The......Clown, Buggy?


The breeze blew against the ear, making the sound of wind chimes lightly ringing.

The sound became heavier and heavier, like crying, as if it was the sad cry of a resentful spirit.

"I died so badly, I died so ..."

Longinus' face did not change, and the almost materialized soul pressure hammered in a specific direction.

"Ouch! It hurts! Why did you hit me ..." the ghost lady who had emerged muttered, holding her head, before reacting, "No, I'm in a soul body state, why did you manage to hit me?"

Longinus did not answer but gazed into her eyes and asked, "The people who came to clean up, were scared away by you, right?"

"How do you know?" Perona blurted out, and then her eyes drifted, "I just wanted to play a game with him! Who knew he was so timid?"

As if she had found her strength, Perona crossed her arms and drifted up and down in front of Longinus, saying, "It's mainly because you're so boring here! It's not my fault!"

"I don't think I'm restricting your freedom, am I?" Longinus asked in a soft voice.

"Well! There are too many people out there!" Perona whispered under her breath.

"Is this, Ghost House Girl?" Longinus thought with an odd expression on his face, then sighed, "So what do you want?"

"Dolls! Toys! Muppets! I want them all! Horo-horo-horo-horo-horo!" Perona was excitedly flying around in the space above.

Longinus helplessly touched his forehead with his hand, the admiral of the Marine, in the end, should be how bad the picture to appear in the house such things!

"I promise, but all these things you said had better be in your room for me, if they appear in my sight, don't blame me for throwing them away."

"To even throw something as cute as a Muppet, what a cruel male ..." Seeing Longinus' calm gaze cast, Perona instantly chose to bow down to the big guy, "Okay, I know!"

When the atmosphere in the room is a little silent, then heard Longinus said, "Next, use your ability on me."

"Use the ability!" Perona first gave a strange cry of excitement and then deflated and said, "No, I don't want to, those ghosts of mine don't dare to come near you."

"I will restrain my own aura pressure."

"Ne, ne, are you serious?" Perona had a playful smile on her face, "Don't be angry when I see your humiliating side."

"Don't worry, I'm not so bad as to bother with a little girl like you." Longinus shook his head and smiled.

He has always been curious about Horo Horo no Mi, Hobi Hobi no Mi, Raki Raki no Mi, Noro Noro no Mi, and Modo Modo no Mi, a series of almost irregular abilities.

If even he is not immune, then there are many articles to be done in this.

Getting the assurance given by Longinus, Perona waved an umbrella, dozens of pure white ghost soul body flying down towards Longinus, "Negative Hollow!"

Longinus, whose body was penetrated by the ghost, his face was instantly messy, "I am a ..."

The next moment, Longinus regained control of his body and said jealously, "What a powerful ability!"

This time, it was Perona's turn to be incredulous, "How is that possible? How could you be unaffected so quickly?"

Naturally, Longinus would not tell Perona that his other soul was crying out that he was a salty fish.

He would not have tried it himself if not for this assurance.

A moment later, Longinus asked again, "How long does the duration of your negative apparition's influence usually last?"

Perona beamed and sulked but answered, "Thirty seconds."

"Thirty seconds?" Longinus secretly calculated that his other soul was affected for about three seconds, which meant that the soul body's strength did shorten the time.

"Try again." Longinus said with Busoshoku Haki covered the whole body.

"Oh." Perona said breathlessly.

The next moment, the negative ghost once again penetrated Longinus' body.

"I ..." Longinus' face only changed for an instant this time, and he didn't even have to switch souls to get rid of the effects.

However, his eyes were secretly excited, "Sure enough, no matter how strong the Haki and soul, you can not completely avoid the influence of this type of ability. As long as it is still under the definition of the rules, you can not break free from the world!"

In the opinion of Longinus, the tremendous significance of this discovery is to come down on that unknown leader of the world.

Due to the Devil Fruit's existence, this world, there never existed any truly invincible people or abilities.

The disparity of information, allowing those strong people to fall on the weak, is also common.

It's just that most of the time, those counter-intuitive abilities are easily circumvented by the strong.

But if someone operates, then the result is entirely different.

Of course, Longinus would not begin to bet so hastily; trial and error is a chess player's most basic self-education.

He still has a lot of time, this game; you can slowly play on!


Two months later, Longinus returned to Marine Headquarters again after completing his routine patrols.

In the office of the Admiral;

"Tell me all the things worth paying attention to during these two months." Longinus asked toward the lady secretary at the side.

Hina, who is holding the position of secretary to the admiral, reported seriously, "The third sea battle between the Bullet Pirates and the Akagami Pirates ended in defeat for the Bullet Pirates again, and this time the whole group was wiped out, with only Bullet escaping alone."

"It's Seagull Guns Nozdon, a former fighter of Roger's Pirates."

Longinus shook his head and sighed, "Trying to get information about ancient weapons from members of the Roger Pirates, these small people alone are not enough, he should have targeted a big man like Dark King Rayleigh!"

Just as Longinus sighed, Den Den Mushi on the table rang.

"This number is ... Smoker?" Longinus was quite surprised to pick up the microphone; with Smoker's character, he will rarely call the phone to him only.

"Smoker, what can I do for you?"

"Sir!" Smoker shouted with a slogan, "Captain Smoker of the headquarters in Loguetown, report to you."

"No need to be so serious, just call me senpai when there are no outsiders." Longinus smiled.

"No, no outsiders ..." Hina on the side only felt her pretty face burning, almost dizzy.

"Yes, senpai!" Smoker's voice slightly freckled and then said, "There is an odd thing that needs to be reported to you on this side of Loguetown."

"What is it?"

"A pirate who claims to be a former big cadre of the Roger Pirates has turned himself in to us!"

"A big cadre of the Roger Pirates? Turned himself in?" Longinus asked with an odd face, "What's his name?"

"He calls himself the..... clown? Buggy."

Published in Qidian, August 26, 2019