Zephyr's Change

"Yes, that's awesome!" Binz muttered as he was scared silly.

"I seem to remember that senpai is not an ability user, right?"

"Is this what pure physical strength can do?"

Not to mention these trainees, even Zephyr was taken aback by the movement that Longinus had struck, first glancing at him in disbelief before sighing in relief, "After all, one would be surpassed by one's own disciple!"

On the other hand, Longinus mocked himself, "I never thought I would have such a lapse of temper, and accidentally laid a heavy hand, saving him even the procedures of the Enies Lobby and the Impel Down."

Surrounding trainees, however, said excitedly:

"This kind of vicious and despicable pirate, let him live one more second is a blasphemy to justice."

"Yes, sir! It is enough to give him justice!"

"Come on, I don't need you guys to enlighten me yet, go back to rest and conclude the gains and losses of today." Longinus smiled.

"It's you and Zephyr-sensei who should go back to rest, and we should do things like cleaning up the battlefield!" A group of trainees said impassionedly.

"Then I'll slack off too, thanks for all the hard work!"

"It's not really hard work!"

After Zephyr and Longinus left, the crowd's excited and thrilled emotions hadn't cooled down either.

"That move just now, it must be the Rokuogan, right?"

"Although it does look like it, but this kind of shockwave is a little too powerful, right?"

"Do you still need to say that? With the strength of senpai, even an ordinary fist can sink an island!"

"Obviously he didn't eat the fruit, but he's still too powerful!"

"If only I could be as powerful as senpai!"

"Don't think too much, when he was our age, he approached the World Pirates alone, and took the 500 million reward for the sea pirate World as the result of the graduation test. The difference, it is too big!"

After returning to the captain's room, Zephyr asked a rare serious, "You honestly explain to me, you have never had the experience of going to sea with the trainee warship, but these times, why will be unusual to follow us to go to sea? With your mind you can't even control your emotions, so why do you have such a strong hatred for that pirate?"

Longinus said helplessly, "Didn't I say that before? It's true that I've been bored with my leisure in recent times. As for Weibull, I have a long history of hatred for pirates, right?"

Zephyr said discontentedly, "Hiding something from me, your sensei? If you really have nothing to do, then the next two years I can tie you to the ship."

Longinus had to shake his head, "Well, it seems that nothing can be hidden from you, sensei, what I say next, honestly you listen as a story, do not take it to heart."

Zephyr nodded with a serious face, "You say it."

"In fact, when I was developing Kenbunshoku Haki, I happened to capture a certain fragment of the future, although I also do not really want to believe the content of the picture, but that tragic scene made me to raise my guard."

Longinus paused, then said, "After that, I learned the identity of that pirate when I browsed the files, so I had my subordinates to pay more attention, and I did not expect to really find signs of that pirate's activities."

"That pirate is ... Edward Weevil?" Zephyr asked with a complicated face.

"Yes, I had planned to execute him in advance to eliminate the hidden problems, but fate is like playing a joke with me, repeatedly he evaded. Because of the fear that the time may be too late, I also had to take the stupid method by traveling with the ship."

Longinus smiled, "Good thing I was lucky enough to wait for him only the fifth time."

Zephyr took a deep breath and asked, "What would have been the ending without you?"

Longinus, silent for a moment, said, "I saw the picture is that almost all the students on board died, and you, sensei,... clutching your broken arm and crying in the rain."

Zephyr's face changed in quick succession; after a long time, only a raspy voice said, "My life, is really a failure enough!"

"It's just an uncertain future, you don't have to take it to heart, sensei." Longinus smiled, "What's more, hasn't the future already changed?"

Zephyr looked slightly moved and asked somewhat nervously, "Changing the future, will it have any effect on you?"

"Don't worry, I'm in a very good condition now."

"That's good." Zephyr first breathed a sigh of relief and then laughed loudly, "It seems that the most correct thing in my life is to teach you!"

The trainees who were cleaning up the battlefield outside were confused; although senpai was super excellent, did Zephyr-sensei have to laugh so much?

Could it be that ... is to spur us?

Thinking of this, the crowd even cleaned the battlefield diligently.


No one knew about the conversation in the captain's room that day, but the trainees all noticed that Zephyr-sensei, who had always been serious and steady, seemed to have let go of some knot and even had more smiles on his face.

So that when the warship returned to the headquarters, a certain dog-headed vice admiral who passed by from the side in a high profile frowned and came up, circling Zephyr, with his nose twitching from time to time.

"What are you doing?" Zephyr asked speechlessly.

"It's not supposed to be!" Garp muttered, "I haven't seen you like this for many years, is it a spring in your second life?"

"What do you mean?" A dangerous look passed through Zephyr's eyes.

Garp grumpily hooked Zephyr's shoulder, "Give me the information, are you looking for a woman outside?"

Zephyr took a deep breath and shouted, "Rokushiki!"

"How despicable, how dare you sneak attack, eat my iron fist!"

The roar of battle rang out abruptly on the returning port.

Longinus shook his head, helplessly moving inside.

"Senpai, is it really necessary to stop Zephyr-sensei and Vice Admiral Garp?" Ain ran over and asked nervously.

"Don't worry, it's a friendly exchange between them." Longinus laughed, "It's good to have Vice Admiral Garp with you to mess around a bit, and also to make some of the depression in Zephyr-sensei's heart disappear completely."

"Good, good thing?" Ain's rosy mouth opened into an "O" shape, said she could not understand. Is this the friendship between men?

Back to the residence is a rather luxurious villa.

Although it is the accommodation building assigned by the Marine Headquarters, there is no such thing as shabby and straightforward for this level of the Headquarters' Admiral.

When he was pushing open the room's door to enter, there was a faint smell of mold and rottenness.

This situation is undoubtedly abnormal for the rooms of the headquarters' admirals, as their rooms are usually cleaned regularly.

For this situation, Longinus just helplessly shook his head, boiled a pot of tea, and sat down in a familiar place to close his eyes and recuperate.

Published in Qidian, August 26, 2019