The Wrath of the Charlotte Family

New World, Whole Cake Island.

After quickly taking out a group of pirates with a total reward of over 1 billion berries, the BIG-MOM Pirates regained sovereignty over Whole Cake Island.

Of course, the loss of the Soru Soru no Mi effect, now the Whole Cake Island, and the Charlotte family has been far from the scene in their memories.

Therefore, in the return banquet, the crowd showed inappropriate sentimentality.

Of course, the exception is a specific 3000 kg child.

"It's so happy to have so much barbecue meat to eat!" Charlotte Linlin was happily eating barbeque meat in the path of Luffyzation once again.

Katakuri, the family's substantial power holder, is piling up a one-person-high newspaper beside him, which is all the events that happened in these six years from the time they entered the Last Sea and then to the comeback.

"It is unimaginable that so many big events have happened in these six years!" Katakuri tone complex narrative, "Fisher Tiger, the Fishman, climbed up to Mariejois, freeing slaves, at the time was still Vice Admiral Longinus in the capture process cut off his own arm ..."

"Katakuri-nii, wait ..." Smoothie's eyes light up, hurriedly interrupted, "What did you just say? Longinus that guy actually cut off his own arm?"

"Hmm. For two years after that, he seemed to be doing adaptation training."

Hearing him say that enlivened the silent atmosphere.

After all, that one is their number one enemy!

Oven laughed excitedly, "Ahahahaha! That fool, he actually beat himself up!"

Amande's grim face twitched a little, "These marines, they're really tough on themselves!"

Daifuku, on the other hand, twirled his mustache, "A man who lost a hand can also become the strongest admiral? Are all the admirals in this class trash?"

"You guys are wrong. In that game, he lost a hand, but won over their hearts!" Katakuri analyzed with a gloomy face.

"After the comeback, he has firstly suppressed Akagami and Apophis in the East Blue, then killed the comeback Shiki in the Alola sea, and some time ago, threw that Demon Heir Bullet from Roger's ship into Impel Down."

"It was this series of battles that gave him the title of the strongest admiral."

"This guy, he's too exaggerated!" Smoothie muttered.

Even the most aggressive Oven had to admit in frustration, "It seems that there is little hope for us to get revenge!"

A group of Charlotte members are in silence; Longinus's existence is like a boulder in their hearts, making them hard to breathe.

See the members somewhat demoralized, Katakuri took the initiative to change the subject and said, "Speaking of losing hands, I did not expect that Akagami that guy's left arm was also cut off!"

Smoothie and others feel strange; the battle between them and Akagami began ten years ago.

What is this? Does their Charlotte family have a curse that makes their enemies lose their left arm?

"How did his arm break? Could it be that it was broken by Longinus?" Smoothie associated with what she just said about the power over the redhead and asked with interest.

Katakuri was silent for a moment, "No, it was the King of the Sea that bit off."

"The King of the Sea? Is it the legendary super large sea king class?"

"It is the kind of ... body size of twenty to thirty meters of small sea king class."

Katakuri almost difficult to speak; this idiot has been regarded as a strong enemy figure.

Oven and others are a little bewildered, twenty to thirty meters of small sea king class; even the New World's budding pirates can be casually killed, right?

Just when the crowd had a belly full of troughs with nowhere to vent them, another news coo flew down from the sky.

"Is it today's newspaper?" Katakuri handed out 100 berries, then took out a newspaper from the small bag in front of the news coo.

With just a glance, the crowd could perceive his anger value spiking significantly.

"Damn! That bunch of bastards from the World Government!" Katakuri cursed in one word.

"What's wrong?" Smoothie padded over to take a look, first blushing scarlet before transforming into extreme anger, "Damn bastards!"

"Damn it, how dare these trash say that!" After the people read it, they were also furious.

In this newspaper, there was a joint proposal from several kings.

The proposal implicitly mentioned that they were "violated and ravaged" by the resurgent BIG-MOM and used it to propose a war against the BIG-MOM Pirates.

No wonder a group of Charlotte family members will be so angry, previously, they may also believe, but now, looking at the silly licking fingers of Charlotte Lin... the World Government is fooling them as a fool!

And still name-calling insults, I will be your father! For the pirates with a violent character, this is naturally something intolerable.

"Humph! Kingdom of Kars, Kingdom of Thar, Kingdom of Heathman ..." Owen roared, "I'll see that I go and destroy these countries here!"

"Now is not the time to get angry." Katakuri quickly regained his composure and said in a deep voice, "Look at the World Government position, is planning to make a move on us!"

Everyone's heart sank. Against the World Government, they do not have any chance of winning.

The only hope is that the World Government intends to achieve where it goes.

It is important to know that there are very few deadly battles between large forces, and the reason is that the deterrence of the top battle power exists.

To completely kill the same top combat power level, it is not always enough for two people to surround and kill, and only three people can surround and kill with greater certainty.

Once you let the other side escape, waiting for the other side will be endless trouble.

That's why they were so shocked when they heard that Longinus had killed Shiki and captured Bullet alive.

Of course, Longinus' record was based on the fact that none of his opponents escaped, and in the case of Shiki, no one could stop him if he wanted to escape.

"The World Government, is not want the emergence of Goko pattern, is planning to strike at us?" Smoothie asked in a soft voice.

"Whatever the reason, in any case, we are going to be in trouble." Daifuku pondered for a moment, then asked, "How about, we ask Apophis and Kaido for help?"

"Kaido is good to say, even without asking for help, he will definitely come to intervene." Amande asked, "As for Apophis, he deliberately mentioned the alliance before leaving the sea, is it because he had foreseen this scene?"

"Just ask and we'll see." Katakuri does not have any idea that he can not put down his face; his mind has significantly transformed many times in these six years.

Emotions will not naturally sway those who can recognize their hearts.

Published in Qidian, August 05, 2019