Captain Kid, Died on the Spot!

This one-day Celestial Dragon incident ultimately detonated the evil hidden behind the laughter of the Sabaody Archipelago. The formerly cheerful island has now been reducing to the ruins of war.

"Run! These pirates are too powerful!"

"Quickly call the headquarters for support!"

"Damn it! These pirates with bounties of over 100 million are simply monsters!"

In an open field, the marine forces stationed in the Sabaody Archipelago force to retreat by three pirates at this moment.

"Ch! Is this the extent of the marine near the Marine Headquarters?" The "Captain" Kid, who has the highest reward among the supernovas on the island, laughed with a grimace.

"Although this is the closest island to the Marine Headquarters, but the quality of marine soldiers is ranked last on the Grand Line." Mafia Godfather-like "Gang" Capone Bege while commanding his men who rushed out of the castle in the body to fight, while explaining, "after all, the Marine headquarters also know what the island is like, it is impossible to let those potential elite corrupt here."

"What a ridiculous justice!" Kid snorted and looked at the other two, "How about a match?"

"What do you want to compare?" The "magician" Hawkins, addicted to divination, asked, playing with the cards in his hand.

"Of course it's ... killing contest!" Kids eyes fierce and fierce, the corners of the mouth almost to the ears, "into the New World, we supernovas can hardly have the opportunity to meet together again! How about, with these marines and civilians to start a killing contest?"

Hearing Kid's proposal, Capone Bege almost fell to the ground in shock with the cigar in his mouth; this guy, in the end, is a murderer or a psychopath?

The admiral is on his way; still, think he has not angered the marine enough?

A moment of silence, Capone Bege pulled down his eyelids and said, "The admiral will soon arrive at the island, I do not intend to follow you with madness."

Hawkins said even more coldly, "A person with a [survival] mortality rate of 100%, the words spoken are bound to point to a dead end!"

"Two losers!" Kid said contemptuously, "There are already big people to help us stop that admiral, and still do not dare to join me in a madness for once?"

"Some big shot stopped the admiral?" Capone Bege's face changed slightly.

"It's Dark King Rayleigh!" Kid laughed wildly, "Although I do not know why they suddenly fought, but is not this our chance to make a name for the sea?"

"But, boss ..." said hesitantly the little brother who followed Kid, "the one who is fighting with the Dark King Rayleigh, Admiral Kizaru is on the island before the incident with the Celestial Dragon! "

"Haha ..." Kid's wild laughter stalled, a face like eating flies, a slap of his stupid little brother directly, braced and said, "Stupid, you think I do not know? What I mean by that is, since someone has already stopped an Admiral, then even if another one comes, we supernovas can handle it with our combined strength!"

Capone Bege and Hawkins are the corners of their mouths twitching, cursing "MDZZ" in their hearts, and ready to turn around and leave.

Just at that moment, a bland voice came from the sky.

"That admiral you say all together can deal with ... refers to me?"

The surrounding pirates' faces wildly changed as they looked toward the sky, and then, they found a golden meteor falling like a meteorite.


The ground shook violently; the violent and domineering aura suppressed a group of pirates unable to breathe.

The dust and mist cleared, and what appeared before their eyes was a beast of incomparable size, and then a figure cloaked in a coat of justice jumped down from the back of the beast.

Seeing this scene, the hearts of Kid and others were sinking.

Because they did not perceive any aura from this man, which means the aura that is still suppressing them now is actually from this huge beast beside him!

A mount's aura was so powerful that it was hard to imagine how strong would he be as the master?

"It's Admiral Hitsujiza Longinus!"

"It's over, we're dead!"

"It's all because of that Straw Hat Luffy, why would we arrive at the same time as this madman in Sabaody?"

Compared to the panic of those pirates, the three captains still maintain a minimum of composure.

"Admiral Hitsujiza Longinus, a big shot like you, should not be here for the three of us, right?" Capone Bege was implicitly reminding the big man that you have the wrong person.

Longinus didn't seem to hear the meaning of his words, just said to himself, "Captain Kidd with a bounty of 315 million berries, magician Hawkins with a bounty of 249 million berries, Gang Capone Bege with a bounty of 138 million berries. Oh~ yes, and the Massacre Soldier Killer with a bounty of 162 million berries, I should be correct, right?"

The hearts of the pirates gradually sank, listening to the meaning of Longinus, seems to be not intending to let them go.

Capone Bege is still a bit undeterred, picking out and saying, "If we waste too much time here, causing Straw Hat Luffy to escape, even if you are an admiral will not be too good, right?"


Several people face a happy but also heard Longinus then said, "So, can I ask you all to give up resistance and voluntarily wear the Kairoseki handcuffs to Impel Down?"

"This bastard is playing a trick on us!" The most hot-tempered Kid roared, "together, do not let this bastard underestimate the power of pirates!"

Hawkins and Capone Bege are not stupid; since they know that they can not undo things, they also use their strongest power for the first time.

The left side is the monstrous straw; the right side is the giant castle; the middle is the steel arm, just a moment, the three pirate captains will show the incomparable terrifying power!

At this moment, on the other side of the high building.

"Oh oh, these guys are doing well!" The long-handed pirates dressed very differently from the Grand Line were lying on the fence and marvelled.

"Apoo-sama, let's run away quickly." Next to him, the pirate junior whispered nervously, "The other side is the world's highest fighting force, how can the three of them have no chance to win."

"Run, of course, but ..." said the Scratchmen Apoo with a smile, "Before that, let me measure the Admiral's part!"

"Apoo-sama, don't be impulsive!"

No matter what happened on the high floor, at least, the battle below has begun.

Boom! Boom!

The combined force of the three men struck, causing the empty ground to tremble violently.

"This bastard wouldn't have been finished off in one go ..." Looking at the space flooded with dust and mist, Kid laughed wantonly, but his laughter was soon stuck.

Because, he could sense that his steel arm seemed to be grabbed by someone.

The next moment, an incomparably strong force came from the steel arm.

In Kid's incredulous eyes, his giant mechanical arm crumbled in pieces, and that's not all; the force even spread to his body, sending him flying straight out.


"Is there still time to care about others?"

Such a phrase suddenly rang in the ears of the killing warrior Kira, and then, he was crushed directly into the ground by a large and mighty hand.

"Just kidding, right? That guy Kiddo couldn't even resist at all!" The vast castle didn't even have time to react before he was kicked out by Longinus' battle axe-like right leg.

"Goma no So!"

"Shigan - Laser Cannon!"

The giant scarecrow was still approaching when laser-like energy directly penetrated his body.

Then, a small size scarecrow fell from his body.

"Three pirate captains with bounties of more than 100 million were defeated without any resistance ah!"

"It's too powerful! Is this the strength of the Admiral?"

The surrounding pirates all let out a wail of despair.

Kid, who had knocked out at the beginning, regained his feet, and seeing Killer stuck upside down in the dirt, could not help but roar in anger, "You bastard, what have you done to Killer?"

Under the endless anger, almost all the steel apparatus around Kid will attract convergence to their hands.

A full thirty-meter-long mechanical giant arms, blasting the air, played a far more terrifying power than the giant.

The three pirate captain's subordinates' eyes show a hopeful look, this kind of power ... is it possible to defeat that terrifying admiral?

Longinus, on the other hand, the eyes are calm, without ripples, and compared to Bullet kind of body size of eight hundred meters giant god soldier, this guy Kid is a baby brother.

Then, just as he was about to strike to crush the illusions of these pirates, a somewhat hip-hop sound, accompanied by the playing of specific musical instruments, passed by it.

"Poo-la-la-la! Did you hear my music? Hey yo ~ if you hear it, please don't go away? , Admiral Hitsujiza oh ho~ Please listen to my battle music for you, BOOM??!"

Without any warning, the explosion detonated Longinus.

Just then, Kid's super mechanical giant arm also slammed his palm together, like slapping a mosquito and slapping Longinus in.

"It's the Scratchmen Apoo from Supernova, I didn't expect him to be here too!"

"Is it possible? Scratchmen Apoo's sneak attack plus Captain Kid's onslaught!"

"Maybe it's really possible to take out an admiral!"

These pirates looked at the scene in front of them with great excitement, expecting to see the sight of someone slapped into a meat pie.

But the next moment, their fantasies were shattered along with the collapse of the giant mechanical arm.

They saw that two consecutive attacks on the face of Longinus stood there indifferently, not to mention injured; even the marine uniform is not damaged. On the contrary, the mechanical arm slapped on him, surprisingly crumbled into a pile of steel scrap.

"Tsk, the admiral is really a monster!" At the same time, the ability of the attack already turned to escape Apoo said thankfully, "fortunately he is not that Admiral Kizaru!"

Longinus eyes narrowed slightly, not angry because of Apoo's sneak attack, just blandly commanded, "Minos, bring him back to me, well ~ dead or alive."


Minos give rousing cry, recklessly emitting the upper-class creatures' pressure, makes many pirates pale.

The ignored Kid, other than fear, the heart is angrier, "You bastard, there must be a limit to underestimate people!"

However, Longinus turned his head sideways, looked straight at him with calm eyes, and said, "If you are brutally killing those ordinary people just to make a name for yourself, stop your journey right here! If I let a scum like you escape, justice will cry!"

"Don't talk like that, asshole! Do you think your Marine is something good?" Kid roared and raised the mechanical arm, in the eyes of those pirates "admiration", taking the initiative to charge the admiral.

"Even bad order is 100 times better than your disorderly chaos!" Longinus raised his fist and punched.

Boom! Boom!

The steel giant arm all crumbled into debris in one instant.

Then, in the eyes of all the pirates who did not dare to believe, the supernova with the highest bounty, Kid, whose body was hit by this punch, directly burst into a thick cloud of blood mist.

He died on the spot!

PS: Congratulations to Kid lived to 3400 characters before he died (● '◡' ●) ノ♥ .

Published in Qidian, October 11, 2019