Release Water?

"A call for help?" When Apophis received the call, he was also a little surprised.

Don't look at Katakuri fellow looks silent, but deep down, he is an extremely proud person.

He is the Charlotte Family's highest masterpiece, the backside "from" the man who does not have the ground. From the beginning to the end of the family to play the perfect image of not underestimating anyone.

But now, it is surprising that such a thing can say so frankly to beg.

It seems that the Charlotte family's death and injury of almost half was indeed a considerable change in him ... These thoughts flashed through Apophis's mind and then said, "Yes."

"Hm?" Katakuri's eyes slightly stared, Apophis's determination of heart made him feel a moment of surprise, but he did not say anything more, just replied, "Thanks."

Den Den Mushi hung up.

The entire exchange process did not exceed three sentences so that the surrounding crowd looked a little dumbfounded.

Galette asked dizzily, "Is that all? He hasn't even asked us what exactly is going on, has he?"

"He should have read today's newspaper as well and guessed what we were thinking." Daifuku said, and then said with immense scorn, "But even so, his boldness is indeed amazing, you know, this is making an enemy of the World Government!"

"Can become Yonko, certainly will not be inferior temperament." Katakuri said in a deep voice, "Let's not talk about this, get ready for the battle."


Demon Island.

Apophis, who had just hung up the phone bug, was mulling it over, "In theory, the government shouldn't be so concerned about the pirates... is it, because of Raftel?"

"Forget it, there is no point in thinking so much now." After a few moments of contemplation, Apophis put aside the doubts in his mind for the time being, "Originally, I was worried that the pirates were too powerful, so I got Bullet in early. But, with this whole operation of World Government, I have to consider the impact of the defeat of BIG-MOM again."

"Balance this kind of thing, is really very difficult to do ah!"


Marine Headquarters, Malinfando.

Tick tock!

Kizaru: "A meeting of such things in the group is not enough? Is it necessary to make it so formal ㄟ(▔,▔)ㄏ?"

Longinus looked at Kizaru sitting right across from him, as well as the text that appeared in the group, the corners of the eyes could not help but twitch up.

Is this his trend to develop towards Buffalo Ape? All of them are sitting in the conference room and post a group chat?

"To prevent eavesdropping." Sengoku took a deep breath and replied, finishing with a sorrowful glance at Longinus.

Had he known that this thing was poisonous, he would not have agreed to R&D over at the Scientific Division, no matter what he said.

"Cough ..." Sengoku coughed twice and then said in a solemn voice, "You should have understood what happened, the government asked us to start a war against the BIG-MOM Pirates, about this incident, I want to know your I want to know your opinion about this incident."

"Of course, we should do our best to destroy them, letting them pass away forever." Akainu said in a cold voice.

"Of course we have to fight ..." Aokiji yawned, sleepy-eyed, "but if we start a full-scale war, it is likely to cause several other Yonko to alert, if they unite together, then this war would be no way to continue."

"Whitebeard has to take care of those sons of his, and the relationship with BIG-MOM is also quite bad, the possibility of participating in the war is unlikely, as for Kaido, he has no reason to miss this level of war." Longinus was a strand of analysis.

"It is difficult to judge Akagami and Apophis, the two of them, it is not surprising what decision to make."

"It's terrible! To fight with so many monsters?" The statement of Kizaru, which does not have any nutrition, naturally, is directly ignored by the crowd.

"So? ..." Sengoku pondered somewhat tangled.

He does not want to fight this war; too hasty, without long-term preparation for the battle was not something he wanted to see.

Because the Marine can not lose!

If pirates lose, the main problem is to do it again, but a dozen years or even decades can not fill the gap if the Marine loses.

And because of this, some detestable things, which are usually buried, the only thing the Marine leaves the world is the bright side.

Just when Sengoku was hesitant about what kind of lineup to send, a Commodore of the Headquarters hurriedly rushed into the conference room.

"Fleet Admiral Sengoku, it's not good, the Beasts Pirates and the Demon Sword Pirates are starting to assemble in the direction of Whole Cake Island!"

The conference room of the Marine Headquarters suddenly fell into silence.


The undercurrents of the New World are doubling up again.

In the tavern of Dressrosa;

"Have you heard? The Marine Headquarters is going to fight with the BIG-MOM Pirates!"

"No way! That's the Marine Headquarters! Even the Pirate King will have to run away when he meets the Marine Corps, right?"

"So, the BIG-MOM pirates are asking for help from the Beasts Kaido and the Demon Sword Apophis!"

"Two, two Yonko also want to participate in the battle?"

"To be precise, it is three Goko, and BIG-MOM compared to Akagami and Demon Sword can only be considered newcomers!"

"Do not joke, pirates look at the strength, not the seniority, I think Akagami and Demon Sword more powerful!"

"Whatever, anyway, BIG-MOM at least a level with them!"

"Such a horrible lineup, can the Marine really defeat them?" Those who thought the Marine was invincible at first were worried.

"I'm not sure, but they are sending an invincible army of four admirals and sixteen vice admirals!"

"Four admirals and sixteen vice admirals, God, are they going to destroy the New World?"


Whole Cake Island.

When informed of the lineup on the marine side, Daifuku was a bit dumbfounded, "Are the marine guys crazy? Against us, need to send four admirals?"

"Not only us, but also Kaido and Apophis." Katakuri said calmly.

"It's not the same!" Daifuku shouted, somewhat broken down, "The two of them are only here to help, it is impossible to use their full strength because of us, in case Kaido and Apophis block one vice admiral, should we let Mama block four admirals alone?"

Yes, the crowd around some silence, yes, even if the two big brothers putting the "sea", do they have a way to blame?

Smoothie laughed strongly, "At least, there is no way that Kaido will let go of them."

Daifuku then sighed, "And so he fought crazy, where he will not care what allies and enemies, not be mistaken, it is worth celebrating!"

The crowd breathed again. Indeed, Kaido is a notorious shit-stirrer ... no, this statement seems a bit ...

"Do not worry, even if someone really put ...," said Katakuri calmly, "it will not necessarily be our side."

"Katakuri-nii, what do you mean?" Smoothie asked with wide eyes.

"If I were the Marine, I would definitely not win this war." Katakuri's eyes were shining brightly, "Otherwise, they are too strong!"

Published in Qidian, September 05, 2019