Everything You Need to Lick to the End

Under the cloudy and foggy shroud, the grand building in the shape of a circle stood quietly.

In the circle outside is a dozen of ships and warships tightly surrounded.

This place, naturally, is the Impel Down that makes countless pirates fearful and scared.

A warship came from afar, after exchange by telephone worm, the fleet around the Impel Down relaxed its vigilance.

This warship, naturally, is Spandam and others.

The sea train does not go straight to Impel Down; after reaching the final destination of Enies Lobby, they changed to a warship to their destination.

"Whew! It really scared me!"

"Not bad for Impel Down!"

"Yes! Being aimed at by so many blackened cannons is something I don't want to experience a second time."

"Why are you talking so much nonsense? Hurry up and get in there!" Spandam was wearing a swollen pig's head with layers of gauze wrapped around it, and his dull and indignant voice came out from under the gauze, "I want to see that dead fish go to hell with my own eyes!"

A group of CP5 members naturally did not dare to provoke the angry Spandam, rushed the warship into the Impel Down's entrance.

The door panel was lowered and lapped with the warship.

Four CP5 members escorted the bruised Tom to follow Spandam and finally set foot on the Impel Down.

"Big-headed-san, welcome to ... my Imperium Inferno." said the man with a big belly and a long chin.

Big-headed-san ... Spandam pressed down his inner anger and forced a smile, "I am Spandam, the chief of CP5, the government intelligence agency, your grace must be the Chief Warden Magellan, right?"

"Oops! What I just said seems to be revealing ambition." The big-bellied man let out a strange cry, "Actually, I'm Vice Warden Hannyabal, the Chief Warden bastard ... Chief Warden Magellan is accompanying a guest in the Chief Warden's Office on the fourth floor."

"Guests?" Spandam heart's austere, the people who can make the Chief Warden of the Impel Down especially escort guests, is primarily the government's big shots.

It was a pity that he couldn't find an excuse to go to the fourth floor and lick it.

After sighing, Spandam rubbed his palms and laughed again, "This is Tom the Sinner, I'll trouble Warden Hannyabal to hand over."

Hearing that Spandam had taken the initiative to remove the word vice for him, Hannyabal could not help but feel blessed, "Don't worry, Spandam-sama, I'll leave him in good hands."

"Can you arrange his execution as soon as possible?" Spandam lowered his voice and said, "My conscience will be troubled if I don't see such a murderous criminal die with my own eyes."

Hannyabal, while letting people take away Tom, waved his hand and said, "I can't make a decision on this, that bastard chief gave the order to suspend the execution of Tom."

"Er ..." Spandam's smile under the gauze froze and said undyingly, "Ha ha! Warden Hannyabal is so humorous! Chief Warden of Impel Down, how could he possibly get involved with a sinner like Tom?"

"Oh! It was actually a request made to him by a guest Magellan was accompanying." Hannyabal said carelessly.

"What? There are people within the government who speak for such murderous criminals?" Spandam exclaimed.

"What? Is Spandam-san going to report me?" A calm voice came from a distance.

Spandam turned his head to see the Marine cloaked in a coat of justice and a man adorned with a pair of black feathers on his back approaching together.

"Hitsu-, Admiral Hitsujiza!"

Being the great man his dad had specially explained, Spandam naturally recognized the other party at once.

Not only is it powerful and capable, but most importantly, it is trustworthy for the government's loyalty and is a big man who can speak within the government.

And for Spandam himself, he is more afraid of the other party's methods.

Although usually gentle and generous, but in the enemy's face, he can do the same utilizing cruelty.

The pirates who died in his hands heard that even together can surround the Red Line once a week.

Thinking of this, Spandam body awake with a jolt, "I did not expect to see Longinus-sama here, it is really my honor."

"About Tom, I will explain myself to Gorosei-sama." Longinus said calmly.

"No, no, no, I absolutely did not mean that." Spandam trembled and waved his hands repeatedly.

"Since Longinus-sama wants to do this, then there must be your reasoning. A foolish, shallow and ignorant person like me, of course, cannot understand your deep meaning."

"As the maintainer of order, I certainly can't go and destroy order with my own hands. I will not be missing any of the procedures that should be followed."

Longinus knows very well that the more trivial things are, the more careless you can't be.

Only by showing a firm stance of defending the government can we get the most in return.

"Is this the awareness of Longinus-sama? It is really too touching!" Spandam squeezed out tears.

"I will definitely reflect deeply and take this enlightenment as a pointer on my life path."

Longinus nodded slightly; no wonder this father and son waste pair can still climb so fast in the World Government, this ass-kissing, indeed, can be said to be perfect.

"Tom-san, Tom bluergh..."

A familiar voice snapped Tom out of his daze, and it was only then that he realized that Iceburg was standing beside him with a ghastly pale face.

"Iceburg, what are you doing here? Wait, what's wrong with that face?"

"I'm fine, thanks to Longinus-sama for bringing me here." Iceburg said as his stomach began to sour again.

He now knew what Longinus meant by unfriendly; even if the griffin had reduced its speed by a lot, it was still not something he could bear as an ordinary person.

"That's good, by the way, why did this Longinus-sama want to save ... hiss!" As Tom said, his body, due to the injury's agitation, that the real pain is straight to draw a cold breath.

"Tom-san, your body ... damn, it must be that bastard who beat you!" Iceburg said, about to hit Spandam.

"Wait, actually I hit him first!" Although he also hates Spandam to die, Tom also knows that no matter what kind of position the admiral from, always because the two could not be to destroy the stability within the World Government.

Most importantly, he did not want Iceburg to end up in the same situation as him.

"I'm sorry."

"No, no, no, it's me who has to thank you for punching me in the face, old Tom." Spandam quite doggedly tore off the gauze to show off, "It was so worth it to trade this face for the chance to meet Longinus-sama!"

The two eyes narrowed into a slit, one high and one low, and the nose completely crumpled; even the mouth also became a weasel mouth; the whole face is like half did and thrown out of the half-finished products.

Even Iceburg looked at, are vaguely feeling some embarrassment.

Hannyabal and other people are a bit stunned; the person can also have too well licked, right? Even the disfigurement of things can be said so happily!

"Since it's a misunderstanding, let it pass." Longinus said with a smile, "Spandine-san is a very good agent, I believe that you, Spandam, can do the same in the future."

"I didn't expect Longinus-sama to think so highly of me, I'm really touched!"

Spandam was grateful. Indeed, hard work will be rewarded.

Published in Qidian, August 16, 2019