Spandam, Frantically Trying on the Edge of Death

Just as Iceburg and Kokoro were looking at each other, puzzled, they heard Longinus laugh again, "It seems that someone has mistaken me for a pirate. However, it can be seen that everyone cares about you guys."

"Care about us?" Iceburg face complex, "If that were true, no one would have come forward to speak for Tom-san in the end!"

"After all, they are just ordinary people, even if they appreciate the contribution made by Tom-san, how can they have the courage to go against the government?" Longinus said with a gentle smile.

Iceburg dawned on him, yes, everyone is just some ordinary people after all.

Keeping a distance from Tom-san in front of that CP5 was just their way to protect themselves.

Thinking of this, the stigma in his heart about the city of Water 7 finally dissipated a bit.

"Let's go, go out and take a look."

The three walked out, and outside the door was a large group of people holding wooden sticks and steel forks, holding kitchen knives and bricks and stones, and surrounded by them in the center, and the judge dressed in black like a monk.

"Turn over, return Iceburg and the others!"

"We are not afraid of you!"

"The people of this city have all been graced with Tom's presence!"

Longinus asked with a smile to one side, "How about that? I'm not wrong, am I?"

"Mmm!" Iceburg's eyes moistened; his heart could not help but think, "If Tom-san knows, he will be very happy, right?"

Just then, the stunned judge came back to his senses and asked in disbelief, "You, you are the Admiral Hitsujiza of the Marine Headquarters?"

The surrounding crowd fell fiercely silent, and it could hear only the sound of swallowing.

A few moments later, a mountain of voices burst out.

"A, Admiral?"

"The world's highest battle power of the admiral of the Marine Headquarters?"

"I remember, the one who delivered the justice speech two years ago was this admiral, right?"

"Why would such a big shot appear in the city of Water 7?"

On the other hand, Longinus laughed, "Your Honor, I shouldn't be some kind of pirate, right?"

"Ha, ha, ha! How could the Admiral Hitsujiza be a pirate?" The judge even smiled sarcastically; even the judge chief must maintain respect for the admiral; he is an ordinary judge of the Enies Lobby. In front of the admiral of the marines, he is without status to speak of that.

"Everyone does not need to worry, in fact, I came here today is intended to save Tom-san."

Hearing what Longinus said, the crowd first did not dare to believe and then cheered enthusiastically; they also know the admiral's high standing, with such a big shot to come forward, must be able to save Tom!

However, the judge on one side is a little embarrassed, "Longinus-sama, now I have no way to revoke Tom's guilt, after being handed over to the Impel Down, Tom's crime has been permanently determined."

The cheering voices fell silent; Iceburg was even paler, "Why, why in the end it still turned out like this?"

Seeing the crowd are in silence, Longinus lightly smiled, "This is not without a solution, I will propose to Gorosei-sama, using the way of redemption to bail Tom-san out."

"Go, Gorosei-sama?" The judge could not help, but jaw dropped and said, "Gorosei of the highest power in the world?"

Being able to call Gorosei at any time, this Admiral Hitsujiza might have a far higher government position than he thought.

The surrounding public is even more appalled; in their eyes, those already kings are untouchable big people. The Gorosei, who control the world's highest power, is undoubtedly 10,000 times more prestigious than those kings.

Iceburg, on the other hand, was grateful; he never thought that an outsider would be able to go this far for Tom-san.

"Longinus-sama, thank you, thank you!"

The old man who showed Longinus the way before also said in shame, "Admiral-sama, I'm sorry, I would have suspected you were a pirate before, and that's why I gathered everyone here."

"It's okay, to do so means that you are very kind, so that, on the contrary, I will be more happy." said Longinus carelessly.

"You are really as gentle and kind as your title, Admiral Hitsujiza!" The thought touched a group of residents in their hearts.

When the crowd dispersed, Longinus then said, "Then I am also ready to leave."

"Please wait a moment, Longinus-sama." Iceburg said hastily, "If you are going to see Tom-san, can you bring me along?"

"Of course you can, it's just that the process may not be very friendly to you."

"Not too friendly?" Iceburg had doubts in his mind but didn't say it, "As long as I can meet Tom-san, there's no problem with anything."

"All right then." Longinus nodded, then asked, "By the way, didn't I hear that Tom-san has another disciple?"

"Humph! That coward ran away yesterday morning." Iceburg eyes pain, "If he had not built those warships, all of this, could have been avoided."

The government's people are determined to screw one another. Do the people think they can hide ... Longinus has no intention of defending Franky; he just sighed, "So, well, then, prepare to leave."

"Yes!" Iceburg first gave a reply, then, as if remembering something, ran into his room with his hands and feet, "Longinus-sama, please wait a moment."

A few moments later, he changed into clean and tidy clothes and came out, his eyes wavering, "I, I am ready."

For his part, Longinus' eyes narrowed slightly and easily read Iceburg's mental activity, "Heh! Are you planning to produce drawings in exchange if necessary?"

"How remarkably young! If someone else had directed this performance, the curtain would have come down here! Good thing, I am sincerely trying to get Tom out!"


The Puffing Tom, the sea train, is calmly sending its creator to hell.

It was ironic.

The room where Tom, the bull-horned Fishman, was held in captivity was rudely pushed open.

Spandam, whose face was wrapped in thick bandages, walked in, and his face was probably wholly disfigured by the double blows of Tom and Frankie.

Although the original appearance of his dignity, disfigurement can not be worse, he does not think so.

"Damn fatty, I'll give you one last chance. Tell me, where the hell is that drawing?"

"How can I bring you something that is not there in the first place. If you must insist, I can conceive a drawing for you myself. At that time, you want to call it the underworld king and sea king and sky king whatever you like."

Tom, who was waiting for the raging storm, unexpectedly laughed when he heard the man in front of him.

"What are you laughing at?"

"I thought up happy things."

Spandam approached step by step, "Do you want to know what's going on?"

Two CP5 members behind him warned, "Sir, be careful, Tom is a Fishman with great strength, in case he breaks free like last time ..."

Spandam first panicked but looked at the chains on Tom's body inside and out and calmed down, "A vicious dog in chains is nothing to be afraid of."

"What are you trying to say?" Tom's heart has a vague sense of foreboding.

"Don't be in a hurry, let me tell you slowly." Spandam said with vindictive pleasure, "just now when the sea train shaking, you should also notice it, right?"

"Is it the Sea King class?"

"Your invention works well, the Sea King class indeed did not appear." Spandam laughed sorrowfully, "The one that appeared was your disciple called Cutty Flam!"


"That idiot, he actually tried to stop the train with a fire cannon." Spandam laughed hilariously.

"Flam, he ..." Tom was in a trance, then hurriedly asked, "What have you done with him?"

"Ah me! Just let your Puffing Tom run over him!" Spandam laughed in triumph, "That scene, what a pfft ..."

Furious to the extreme, Tom broke free of his chains and punched Spandam in the face with an explosive punch.

"Che, completely deformed!" The two CP5 members looked at Spandam's completely distorted head and couldn't help but lament in their hearts.

PS1: Franky's original name is Cutter Flam; the phrase in the text that refers to Franky is from the protagonist's perspective, so the other times are Flam.

PS2: 1 group is full, 2 group is 365797306, the password is also " boring "it does not matter if you add, I think it should dodge me a bullet, I will not be blocked. (I ruthless up even their milk. \ ( ̄︶ ̄) /)

Published in Qidian, August 15, 2019