The Shocking of the Desert King Crocodile

"Kuina, how is it you?" Zoro asked in dismay.

"Kuina?" Hearing Zoro's voice, Crocodile also could not help but cast a curious gaze towards that female marine, "the most popular newcomer among the navy in recent years, Ashura Kuina?"

He would notice the other side more because of Kuina's different identity.

"That man's disciple, why would she appear in such a place?"

"Because of you, of course, Desert King Crocodile!" Kuina ignored Zoro's question, her eyes flaring toward the sand crocodile.

"Me? It seems that my movements have not been hidden from his eyes after all!" Crocodile's eyes narrowed slightly, and a fierce light appeared, "Only, why is it a brat like you who appears here, even if I am his defeated opponent, this kind of attitude, who exactly is he looking down on?"

"No, my sensei never despised you." Kuina shook her head, "Sensei said that if your eyes were not just blinded by ancient weapons, with your talent, you might be able to become an existence second only to Hawkeye among Oka Shichibukai."

"Second only to Hawkeye?" Crocodile skimmed his mouth; he has always thought highly of himself, a man who dared to challenge Whitebeard in his early twenties, of course, would not put this kind of evaluation in mind.

"Only, I did not expect you to collude with the defectors of the Whitebeard Pirates, and plot to steal the body of history, trying to plant this crime on the Whitebeard Pirates."

Crocodile did not deny it but just smiled sorrowfully, "So what do you plan to do now?"

Kuina looked at Ace, "You can still fight, right?"

Ace was a bit surprised, only from the nickname of Kuina "Ashura" can tell, she has always been the kind who kill the pirates decisively, and did not expect to talk about cooperation with the pirates?

But he looked at Luffy's side; he seems to understand something.

"Of course."

"Then good, Desert King Crocodile to me, Blackbeard's side, you' ll deal with." Kuina said sternly.

Ace initially felt that Kuina would perhaps be more appropriate to deal with Blackbeard, but others have already said, how can he be a man to be critical?

So, Ace just thought for a moment and then nodded, "Good!"

"This kind of attitude, really let people upset!" Crocodile said, surrounded by a wild sand surge.

"Ace, start your show to your heart's content, this is your last show!" Teach laughed openly; the horrible black smoke will be this desert are enveloped.

Kuina did not say a word, like an arrow rushing towards Crocodile; on the way to sprint, a surprisingly demon-like illusion rose behind.

Crocodile's right hand turned into a vast sand blade and sliced through the desert between swings.


Sand waves rolled, the storm turned sharply, the desert-like sea swallowed up everything furiously.

However, the two people in the battle were unmoved.

"Nidai Kitetsu, this sword should not be in the hands of Apophis?" Crocodile asked.

"This is a trophy I got when I took out one of his men and got it." Kuina said breezily.

"That's interesting." Crocodile's right foot slammed down, invisible power surged under the desert floor towards the front, "Desert la Spada!"

"Yūrei ōra - Yamarashi!" Kuina's s body demon aura surged, like Shura Demon God, the blood-colored shock wave stirred towards the four directions.

The Shura Demon Aura blocked the power submerged in the desert floor, and even that power retroactively flew towards Crocodile's body.

Crocodile dodged, obviously did not want to be that looks bad to deal with the bloody ghost aura entangled.

However, Kuina suddenly appeared behind him, swinging her sword across, and the blade of Nidai Kitetsu cut him in half along the waist of Desert King Crocodile.

Desert King Crocodile's face was filled with a stunned expression, and a gust of wind blew, and the two disconnected bodies floated away into the wind.

In the next moment, the desert waves came furiously from all directions and turned into a sand prison, sealing Kuina firmly in it.

The blood-colored light flashed from the quicksand gap; then, the light grew larger and larger until the entire sand prison exploded.

Crocodile naturally will not expect he can permanently seal this level of sand prison toKuina, so he has been waiting for the right time.

When Kuina broke the seal, the dry power that hidden in the sand waves rushing and spread to that valiant figure.

That is, "Ground Secco", as long as slightly touched it, regardless of whether it is a person or an object, will be instantly dissolved.

But unfortunately, Kuina's Kenbunshoku Haki is not weak, easily perceived the power that lurks in the dark, a furious slash will be directly dispersed its sand waves.

"If you use the bounty to measure strength, your bounty increased ten times more!" Kuina looks gloomy, rumored Shichibukai of shame Crocodile surprisingly will be more powerful than the sweet commander Snack with a bounty of 600 million. It is probably why many people did not expect it.

"This is also thanks to that teacher of yours, if not for his suppression, it would not have allowed me to truly recognize my own heart. Although I am still chasing the ancient weapon, but I am not as crazy as I used to be long ago." Having said that, but Crocodile's face was not much better.

When he is lost in the hands of Longinus, it is okay; after all, that is the world-recognized monster. But now he and this female marine is a tie; what the hell? Has he fallen to this level?

Not only Kuina here, but Ace has also long fought with Blackbeard.

However, compared to the other battlefield that it evenly matched, Ace is a lot more miserable; almost it can say that Teach is suppressed all the time.

"You guys go first." Luffy yelled, then ready to rush up to support Ace.

"You go to help Kuina, I' ll do this side of Ace." Considering Blackbeard's restraint on ability users, Zoro pulled Luffy; however, his pull was of no use.

Because a certain rubber man's arm automatically stretched.

"This bastard, will not ..." Zoro's eyebrows jumped wildly; his heart has a sense of foreboding.

Sure enough, Zoro will be Luffy "Gomu Gomu no Cannon" to blast out the next moment.

"Bastard, I want to kill ..." before Zoro could finish his sentence, he was knocked away by a punch from Teach.

"Haha, sorry, instinctive reaction." Luffy said without remorse but also rushed up towards Teach.

Then, in an instant, he instantly destroyed them in seconds.

"This group of idiots!" Kuina, who glanced at another battlefield out of the corner of her eyes, sighed helplessly in her heart.

"It looks like you guys lost this battle." Crocodile laughed.

Kuina silently coped with the attack of Crocodile, a cold light flashed in her eyes, as if she had made some determination, "This trial, it's time to end!"

"Trial?" Crocodile's face is as gloomy as water, his voice like a bitterly cold wind, "You call fighting with me a trial?"

"Yeah, it's really just an excuse to convince myself." Kuina sighed with some regret, "So, so much for failing the trial."

When anger builds to the extreme in the heart of Crocodile, the breath on Kuina's body also reaches its peak in a flash.

From Crocodile's perspective, he was even able to catch a momentary blurring of her face.

"Yūrei ōra - Ashura - Akuma no Kubikiri!"

"This is ..." Crocodile's eyes widened as he was directly overwhelmed by the torrent of sword aura that skyrocketed in this instant.


The powerful slashing will split the entire desert in two, and a shocking canyon appeared out of nowhere so that the Straw Hat Pirates over there were thwarted to look at the scene in front of them incredulously.

Even Blackbeard, who enjoyed the thrill of ravaging Ace, could not help but cast awe-struck eyes.

The wave subsided, and Crocodile's scarred body fell from mid-air.

"Cough ..." blood flowed from Crocodile's mouth. Still, he was full of concern, just gawking at the person who had defeated him with interest, "Interesting, just too interesting, I'm beginning to see, how you just now I am beginning to see why you chose me as your opponent."

Seeing Kuina's face change slightly, Crocodile laughed while coughing up blood, "Don't worry, I won't tell, I have a feeling you'll bring a good show to this world, right! Kuhahahahaha!"

Kuina calmed down and turned her gaze toward Blackbeard.

Just when the crowd thought things would be about to turn around, they saw Teach laughing loudly, "Zehahahaha! Looks like I'm going to get serious too!"

After saying that, Teach no longer uses the fruit's ability; the fat body shows a breakneck speed, almost instantly appeared in front of Ace and punched him down.

The struggling Ace was directly eliminated in seconds and fell unconscious on the sand.

"Ace!" Luffy roared, but the seriously injured body can only support him to crawl forward.

The rest of the crowd is shocked; they can naturally see that this black fatty before simply testing the fruit ability obtained.

In other words, he was playing all along!

"Damn it, this guy is hiding so much strength!" Even Kuina couldn't help but be shocked in her heart; even if she recklessly used her full battle power, she was only afraid that she would lose more than win.

What's more, she cannot reveal that power; Crocodile saw part of it and already made her plan appear flawed, in the face of Blackbeard, who is stronger than Crocodile, she naturally can't bet.

PS: I was going to write this part directly today, but I still overestimated myself; I've primarily ignored Ace's battle and even did not finish writing (• ᷄⌓ • ᷅).

Published in Qidian, September 24, 2019