Investiture and Speech

Two days passed quickly, so the grand celebration began to descend.

First, more than 30,000 elite soldiers around the square, then the various forces to observe the people step in one after another. Finally, one after another, with the justice coat of the Marine comes into the view of the crowd. It pushed the atmosphere of the scene to the climax.

"Look, that's Commodore Drake and Commodore Hiyori!"

"Over here, over here, that's Rear Admiral Dalmatian!"

"That's Rear Admiral Gion, who is known as the flower of the Marine Corps!"

"Ahhhhh! It's Vice-Admiral Longinus, the Light of the Navy!"

"It's appeared! The high-spirited(?) Vice Admiral Kuzan, the lewd Vice Admiral Borsalino, and the strong Vice Admiral Sakazuki!"

"It's the Iron Triangle of the last era, Vice Admiral 'Hero' Garp, Admiral 'Black Arm' Zephyr, and Admiral 'The Resourceful General' Sengoku! "

Due to specific mid and high-level combat power, Longinus entered the call to overwhelm the back.

This scene was spread to the whole world by the projection of Den Den Mushi's image in the square.

Onboard the Red Force;

"This guy, is there such a high reputation for hailing?" Akagami said with displeasure.

Beckman naturally knew who the redhead was upset with and said blandly, "Because he's handsome enough."

Akagami choked and said in defiance, "He's just plain handsome, isn't he?"

Lucky Roux smiled and said, "Boss, you can't just look at him alone, this kind of thing, you have to compare them."

"Compare?" Akagami subconsciously looked around towards Longinus; in front of the five officials are a misaligned Tokikake, a shadowy-eyed Onigumo, and a skull bulge Strawberry.

In the back are the ugly haircut Aokiji, a lecherous Kizaru, and the dead-faced regular Akainu.

"Hiss!" Akagami can not help but be stunned, "When you say so, it seems to be true."

After walking across the square, he came to the front.

Kong, who got had promoted to World Government Commander-in-Chief, was waiting there.

"... In the past ten years, the Marine Corps has made glorious achievements, but we will not be satisfied, as long as evil is not destroyed, the Marine Corps will keep on fighting ..."

After a big passionate speech, Sengoku with four bright stars patterned on both shoulders of the Admiral's shoulder badge was removed and replaced with a fleet admiral's shoulder badge with a seagull logo.

The pirates' world does not have any detailed shoulder badge division; it was proposed by Longinus in the parade five years ago and only gradually implemented.

Then, it was followed by age to Borsalino, Sakazuki, Kuzan, and Longinus to change the shoulder badge that was part of the admiral.

When Sengoku stepped past Kuzan to Longinus, the world in front of the screen was again in uproar. They would not have known in advance that Longinus had been given the rank of admiral.

"Just kidding, right? Four admirals?"

"This is a special case that hasn't been seen in a hundred years!"

"Four admirals, that's an unprecedentedly strong military force!"

"You're lying, right? How can I still go to sea in this situation?"

The marine force has not changed, just from one active admiral, into four active admirals, so that the entire sea people cheered and let those pirates who are eager to go to the sea began to retreat.

It is the Admiral of the Marine Headquarters, the world's highest war power deterrent; this deterrent is a strong suppression of the Admiral, coupled with the World Government's propaganda spared no effort to create.

Onboard the Moby Dick.

"Twenty-four-year-old admiral, Gurararara, that kid is really exaggerated!" Whitebeard said while drinking and watching the image.

"Four admirals, it seems that the World Government also began to fear the New World chaos!" Marco's face is a little gloomy.

"Marco, do not say those spoilers." Jozu raised his glass and cheered, "Let's all thank the youngest admiral in history, if it wasn't for him, we wouldn't have been able to discover the golden piece that is Brother Teach!"

"It's the black gold that's right!" Vista teased.

"Zehahahaha!" Teach barely laughed.

During this moment of work, the investiture in the film of light has long been completed; the fleet admiral is beginning his inaugural speech.

"... only justice, should prevail in this world, our belief is, Reigning Justice, all pirates should be swept into the dust of history ..."

"When did this guy so arrogant?" Garp stood below and muttered in a small voice.

Next, there was a speech by Borsalino.

"... justice is order, order is the rules, only resolutely resist theft, murder, robbery overtime such rule-breaking behavior ..."

Fleet Admiral Sengoku was almost so angry that his face turned a little purple. Fortunately, the people did not understand what kind of person was giving the speech, nodded thoughtfully, and did not find anything strange mixed into the vernacular.

Sakazuki: "... justice cannot shrink, there is no compromise, as long as the enemies of justice should all be destroyed!"

Sengoku nodded gratefully; although he did not entirely agree with Akainu such an extreme concept, this speech has been too much better than some monkey.

Kuzan:"... hold fast to justice can not violate their own heart, and the meaning of the marine's existence is, is that something, that something right? Arara, suddenly forgot what I want to say, skipped this paragraph ha ..."

Sengoku felt a pain in the chest, bastard, this is a speech for the whole world!

This kind of slack, maybe the public will think it is this session of the incompetent Marine!

The good thing is that the people in front of the light and shadow did not think this way, only believed that the admiral was still a little cute.

It is the benefit of status!

If it is a small person in this world-class speech blunder, most people will laugh and despise, but replaced with the Marine's Admiral, such a big man in question, they, in turn, feel that Aokiji is earthly, not pretentious.

Finally, Longinus began his speech: "... When justice is done in the world, every corner is heaven ..."

This moment, the initiative was given to the pure good side, in Kenbunsoku's "speech" triggered, as if each sentence can be straight to the soul.

Sengoku nodded his head in satisfaction. Fortunately, there is Longinus to wrap up.

Zephyr smiled with relief, "This is the old man's disciple!"

"But most people think he is my disciple, who asked him to also carry the name of hero?" Garp then teased, "Your disciple is good, the next moment he is mine!"

Noticing a sudden drop in the surrounding temperature, Tokikake sighed in his heart, "Vice Admiral Garp began to commit suicide again!"

"... justice without power is incompetence, power without justice is tyranny, we do not promote the use of violence, but also will not restrict the use of violence to solve those evil ..."

Akainu nodded slightly, and Aokiji also nodded.

"You are always so dazzling, so I have a hard time chasing behind it!" Gion, who has been promoted to vice admiral, whispered with a smile in the corner of her eyes.

"... I dream that one day the world will achieve true peace and all people will be able to hold on to that simple and plain truth - justice belongs to everyone!"

"What an exciting speech! Longinus-senpai!" The long-handed Marine named Shuzo sighed.

"And, I firmly believe that this is something that can definitely be achieved!" Ain muttered, "I've known it since the day Longinus-senpai helped me take revenge."

"Revenge?" Shuzo asked in confusion.

Ain pursed her lips and said, "You should know, right? Twelve years ago, countless military families died in that attack by Shiki, and among them, there was my family."

"... I dream that one day, the four seas will converge and be connected, and all people will be able to communicate and laugh together without barriers ..."

"... I dream that one day, the people of all races can eliminate misunderstandings and all people can bask in the light of justice ..."

The people standing in front of the light and shadow were somewhat silent.

"This kind of scenario, is it really possible to achieve?"

"Poverty, war, death, we have lost too much."

"It is certainly possible, because, the one who said this is the Holy Lance Longinus!"

As if touched by the "speech" that struck the soul, people all over the world fervently called out, "The Messenger of Justice, Admiral Longinus!"

Published in Qidian, August 14, 2019