Bullet, Transformation

Fruits ability unleashed, awakening!

The submarine under Bullet's feet formed the core component. Some ships around the warship flew over; even the Pearl Animal Island, which is not far away, was sucked and pulled throughout, perfectly integrated into the steel beast.

It looks like a Godzilla with a minor half-body stepping in the sea or a majestic mountain range standing majestically rushing out of the ocean from a distance.

Even if this is an offshore area, the depth below the sea surface is nearly a hundred meters, so that the size of the Iron Giant is almost three hundred meters or so.

Compared with the second form of the Iron Giant three years ago, it is undoubtedly a total crush.

The crowd on the sea restaurant, on the other hand, shouted with a breakdown of the mind.

"What is this? This kind of thing, it shouldn't even exist!"

"A joke, right? Longinus-sama is going to fight with such a monster?"

Not to mention those ordinary guests, even Zeff and Smoker could not suppress the shock of their minds when they saw this scene.

As far as the picture's impact is concerned, the ability user, especially Bullet, such as the fruit's development to an intense level of ability, causing the movement is undoubtedly far more shocking than Longinus such physical strength.

"Planning to use your full strength right from the start?" Under the shocked eyes of the crowd, Longinus stepped on Geppo and flew out.

"Is it necessary for you to test?" The steel beast moved its body, and a dull voice came from inside the creature.

"Maybe I will be careless?"

"You think I'm a stupid guy like Buggy?"

Buggy: (=°Д°=)

Almost at the same time as the words fell, the steel beast slapped down with a claw and sharp fingertips that tore the air apart.

Without any skill, this size and strength, just a simple wave of the palm, can create the effect of a shock wave.

"So it seems that it's not really a false statement that you didn't exert your full strength three years ago." Longinus nodded slightly, swung his fist, and struck towards the mountainous steel claws.

The size of 300 meters may be an unimaginable shock for other people, but for Longinus, who has hunted super giant Sea King species, this size is just about the same.

Of course, as far as strength is concerned, the supergiant sea king class with a body size of five thousand meters may not be able to beat the steel beast with a body size of three hundred meters in front of him.

When the collision between the fist and the claw, it was as if there were 100,000 bombs in a very small range of space compression blast.

The raging waves' madness would almost blow the sea restaurant up; many parts of the ship were cracked entirely and disintegrated when the shock wave swept through.

The calm sea also raised tens of meters high waves and the terrifying storm of a category 12 hurricane.

"This kind of power, surprisingly, has almost caught up with me!" Longinus was indeed a little surprised that Bullet, who was hung by him three years ago, was almost on par with him after transforming into his third form!

"... you monster!" The steel beast was silent for a long time before spitting out these words with difficulty.

His fruit ability is almost to the extreme, and the body's integration into the countless substances will increase their power to this point.

He is in this state, even that bastard Akagami can only temporarily avoid, but this guy surprisingly relies on the physical body to resist his attack.

This guy is not human!

"Monster or something, it would be too rude!" Longinus leaped into the air, and his right leg slashed down like a battle axe.

"This time, I will not lose again, one-on-one, I will never lose to anyone other than Roger!" The steel beast roared and swung his right claw violently over.

Longinus did not dodge, and Barrett likewise did not avoid.

Both of them let the other's attacks fall on them.

Boom! Boom!

The sharp horn on the head of the steel beast was kicked off, the colossal body fell into the sea with a bang, and Longinus was also slapped out like a meteor, and virtually even the remnants were invisible.

"This is simply a mythical story, right, that humans can fly and transform into a monster several hundred meters high?"

"I realized that I never seem to be able to see the world clearly!"

"Amazing! Such a tall monster was even defeated by Longinus-sama!"

"Ah! What's going on here? It's shaking again?"

The crowd who got lost in a trance was awakened by a series of "click, click, click" sounds.

The waves raised by the fall of the steel beast hit the ship one after another, causing the already overburdened Baratie to start breaking up.

"Where's the helmsman? Get the boat over to Orange Town now!" Smoker shouted.

"Ohhhh!" Baratie's helmsman acted quickly.

"Isn't the battle over?" Sanji shouted a little nervously.

"It's still early! If you can not show overwhelming power, this kind of battle, a few days and nights is not a difficult thing."

"A few days and nights! So long-lasting oh!" The little yellow hair was scared to death and muttered.

"Smoker-san, who has the advantage in the current situation?" Tashigi asked nervously, "It must be Longinus-sama, right?"

Smoker breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I can't understand this level of battle."

But out of position, he still analyzed rationally, "In order to attract the opponent's attention and leave us time to escape, senpai has been using Geppo to fight, and this explosive ability, in fact, is quite exhausting."

Hearing him say this, Tashigi was even more nervous, and her words were tinged with tears, "Longinus-sama are to protect us only ..."

The surrounding crowd is also incredibly nervous; although they are all seeing it for the first time, they instinctively hope that Longinus wins.

Not to mention Admiral Longinus's identity, look at Bullet's vicious looks, it is apparent that he is not a good person.

"I'm not done yet!" Smoker's mouth twitched, then said, "In contrast, Bullet covers such a large body with Busoshoku Haki, the consumption speed must be faster than senpai, so, we are sure to win this battle!"

When Smoker's words fell, he realized that the people around him looked at him with sad eyes.

Do they want to hear this analysis? All were looking for the results.

Just then, there was another loud sound on the sea.

The mountain-like steel beast stood up from the sea, and the pouring seawater fell from its body, knocking a loud sound on the sea surface.

"You bastard, don't think you can finish me off! Old me, can still become stronger!" Bullet also knew that, by fighting consumption, there was no way he could beat Longinus.

The only way to win is to continue to get stronger and stronger to the point where he can defeat Longinus with an overwhelming advantage.

So, the steel beast then took a step and waded through the ocean, ready to cross the sea to the other end to merge more islands.

"I won't give you that chance!" Longinus flew from the sky at great speed and punched the steel beast backward.

Published in Qidian, August 30, 2019