The Intricate Forces

Desert, wild sand surging.

Under the sky's vault that looked a little pale yellow, two figures were facing each other.

"Ah~ Isn't this my most favored subordinate, Ace?" The rugged man with a few teeth missing from his mouth laughed out loud, "What? Did you come here on purpose to follow me?"

"Teach!" Ace roared, his voice filled with pain and disbelief, "Why are you doing this?"

"Not even going to call the captain anymore? That's a real shout of sadness!" Teach laughed.

"Answer my question!"

"Question? You're not talking about Yami Yami no Mi, are you?" Teach laughed wildly, "Is that hard to understand? The strongest power, of course, should only belong to the strongest person, right?"

"So you killed big brother Thatch?"

"Isn't that the obvious thing?"

"So it was actually me who killed big brother Thatch?" Ace roared low in pain, "If I hadn't spread the news of big brother Thatch getting the fruit around, he wouldn't have died at all!"

"No, he'll still die!" Teach's eyes shone with excitement, "Even if he eats the fruit, I can still get it!"

"What do you mean?"

"Do you want to follow me? Ace!" Teach stretched out his right hand invitingly, "I have mastered the secret of the Devil Fruit, and soon, I will be able to start my own era!"

"No, your journey will end here!" Ace's right fist fiercely clenched, streams of fire overflowed, escaping from between the fingers.

Teach was stunned for a moment before he laughed out loud, holding his stomach, "Zehahahaha! I heard that Father let you take over my position, and because of this, it makes you unable to see your own position?"

"You are very strong, I know that very well!"

"Then you still dare to catch up alone?"

"It's not just me, there's also big brother Marco and big brother Jozu, I've already informed them, as long as I hold you off for a while, you'll be waiting to go back to face the trial!"

"Ace, I really see you more and more! How about it? Do you want to reconsider my proposal?" Teach grinned and said, "It's a shame for someone like you to die here!"

"I can interpret your words as begging ..."

Ace spoke hesitantly; however, a voice from a distance caused his face to change dramatically.

"Ace, I finally found you!"

"Luffy, why are you here?" Ace asked with a mixture of shock and anger.

"Didn't expect it, did you? Chopper's nose is very good!"

"Damn! How did this happen?"

Ace thinks he can stop Teach for a while, but that is in the case without people dragging his feet.

Trying to protect Luffy and them in a battle that is supposed to be the weaker side is too difficult!

"Are they your friends, Ace?" Teach laughed heartedly.

"Black uncle, who are you?" Luffy asked curiously.

"Luffy, run, this guy is extremely dangerous!" Ace yelled.

"Huh? In other words, this guy is an enemy, right?"

Ace thought poorly, and sure enough, the next moment, he heard Teach laugh loudly, "Only those who are evenly matched can be considered enemies, kid, are you qualified for that?"


Dark gravity stirred, and Luffy was violently sucked over; before he had time to react, Teach punched him in his abdomen.

"Pfft~ ah!" Luffy was directly knocked out as a boiled prawn bowed after spitting out a large mouthful of blood.



Both sides shouted in unison, but Luffy quickly stood up with a strong will and a small muscular physique, gasping for breath and said, "I, I'm fine, but this guy is really strong, when I was caught, I even had the illusion that my ability was taken away!"

This time it was Teach's turn to be surprised, although he did not use the full force of the punch, it's not something a rookie pirate can block, that little kid across the street did not die, even so, and now he's standing up?

But he didn't care much, just laughed, "That's not an illusion, those who are caught by me will temporarily lose their fruit abilities. Pretty good ability, right, Ace? This is the most vicious ability in the history of Devil Fruit - Yami Yami no Mi!"

Loss of fruit power ... everyone's breath is choked, they finally know why Ace will say this guy extremely dangerous!

However, the horror in Ace's heart was still above them.

He did not know Teach's fruit ability before, said it was perilous, just because of the other party's strength.

Even he dared to catch up alone, but also think, Teach should not be possible in such a short period to transform the fruit's ability into combat power.

But now, Yami Yami no Mi alone with the most basic functions can make him this ability to tie his hands.

This time is trouble now!

"Here, it's really lively!" A wild voice barged in abruptly.

The person who came was a disabled man with a big back haircut, who was currently biting on a cigar and looking at the crowd in an overlooking stance.

"Crocodile boy, it's you!" Luffy said.

The corners of Crocodile's mouth twitched vaguely, then looked at Teach, "Where's the stuff? Did it arrive yet?"

Teach did not answer but just waved his right hand, "Liberation!"

Black smoke rose, rendering the surroundings as black as night.

Then, a well-maintained golden stone tablet fell from the darkness.

"Oh! So the thief is you!" Luffy first exclaimed and then vigilantly looked at Crocodile, "This guy was found by us first, crocodile boy, you do not grab with us!"

Hearing Luffy these words to declare ownership, Blackbeard and Sand Crocodile are stunned; they let out a loud laugh.

"What are you guys laughing at?" Luffy asked, cocking his head.

"Idiot! They are laughing at you! These two guys, they're obviously in the same team!" Nami smacked Luffy on the head before crying, "This time we are really finished, I am not ready to say goodbye to the world!"

"What to do? How to do? Usopp how ..." Chopper anxiously straight spinning but found that usually and their most synchronized Usopp this time is surprisingly written calmly, can not help but ask excitedly, "Usopp, you are writing a plan?"

"No, I'm just writing a suicide note." Usopp with a peaceful face.

Chopper's small face was stunned, and then he cried in panic, "Oooh (T_T), I don't want to die!"

"You guys run, I'll stop them." Ace said.

"Ace, are you overestimating yourself again?" Teach laughed and opened his palm, and he activated the Dark Gravity again.

"Ah!" An irresistible force acted on Ace; he now can be considered to understand Luffy's previous experience.

"Shinka - Shiranui!" Ace hands ignited a flame, in the moment of approach, violently threw the flame out.

"Ah! It hurts so much!" The flames burning on Teach's body and wailed loudly, but his hands are not half-stop; a fierce punch directly knocked Ace out.

Although it is double the pain, for Teach, is not unbearable, but he is not the kind of person who will care about others' views, preferring to use this wailing to vent out the pain.

After seeing this scene, the people's hearts sank even further down.

Although Teach screamed more than Ace miserable, there is no doubt that Ace is at an absolute disadvantage from the scene.

Even Crocodile looked at this scene, also can not help but feel afraid, "Yami Yami no Mi? This terrifying ability, are you not afraid to become a public enemy of the ability users?"

"Zehahahaha! Only the weak will be afraid of vulgar hostility, for me, they are just stepping stones on my way to become the Pirate King!" Teach let out a loud laugh.

"This kind of ambition, it is no wonder that you do not want to stay under the command of Whitebeard!" Crocodile said as no one was watching.

"Father, he is indeed very strong, but he has no ambition, a pirate without ambition, do not you think it is too ridiculous? Zehahahaha ..." Teach also completely ignored the crowd, then turned his head violently to the side, "Who is there?"

A fearless female marine stepped out from behind the sand, "This situation is really surprisingly tricky! In my original plan, I didn't intend to take on the combined forces of Blackbeard and Sand Crocodile."

Published in Qidian, September 24, 2019