Absolute Suppression

"Put, Impel Down?" The timid trio screamed, "That, the legendary Impel Down that imprisoned countless pirates?"

"You do not worry, the Chief Warden of Impel Down is a friend of mine, as long as you are well reformed, should be able to be released after five to ten years of imprisonment." Longinus said comfortingly.

"Ten, ten years!" The trio let out another scream and almost fainted.

"Swinging a sword at your benefactor is a disgrace to a swordsman, if I can get away with it, I will break my own arm to ask forgiveness from you!" Zoro said with a firm gaze.

"I also, I will break my right leg." Sanji said blandly, stood to the side of Zoro.

Luffy peeled the two away from behind and stood in the middle, "I want to outweigh you guys, when the time comes just cut me an arm and a leg."

"Idiot! What is there to compare with such things?"

"That's right, it's not like you've ever been saved by him!"

Seeing the three people arguing over this kind of thing, even with Longinus' heart, he had a sort of ridiculous feeling.

"Saving people is my duty, you guys don't need to get tangled up about it. If you guys really want to let go of the burden, just rescuing ten people after going out from Impel Down will do."

Even if they are standing on the opposite side, several people have to admit that this man has a broad mind like the sea.

Of course, they definitely will not be captured, is it?

"Sanji, Zoro, ready to go!" Luffy arms like a big windmill swing up.

"I did not expect to have to face the admiral so soon!" Zoro set up his three-dash stance.

"I do not want to go to Impel Down, prison is not a place where the chef should stay." Sanji spat out the cigarette bitten in his mouth and stamped it out with one foot.

"If the three of them join forces, it may be possible ..." Usopp is hiding in the back of the excited whispering, but the next moment, he saw the three considerable power lying directly on the ground.

"Kidding, are you kidding? How is it possible to lose before you even start?" Usopp first trembled nervously, then suddenly realized, "I see, they must be deliberately confusing each other."

However, Luffy and others did not behave at all as he imagined.

"This is the same invisible pressure just now, but it's countless times stronger than before!" Zoro's forehead was bruised and red, trying to get up from the ground.

"What did he do? Fruit power?" Sanji only felt a million pounds of boulders pressed on his body so that he could not breathe.

"It's his aura." Robin's face was calm as if she had resigned herself to her fate.

"Just aura makes me unable to resist? Are you kidding? I have worked hard for ten years to train, not to struggle in the mud like a clown!" Zoro's face was fierce, and his teeth were biting blood.

"Liar, right? How can something like aura make Zoro and the others even stand up?" Usopp asked in horror.

"Of course the average person can not, but with this man's words, it can be done!" Robin looked straight into the other man's eyes, "I'm right, isn't that right, Admiral Longinus?"

"How have you come by these twenty years? Nico Robin." Longinus did not deny, ignored the struggling three, walked past them, smiled, and asked Robin, "Now you are really much braver, at least you don't run away screaming like you did back then."

"You still remember me?" Robin is stunned; her benefactors are not many; of course, she can remember everyone, but Longinus has saved tens of thousands of people so that all can still remember her?

"Every poor person who was saved from me, I can remember them. They were not fortunate in life, and wouldn't it be too sad if no one even remembered that they had existed in this world?" Longinus sighed.

Several people's hearts were a little shaken; is this the justice of the admiral?

Regardless of the position, the other party's beliefs are worthy of their respect.

"If Luffy and their sentence is only imprisonment, then I should be the death penalty, right?" Robin smiled lightly and did not seem to feel fear because of death.

"What? Death penalty?" Several people were shocked, and even their heartbeats slowed down a beat.

Longinus kept silent as if by default.

"No, I absolutely will not let you ... take Robin!" Luffy's eyes cracked, in the crowd's horrified gaze, his downed body is a little bit of stand up straight.

Then, an incomparably violent and domineering aura from his body erupted.

Pfft! Pfft!

Pirates on this island who the Marine was chasing have foamed at the mouth and collapsed; only a few elites can support to look at the center of the vortex.

"Although it can not be compared with senpai at all, but among the pirates who have this kind of aura, it is not a simple character." Smoker looks indifferent, "It's just a pity that your journey will soon be over."

"This is ... Haoshoku Haki?" Hawkins, standing at a distance, looked at Luffy quite surprised and then recovered his calm, "It's a pity that there is no use in front of the admiral."

"This is the same as that man's power?" Sanji said in surprise.

"Haoshoku Haki, which is born with the king's qualifications!" Robin was first happy but soon silent, not to mention the king's qualification; even if it is a real king, how can it be in front of that man?

"Damn bastard, see me beat you hard!" Luffy's fist like rain towards Longinus, but an invisible layer of power around Longinus blocks down.

"Damned damned damned damned, why can not hit him?"

"Anyhow, I am also considered your elders, such rudeness, it seems I have to teach you what is called manners for Vice Admiral Garp." Longinus raised his fist, step by step towards Luffy.

"Run, Luffy, there is no way you will be his opponent!" Robin shouted urgently.

However, Luffy generally does not seem to hear the attack's hands; instead more and more furious.

"Iron Fist of Love!"

A punch of Longinus sent Luffy flying a dozen meters away, it looks like no force at all, but Luffy is rolling all over the ground crying in pain.

"Ah ah ah! So painful so painful so painful!"

"How is it possible? Luffy, he is a rubber man!" Nami shouted incredulously.

"Luffy is surprisingly aware of the pain, and even cry?" Zoro and Sanji are also incomparably shocked; they know very well Luffy's apparatus; this is a monster who can laugh at death, but now was crying miserably under that man's fist.

Admiral, is it really powerful to this extent?

"There is no defense against the fist of love and justice." Longinus again simulated the palm of his hand in the posture of a dragon claw, "Next, it is my teaching for Dragon-senpai!"

Longinus leaped up high and tore the air with a claw, and the incomparably furious aura made the island tremble.

"Too strong, I can not raise any idea of resistance!" Zoro gritted his teeth and shouted, "Luffy, run away!"

"Totally not in one dimension, we are dead!" Usopp was frightened, and snot and tears wiped a face.

Just at this time, a slash of protruding umbrella cap struck on the back of Longinus' hand.

The trajectory deflected, Longinus' claw landed on the ground next to Luffy.

"It's just a few newcomers, do you need this admiral personally?" Redfield's hands pressed on the umbrella handle, smiling calmly.

"I'm not one of those arrogant fools who have to wait for pirates to become a threat before they can be captured." Longinus stood up solemnly.

Just as the two confronted each other, the ground suddenly cracked open, with the ground where Longinus was located as the center, spiderweb-like spread in all directions.

Just a few breaths of time, the entire island was cracked into several pieces, and the pirates on the island were all casting frightened eyes toward the center of the change.

"The island, cracked! By his claw, the blow was directly cracked!" Zoro and others looked at Longinus, for a moment were shocked, speechless.

PS: As a courtesy, I had a meal and watched a movie; well ~ although there are a few flaws, in general, "Chinese Captain" is still excellent ( ̄ ▽  ̄) ~ *. What? A blind date? Oh, I have to get ready for the next one, the author bacteria is hot (● '◡' ●) ノ♥.

Published in Qidian, October 02, 2019