.

"It's too rude, smashing it into mincemeat will make me lose my appetite." Apophis, who was standing across from Issho, said blandly, "Still, slicing is better."

"Pirates are really a bunch of trash, how can they be afraid of this kind of sea beast?" Akainu naturally will not let go of any opportunity to hit the pirates while talking trash, while raising the right arm that turned into magma.

"You bastard, who are you calling trash?" Kaido yelled in anger, "This kind of fish is a matter of a mouthful of dragon's breath for the old man!"

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not aiming at you, I'm just saying that all the pirates here are trash!"

The pirates who were fleeing in panic couldn't help but fall into bewilderment again; this kind of creature beyond imagination is so weak in the eyes of the big guys?

Smashed, burned, sprayed, and even sliced and eaten directly, which is too brutal, right?

Just as the crowd was feeling emotional, a lazy voice rang out over the sea.

"I know that it's not that hard to kill this giant lantern fish for you big shots, but think carefully, once you kill it here, the pure gold may have to sink into the ocean forever!"

The one who speaks naturally is Eneru; after the arrival of Longinus, he will quietly use Gloam Paddling to smelt and purify the bottom of the gold ship that sank in the sea.

Although it cannot emit light like real pure gold, it can reflect the light from underlying light sources that shine on the gold better.

And this resulted in several pirates near them sinking into the sea with twitching hands and feet.

The good thing is that the island's battle attracts the other pirates, but no one found Eneru's small movements.

"Pure gold?" Akainu whispered, and even he knew the value and significance of such things.

If he snatches it and gives it to the government, it might also make his future actions less constrained.

"Sounds like some fun!" Kaido's eyes shone like a bear who had seen a new and strange toy.

"Pure gold, what is that?" Yixiao then asked in disbelief.

Although he had been actively learning about the movements of the outside world during the three months he had been away from the Wano, such legends that had disappeared for two hundred years would naturally not be within his field of knowledge.

However, listening to others' reactions, this pure gold seems to be quite precious.

"Legend says that a treasure that can give humans eternal life." Apophis replied succinctly.

"What? How can such a thing exist?" Even with Issho's heart, he couldn't help but have his heart and soul shaken when he heard such news.

Apophis is silent and continues to maintain a high and cool persona.

Issho did not care but just shook his head and sighed, "This outside sea is really too exciting than the Wano!"

"I'm not lying to you, otherwise, why do you think we're staying here for two days?" Eneru chuckled.

"So, what do I have to do to get the pure gold?" A pirate couldn't help but ask.

"This still need to say? Of course it was ..." said Eneru with a perverted general maniacal laugh, "eaten by it, Yahahaha!"

"What? It' s eaten?" The surrounding pirates instantly stirred up.

Eaten by such a giant beast, and then probably come out as excrement.

"Actually, it doesn't matter if these trash dare to go in." Eneru turned to look at the six people on the sea island, "As long as you don't make a move to kill it."

While speaking, because of the long-term exposure to pure gold light and the body's movements slowed down, the giant lantern fish ... finally opened its bloody mouth to swallow the sea in one gulp.

The six people on the island remained silent, but the collected aura had already indicated their inner thoughts.

For them, even if they are swallowed, there will not be much danger, whether it is true or not; they will know the result when they go to try it for themselves.

As for those who are either floating in the sea or standing in the pirates' ship, after some thought, surprisingly, not many people choose to escape from the vast lantern fish swallowed range.

No greed, no desire, then what kind of pirate?

Even if the chances are small, they still want to put up a fight.

As long as those six bigwigs obstruct each other, they are not entirely hopeless.

"First Apophis suppressed Shiki, then the battle between Kaido and Akainu, and then even Longinus and that unknown powerhouse appeared!"

Standing on a pirate ship, the big fat bird incomparably excitable taking pictures, "six top battle power appeared at the same time in this strange sea, and now, even the pure gold that disappeared for two hundred years is actually mentioned!"

"After today, the name of the Alola sea is estimated to be as famous as the Edd War sea, and my name, Morgans, will spread across the sea as well as this big news!"

Facing the abyssal mouth as if it were a black hole, the big fat bird did not have any fear and trembling, just excited "cackle" like a maniacal laugh.

Eventually, the pirates who appeared in these waters and the crumbling island were swallowed by the giant lantern fish in one gulp.

Then, it swam to the deep sea contentedly.

Like drifting, the crowd entered the oesophagus through the throat of the giant lantern fish and finally slid back to the stomach.

The light from the lantern of the giant lantern fish is so intense that it can penetrate the body and shine into the stomach, so what the people saw after the fall was not darkness.

"Ah! What is this, it hurts so hot!"

"Help, who will save ... me ..."

The pirates, who were unlucky enough to fall into the stomach acid, almost instantly dissolved with their bones!

Lantern fish have three giant stomachs, each with many islands, which flow between the islands, naturally these extremely corrosive gastric fluids.

Without the ability to fly, or a strong enough ship, they can only wait silently for death in this giant stomach.

The good thing is, most of these New World pirates are not weak; even if they do not have methods of flight, the short-term stagnant jump can still do.

Moreover, compared to falling into the stomach fluid, they prefer not to stay where they are; who knows if they will be killed by several big guys' indiscriminate attacks in the next moment?

After reflecting, these pirates are each showing their skills to escape to the surrounding islands.

"Shiki, where do you want to go?" Longinus stepped in front of Shiki.

"Hmm? You're not going to go for pure gold?" Shiki frowned slightly.

"It's too much trouble; just go grab it at the end." Longinus' voice rang out.

Hearing Longinus' voice, several people's eyes lit up slightly.

Indeed, the place is guarded; whoever gets the pure gold will have to go out with their consent in the end.

As a big shot, you should be so arrogant!

Published in Qidian, July 27, 2019