
Although there are guards at the Celestial Dragon Gate, they are not that powerful. Otherwise, they would not have been easily mixed in by Jewelry Bonney in the future.

After all, the powerful CP0 has been transferred to protect the Celestial Dragon, and those left behind to watch the door, naturally, will not be any powerful people.

After entering the Domain of the Gods, "Wapol" began to look around, the most common, naturally, some of the different styles of the Celestial Dragon dwelling.

Even from a distance of hundreds of meters, you can smell the decay.

Unfortunately, he is not interested in the nightlife of the Celestial Dragons.

Crouching among the shadowy corners, he quietly stalked.

At night, there are still a large number of guards on alert patrol.

With Longinus' Kenbunshoku Haki, even with Wapol's body's manipulation, it is still easy to avoid the inspection.

After sneaking around for a while, "Wapol" finally found a little separate building.

That is a simple and ancient "pillar" building, as if from the usual period.

"Another memory, the huge straw hat hidden by Imu, seems to be inside a similar building, right ..."

"Wapol" eyes feverishly look towards the temple. Even if this is not the buried straw hat's location, but in the Domain of the Gods is suddenly appeared such a very different style of building. But it is also enough to explain its exceptional nature.

"Only, to lure away these guards around is simply impossible. It's not something that can be explained by a simple mind cramp if you charge strongly."

Looking at the surrounding guards, "Wapol" whispered, "How about, construct a scenario that can be explained by a mind cramp, and then I will panic and rush into the temple?"

Half an hour later, wearing space suits and fishbowl bubbles, the Celestial Dragon reappeared outside the Celestial Dragon Gate.

"Open the door, I want to get in." Saint Wapol said as he did.

"Huh?" The guard watching the door hesitated for a moment, although this guy looks very Celestial Dragon, but seems to have little impression ah?

"Hurry up, you bunch of losers want to make this Lord wait for how long?" An invisible wave emanated out, a group of gate guards' intelligence was temporarily blocked by Kenbunshoku Haki.

"Ohhhhhhh! Yes, after you!" A group of gatekeepers who suffered a descending intelligence blow, extremely humble and respectful, opened the door.

The gate opened, and Saint Wapol swayed his fat body and walked in.

Five minutes later, estimating that the distance between himself and the temple was not too far, Longinus withdrew the descending intelligence strike.

At the Celestial Dragon Gate.

A gatekeeper yawned and said, "That Celestial Dragon-sama just now, looks a bit familiar!"

"Yes, he looks familiar, and he doesn't have an escort."

"Wait, you didn't even ask how to let him in?"

"I thought you knew that!"

The two looked at each other, cold sweat sprouting from their foreheads.

"... Heh, heh, there shouldn't be anyone who dares to impersonate a Celestial Dragon-sama, right?"

"Ken, of course not! That adult looks so ... impolite, one look is the Celestial Dragon-sama!"

After saying that, the two quickly ran in the direction of the surveillance.

Halfway through the day, a harsh scream resounded through the night air.

"Not good! Someone has invaded the Domain of God!"

A few minutes later, the guards guarding the temple saw such a strange scene.

A big fat man dressed as a Celestial Dragon and looking like a standard Celestial Dragon rushed towards them, holding his hands in the air and grasping them in a dumb way with his tongue hanging out.

Behind him, there were several guards in frantic pursuit.

"What's going on here? Is there a rebellion?" Just by looking at Wapol's looks and expression, he made the guards guarding the temple instantly believe in his identity.

Such a stupid one must be a Celestial Dragon-sama!

"Stop it, he's an enemy in disguise!"

"You ... you trash, why are you still, still watching? Quickly come to save this Lord!" Saint Wapol, on the other hand, was panting and cursing.

"Well, it's fine." The scolded group of guards looked at each other and nodded, "Yes, this must be Celestial Dragon-sama!"

"Celestial Dragon-sama, I'm coming to save you!"

"You traitors, how dare you make a move against God!"

A group of guards who were chasing after Wapol almost went crazy; what the hell is this?

Wapol, on the other hand, tried to put on the appearance of being rescued and rushed directly into the temple.

At this point, the guards who should have been guarding the temple were shocked, "Celestial Dragon-sama, you can' t enter there ..."


Saint Wapol, who just stepped into the temple, surprisingly seemed to be erased from the image and directly formatted.


The people present swallowed their saliva in unison.

"It's finished! Celestial Dragon-sama is dead!"

"Idiot! I told you that's not a World Noble!"

"We're going to bury the Celestial Dragon-sama, and you guys aren't going to have a good time either, so go to hell!"


At this moment, in a spacious and bright room.

Longinus lying on the bed, abruptly opened his eyes, a trace of regret passed over his face.

"It still failed! Sure enough, the existence of those guards may only be to stop the Celestial Dragons from entering by mistake, the real guard force, should be this near-formatting ability."

His intention was not to test Imu's strength because, Wapol's body is too fragile, and being killed in seconds does not reflect Imu's strength.

Longinus is concerned that he can still knock Wapol into a molecular state with one punch.

"Still, it's something to gain." Longinus licked the corners of his dry mouth and muttered silently to himself, "At least, the next try can be more prepared."


One hour later.

Above the Empty Throne, a black robe, with ripples in his eyes, sat on top of the throne.

Below, was Gorosei that represented the highest power in the world.

At this moment, they were bending their knees and half-kneeling on the ground, and it wrote their normally stoic faces with shock and trepidation.

"To let an outsider barge into the temple, this is a negligence on our part, please also ask Imu-sama to reprimand us."

"That person, who is it?"

The black shadow called Imu-sama did not reprimand or chastise but asked in a soft voice, as if floating from the ancient time, striking heavily on the hearts of the five people.

"It is the king who came to the Levely this time, Wapol!" Gorosei, dressed as samurai, said with an ugly face.

"The king?" Imu's voice appeared to fluctuate slightly.

"He pretended to be a Celestial Dragon and attempted to infiltrate the Domain of the Gods, only to panic and flee into the temple after being discovered." The blonde Gorosei then explained.

Imu fell into silence, seems to be a little hard to believe, "he" actually came back from slumber because of such a lowly existence.

"Are you sure?"

Gorosei looked at each other, and finally, it was the curly-haired Gorosei who stepped forward and gritted their teeth, and said, "Sure. According to the information we found out, that Wapol is indeed an idiot. For example, he treats the law as a game and makes a set a day, and also, he ..."

"Needless to say." Imu stood up from the throne and walked straight past the five, "I don't want to see a second person appearing in the temple, is that clear?"


PS: I feel like I have to soak my wolfberries; my head is getting sluggish lately. I still remember those two chapters, but the more I try to pay them back, the more I get stuck; I'll try to start paying them back the next day (• ᷄⌓ • ᷅).

Published in Qidian, September 04, 2019