Bullet Appears

"Well, now show your strength, fight me, fight to the death!" Longinus smiled as he stood up and walked step by step toward the frightened and dumbfounded Buggy.


The silly flabbergasted Buggy at the door with difficulty swallowed his saliva, this kind of pressure on the face, making him no longer a trace of doubt about the identity of Longinus.

This aura can make people suffocate temperament, which he only experienced in Whitebeard and Shiki.

"It's been a long time since anyone, when facing me can still maintain this kind of calm!" Longinus nodded his head in appreciation.

"Asshole! I'm simply too scared to walk!" Buggy roared in his heart.

He intended to take hostages, sadly found that he could not even move his feet to do.

"In order to show respect to the Roger Pirates, this next punch, I will use my full strength!" Longinus raised his right fist, and even the air was distorted around the center of the fist.

"Use the full force?" Buggy made up automatically in the mind what scene Shiki and White Beard with full power, and then, with a pale face, snotty in mind chanting, "Dead dead dead dead!"

The next moment, a punch out of Longinus.

The violent, stormy air flows caused the hall to become a mess, with dining tables and chairs flying up.

A shock wave visible to the naked eye blasted out and set off waves hundreds of meters high on the sea, which surged and made the giant ship Baratie shudder madly again.

"What's wrong? What's happening?"

"It's a tsunami! Longinus-sama, he punched out a tsunami!"

These guests shouted in panic; when had they ever seen such a big scene?

"Even he could hit the tsunami, is this guy really human?" Patty shouted in horror as he held onto the corner of the wall.

"This is the strength of the Admiral of the Marine Headquarters!" Zeff sighed as if back to the scene a few years ago when he was struck down.

On the other hand, Sanji was shocked out with cold sweat; he was arguing with such a monster?

"Hey? I'm not dead?" Buggy closed his eyes, sensing the intense pain coming from his left ear, his heart not an angry but happy thought.

Buggy opened his eyes and suddenly found that Longinus' fist rested above his left shoulder, and just the wind of the fist brought up, all made the left part of his face become a bloody blur.

Another big wave hit, Buggy stumbled and plopped down on the board, only to find that his body was somehow able to regain control again.

When he was looking up, the outside waters were still under the control of the storm, with high winds and waves, even reminding him of the Edd War sea battle.

"This guy, is really powerful and frightening, is that back then Shiki, is not necessarily stronger than him!" Buggy still does not know that Shiki, who left him with endless fear, died long ago in the hands of this man.

"Wait, since he is so powerful, this punch, how can not miss the right?" Buggy pondered, so close to the distance replaced by him is impossible to miss.

That is one of the doubts in everyone's mind.

At that moment, Longinus' voice rang out, "You dodged it!"

Just when the hall was puzzled, a slightly gloomy voice also came from the storm raging sea.

"What is the extent to which you guy's Kenbunshoku Haki is powerful? I've already dived into the deep sea, but you still found me!"

"From the time you steered your sail, I knew something was wrong, the sea breeze wasn't blowing this way."

"This kind of keen insight is really scary! Only, I didn't expect that you, the admiral, would use such a small trick!"

"I don't mind using less than honorable means if it makes the population a little less threatened. Besides, didn't you deliberately lure this idiot here so you could cause hostility between me and Akagami?"

"Idiot? Who's he talking about?" Buggy first looked confused before he cried out in horror, "This voice, could it be ..."

Smoker stabilized the restaurant's situation, was shocked and angry, shocked that there was someone else behind the scenes, and mad that he had almost mistakenly misled his senpai.

Smoker couldn't help but ask, "Who the hell is that bastard?"

"A slightly troubled fellow, Douglas Bullet!" Longinus said breezily.

"It's him! It is said to be the most likely to fill the vacancy of the Yonko, it can even be said that if Akagami is not prevented, he would have become the new emperor of the sea!" Smoker's face changed slightly, said in a deep voice.

"It's really Bullet-senpai! That bastard Akagami did not lie to me, Bullet-senpai really came at me!" Buggy, who knew Bullet's temper and strength, was horrified and shouted, "Quickly arrest me, I want to go to prison, I want to enter Impel Down!"

However, no one paid any attention to him.

"Just a little bit of trouble? You guy, really have enough to despise people!" The storm on the far side of the sea subsided a little, and the figure on the sea finally emerged.

It was a big, muscular man standing on a submarine shaped like a whale.

"For a loser under you, this kind of attitude, should not be considered arrogant, right?"

"I only lost to you three years ago because I didn't bring the 'catapult ship', the only one who can really defeat me is that man Roger!"

"Surprisingly, even Bullet-senpai was defeated, this marine, is really powerful beyond words!" Buggy was muttering in a small voice, suddenly heard Barrett continued.

"Although I am not afraid of you now, but there is no need to fight with you again, hand over that stupid Buggy, I can immediately turn around and leave."

People who don't know look at this scene may also think that the Roger Pirates are in love with each other; to save Buggy, Bullet went so far as to fight hard with the admiral.

But Buggy is aware that this is not loving each other; it is clear to love each other to kill!

No, he can only kill him!

Although he wonders why Bullet will focus on him, Buggy is still actively engaged in self-help, "Actually, I am a very well hidden sea pirate. I have slaughtered ten countries, secretly control the economic lifeline of the East Blue, manipulating the world's slave trade, such as I such a great evil, must be locked into the Impel Down before ..."

"As you said so, I suggest a good direct execution!" Longinus said slyly.

"Ahem, in fact, what I just said is lying to you ...," Buggy blushed, hastily changed his mouth, and said.

"That's enough, shut up!" Longinus scolded and then said towards Bullet, "I am not going to hand him over to you."

"You want to use him to threaten Akagami so that he will no longer stop you, but don't forget that I am the same attitude as him in this position of the Poneglyph."

"That means a fight?"

"To be precise, to arrest you!"

PS: There seems to be a lot of big brothers hidden inside the readers! I think many answers are exceptionally well-written, and I was a little worried at the time, in case the leader felt that I was bullish later assigned such tasks to me. What to do? However, it turns out that I thought too much; after a not-so-pleasant conversation, there is no postscript; I do not know whether she is satisfied or not. Anyway, today is a big head.

Published in Qidian, August 29, 2019