City of Water 7

In the year 1512 of the Age of the Kaien, in the city of Water 7.

The houses and buildings appeared somewhat dilapidated and dark as if they were caused by a long time in a humid environment. The transport waterways that came and went even emitted an unpleasant stench.

But in such a decaying place, it filled all the inhabitants' faces with smiles called hope.

"It's dilapidated and barren, but full of life and vitality." Looking at this city, which is entirely different from the impression, Longinus, who just boarded the city of Water 7, let out a deep sigh.

"Admiral-sama, you can see it all!" The old man who acted as a guide for Longinus laughed happily, "The city of Water 7 has been redeemed, and this ancient city has regained its vitality and vigor."

"I'm sorry, but you asked me to show you the way to Tom's shipyard, so you must have heard rumors about him, too?" The older man asked tentatively.

Given the identity of Longinus as a marine and Tom's experience in building ships for the Pirate King, the older man did not dare to get too involved with Tom, and even the gratitude and enthusiasm that overflowed beginning were curbed.

"Yes! He is indeed a very great fishman!" Longinus said from the bottom of his heart.

The older man almost could not believe his ears, such words, how could come from the mouth of the Marine?

Is he not a marine?

Look under his coat of justice, not a specialized military uniform, but pure white loose civilian clothes; it is not even the coat of justice that is robbed, right?

Could it be that the pirates have set their eyes on Tom-san and want him to help build a ship like the Pirate King?

The old man, who felt he had discovered a blind spot, did not dare to poke at it but followed Longinus' words and said, "Tom-san is indeed a good man, but unfortunately, good people often do not live long."

Longinus asked in mock surprise, "Tom-san, what happened to him?"

"Don't you know?" The old man asked, "Just yesterday morning, the people of the World Government took Tom-san away on the charge of building a ship for the Pirate King."

"I didn't expect this to happen."

"So is ... still going over to the warehouse under the bridge?"

"Is there anyone else there?"

"Tom-san's disciples and assistants are still there."

"Go on."

Is this shifting the target to Tom-san's disciples ... the older man sighed in his heart.

Not long after, the two came to a noisy and messy place, like a junkyard under the bridge warehouse.

It is inconceivable that a world-changing creation would be born in such a cramped space.

"Old man, thank you so much." Longinus gave 1000 berries as a thank you.

"Thank you, thank you!" After getting the money, the older man soon left with a happy face.

Dang! Dang! Boom!

No one responded.

Longinus knocked on the door three more times, this time before finally another impatient voice rang out.

"Who is it? The door is unlocked."

Longinus pushed the door in, and a strong smell of alcohol filled the air, and the man with a headscarf wrapped around his head, was sitting on the floor despondently clutching a bottle of wine.

He was none other than the disciple of shipbuilder Tom, Iceburg.

"Marine?!" After the dazed eyes drifted to Longinus, Iceburg was first startled, then disheveled and relieved, "Tom-san has been captured by you, if it is to capture me, can you wait until I finish this bottle of wine."

"I'm not here to catch you." Longinus shook his head and said, "On the contrary, I came with the idea of saving Tom-san."

"Save Tom-san? The marines?" Iceburg mocked, "What are you up to again?"

Longinus didn't mind the messy room and found a place to sit down, "When I first learned about the sea train, my reaction was mostly skeptical of the idea."

Iceburg had a faint mockery on his face, wasn't that the reaction of those foolish citizens when they first heard about it?

"But when I knew that this idea was realized, my heart was left with nothing but awe and admiration. In my opinion, this invention of Tom-san may have even surpassed Dr. Vegapunk."

Longinus is not exaggerating because, indeed, the sea train is enough to change this world's invention.

In a way, this is something that even Vegapunk has not been able to do.

Iceburg's face was slightly stunned; it was the first time he heard someone had such high praise for Tom-san.

Who is Vegapunk, the top of the World Government, as a super genius beyond the five hundred years of human intelligence? Even if he worships his teacher, it is impossible to say such unrealistic words?

Thinking of this, his look to Longinus's eyes is slightly milder.

Iceburg dropped the bottle in his hand, wobbled, and stood up, sat down in front of Longinus, and said, "Although I know what you said is all false, but thanks."

Longinus also did not argue, just said, "Such a talent like Tom-san is a treasure that belongs to all mankind, so I will definitely retrieve him."

"Retrieve back? Impossible." Iceburg clutched his head in pain, "Tom-san was sent to Impel Down, and those who went there could not come back alive!"

"No, if it's him ..." a voice mixed with joy and shock came from behind Iceberg, "it is indeed possible to save Tom-san."

"Kokoro-san!" Iceberg did not need to turn around to know who it was and then looked at Longinus with stunning eyes, "You mean, he can bring back Tom-san from Impel Down? How is this possible, even if he is a marine ..."

"He is not a normal marine, he is the admiral Hitsujiza Longinus, a man who stands at the apex of the entire marine hierarchy!" The long disabled mermaid lady said.

"Admiral of the Marine!" Iceberg is surprised to close his mouth; even if he ignores current affairs, of course, he will know the influence of the admiral of the Marine.

That is in the Marine Headquarters; even the World Government can say the absolute top.

The CP5 officer who took Tom-san is not even a shit compared to him.

If the admiral can come forward ...

Thinking of this, Iceberg asked with a flushed face and rapid breathing, "Are you really a Admiral? No, I am asking, are you really willing to save Tom-san?"

Kokoro also followed, "Longinus-sama, although Tom-san built a ship for the Pirate King, but he never did anything bad, he just did his job as a shipbuilder."

"As I said, that's why I'm here." Longinus smiled gently, "Although a little late, but the problem is not big, the Chief Warden of Impel Down is my friend, before the charges are dropped, I will let him take care of Tom-san."

Iceberg and Kokoro breathed a sigh of relief. Is this the power of the big shot?

Even the Chief Warden of Impel Down is his friend, and a single call can make Tom-san get preferential treatment in that legendary hell.

It's too powerful!

Just then, a commotion came from outside the door.

"Your Honor, that pirate must have come to capture Iceberg and Cutty Flam and the others, you must save them!"

Published in Qidian, August 15, 2019