Pirate King?

"World, the world's highest combat power!" Usopp instantly is snotty, the body is like soft mud, almost the whole person is attached to Luffy's body, "I, I may be wounded by the bullet, can not move the body, Lu, Luffy you quickly take me to escape together!"

However, Usopp shouted half a day without response, just when he thought he was holding the wrong person, and heard Luffy whispered muttering.

"How does this guy look a little familiar, well ~ name sounds familiar."

"Bastard, is now the time to care about such things? Zoro, Sanji, you guys quickly take me ... eh? How come you guys are also like this?" Usopp turned his head to look, horrified to find that Zoro, Sanji, Robin, Nami, surprisingly, all seem to be caught in a spell of frozen, only Chopper and him as there shouting.

"Everyone is controlled!" Usopp screamed in despair, "Is this the strength of the admiral? Just look up and be controlled!"

On the other hand, some neat, confident pirates took the initiative to attack Longinus.

"If I can defeat the admiral, I will definitely be famous in the sea and become the most dazzling pirate on the Grand Line!" The giant axe Hodie, who has a bounty of 67 million berries, rushed towards Longinus in the admiring gaze of a crowd of pirates.

However, before he could even get close to Longinus, he was knocked to the ground with a punch from Smoker, "Bastard, are you worthy to stand in front of Admiral Hitsujiza?"

Some pirates secretly watching are a bit speechless, although they know this guy is sending death, at least test the strength of that legendary strongest admiral!

One look at the opponent's subordinates are killed; you are too useless, right?

After the speechlessness, it was followed by the shock.

Although the giant axe Hodie is not the most famous character, the strength is not weak, but now even the white-haired marine couldn't even receive a blow.

The subordinates are so strong, it is difficult to imagine, as the admiral Longinus in the end, what kind of strength!

Thinking of this, a group of pirates silently speed up the pace of escape.

Some of the Straw Hat crowd also finally regained consciousness under Usopp and Chopper's pull, busy running to the distance.

"What the hell is wrong with you guys? This critical moment actually distracted?" Usopp spat.

Zoro was silent for a moment, "He was the one who saved me and Kuina from Apophis ten years ago."


Nami looked at Zoro in surprise, "Uncle, he also saved me ten years ago, to be precise, saved my village."


Robin suddenly said, "I was saved by him twenty years ago."

Twenty years ... several people are a little surprised, this period is also too big, right?

Usopp widened his eyes to look at Sanji, "You would not have been saved by him, right?"

"It seems to be true." Sanji awkwardly touched his hair. Should I say he was not only saved but also hugged as a child?

Chopper is surprised to look at Luffy, "What about Luffy? You have also been saved by him?"

"Should not have ..."

"I indeed did not save you, on the contrary, I used to be grateful to your father and your grandfather to take care of a lot of it!"

The gentle voice suddenly appeared in front of several people so that the emergency brake stops the crowd.

The man who appeared in front of them was a man draped in a marine coat, with gentle eyes and a handsome face, making people feel good at first glance.

Of course, for the pirates is naturally more fear.

"Hai, Hai, Admiral!" Usopp shrieked and hid behind Luffy, poking his head out, stammering and shouting, "You, you so powerful people should go to those pirates with higher bounties, right, quickly, quickly go elsewhere!"

"My father?" Luffy was first stunned, and then he shouted in a cold sweat, "Grandpa?"

The crowd is the first to see Luffy scared into this look and can not help but ask nervously, "Luffy, what happened to you?"

"No, nothing."

"In fact, I've been following this pirates group for a long time, but today, I just happened to come across." Longinus said.

"A long time ago there was attention?" Usopp looked horrified as he recalled what bad things he had done, "You, why would a big shot like you notice us?"

"At first it was because of him, Monkey D. Luffy." Longinus pointed to Luffy said, "as I said at the beginning, I have received his father and grandfather quite a lot of care, in the process after that, and noticed a few acquaintances joined in. Just a pity, I did not expect you will take the path of the sea pirate."

Luffy must have begun to dislike it if it was the past, but now, he was shocked by the word "grandfather".

Silence, surprisingly Nami first opened his mouth and said, "Although I am a little sorry uncle, but this is my own choice of road, even if it is death, I definitely will not regret!"

Zoro also nodded, "I will remember your great kindness, but the road ahead, no longer belongs to me alone!"

Seeing the atmosphere is suddenly tense, Chopper hurriedly said, "Uncle Marine, we really are not bad people, since you have been watching our growth, it should be known, we have not done bad things."

"You have not done anything bad, but how about the impact you have caused?"

"Impact? What's that?"

"In the East Blue alone, there are dozens of pirates who were influenced by your deeds and chose to go to sea to become pirates, can you guarantee that those people will not do evil as well? The word "pirate" itself is the greatest evil!" Longinus voice calmly questioned.

Several people are a little lost in thought; they did not think that the evil of pirates will also be related to their influence?

"But, but we don't know those people, and the mistakes they made, should be counted on us?" Nami said, aggrieved.

"When people live in this world, they will be affected by the world, while also affecting the world." Longinus said, "like the Pirate King Roger, he is actually not considered to be the kind of vicious pirates, but only from the point that he opened the Age of Pirates, calling him the world's most vicious criminal is indeed not too much."

"If you are all very common to pursue freedom I will not say much, but the fact is, you are all the kind of people who have the capacity of their own, if you are given time, maybe you will come out of a distance even I dare not imagine on the Grand Line."

"How, how."

"Don't say that."

"I'm embarrassed by what you said."

Longinus ignored the self-obsession of several people and then said, "Precisely because you are too good, when you break into fame, your deeds will influence more ignorant teenagers to run to the sea. If possible, I hope you stop here."

"Just, there is no other solution?" Usopp shouted nervously.

"There is too." Longinus, silent for a moment, nodded and said, "As long as you break the flag, no longer call yourselves pirates, using the adventure group or seafaring group to call themselves, I can consider alleviate the guilt on you."

A seafaring group? Do I have to say later, I will become the man of the Pirate King ... thought here, Luffy body with a cold shiver, incomparably determined to refuse, "No, I refuse!"

"Is that so?" Longinus sighed, "Then it seems that I can only personally put you into the Impel Down."

Published in Qidian, October 02, 2019