Blackbeard's Disdain

"Under the full force of the two captains' attacks, he didn't even scatter his hair!"

"What level of body defense is this?"

"Dead? Captain Kid is dead?"

"He killed the supernova in a single punch the highest reward captain Kid!"

Seeing this scene, a group of pirates only felt a cold feeling from the tailbone straight to the top of the head.

Although the bounty does not represent the battle power, the bounty is indeed the best means to judge the strength in most people's eyes.

Therefore, in their view, "Captain" Kid can be ranked in the top three, even if not the strongest one in these supernovas.

But this is such a powerful supernova, in front of the serious Admiral could not even receive a punch, this strength, simply awe-inspiring to horror!

"Just kidding, right? And how could I fight this?" Capone Bege, who appeared inside the vast castle, only felt his scalp tingling; even if his defence is much stronger than Kid, receiving such a punch will not be good enough.

"[Combat] defeat rate 100%, [defense] evasion rate 12%, [escape] success rate 0%, [survival] mortality rate ... unknown!" Hawkins, who suddenly divined up for himself halfway through the fight, could no longer remain calm when he saw that last card.

"Is it because my fate is completely in the hands of a single thought from the other side?"

Just then, a mournful shout came from the side.

"Kid!" Killer, who just pulled himself out of the ground, just saw the scene of Kiddo beaten up by the Marine, and at that moment, he also recklessly waved the rotating scythe on both hands and rushed towards Longinus.

"Bastard, I will kill you!"

Longinus stretched out his left hand, quickly grabbed the scythe in his hand, slightly exerted his palm; the steel forged scythe blade just shattered into pieces.

"Damn, how is this possible?"

"After all the trouble to get here, it's really hard for you!"

Longinus said softly, and then a fist will burst the other party.

The number two of the Kid Pirates died on the spot!

"Next, it's your turn."

See Longinus cast a death-like gaze, the vast castle within the Capone Bege swallowed hard, "My big castle form can receive a few punches?"

On the other hand, Hawkins is much lighter, "Resist, will die, do not resist, can live ... that I bid!"


Time pushed back slightly for a few moments to the other side of the Sabaody Archipelago.

"I say two, can cease fighting?" Kizaru said with a sad face, "If you guys broke the island, where can I put this admiral's face?"

"Kizaru old man, this is not me want to fight ah!" Rayleigh, whose age is even older than Kizaru on the round, did not mind at the least old brother saying.

"Admiral Kizaru, I am helping your marine to catch wanted criminals ah!" Blackbeard eyes fierce, "If you do not help me, why do you want to block me?"

"Give me a break!" Kizaru sad face sighed, "standing in the middle of such terrible monsters as you, let my body is shaking with fear!"

Matters involving the Celestial Dragon is not good to mention much, so he had to gag in his colour.

Blackbeard is still compelling, "Do not forget, he is the Dark King Rayleigh, is the second-in-command of the Pirate King, in case he also wants to keep his captain's bloodline, then your marine for Ace's execution can be ..."

At this time, next to the street rushed out a figure, followed by the people behind him, could not stop, rushed to Blackbeard on the angry roar.

"Ace's execution? What do you mean? What the hell are you talking about, you bastard?"

For this sudden intrusion of a line of people, the four people on the battlefield are side-eye look.

"Luffy, how is it you guys?" Shakky, whose breath was a little low, asked in disbelief.

"Luffy?" Rayleigh and Kizaru sniffed, and both narrowed their eyes.

"Oh, you're that brother of Ace, right?" Blackbeard laughed, "The last Alabasta incident has not long passed, you are actually going to finish the first half of the Grand Line, this is really a surprise!"

"Answer my question!" Luffy roared with red eyes.

"Then I'll tell you, your brother, in fact, is the son of the Pirate King Roger!" Blackbeard laughed, "I gave him to the Marine, guess what the marine will do?"

"The descendants of the Pirate King!" Sanji and others are a little surprised; they did not expect the last time in Alabasta to see that Ace has come so big!

"Execution?" Luffy asked with red eyes.

"Zehahahaha, is not very emotional? I was giving him a, a grand burial ..." Blackbeard's maniacal smile face suddenly distorted because a fist smashed in his stomach.

In this scene, he saw Luffy berserk, a fist thrown out.

"Quickly take him out of here." Shakky reminded.

"We want to too!" Nami and others desperate to say.

They are not like Luffy thought on the word "Ace", but they really heard another name - Dark King Rayleigh and can talk to the Dark King Rayleigh equally; the lewd marine's face is also estimated to be the same level of characters.

If possible, they do not want to get involved in this situation.

"You little kid, hit me so painful ah!" Blackbeard's right hand grasped the dark gravity to suck Luffy directly over, "Kurouzu!"

"Damn it, this ability again!" Luffy reluctantly roared, but there is no way to resist; Blackbeard grabbed his head fiercely pressed into the ground.


"Not good, Luffy!" Nami and others shouted in horror; they saw Luffy's body pores blown out a blood mist layer.

"Surprisingly not dead?" Some surprise at Blackbeard, but soon smiled and raised his fist, "then another good punch!"

"Blackbeard little brother, don't take off the seedling now!" A sword light flashed, Rayleigh's longsword stopped his falling fist, "Their time, it's just beginning!"

"Why should you save him?" Blackbeard said with contempt, "This kind of fool who can't see the situation, if not lucky enough, would have died a million times! Even if you save him now, when he enters the New World, sooner or later he will be eaten by those truly evil people to the point of not even crumbs left!"

Last time in Alabasta, Luffy dared to take a shot at him; he also quite appreciated the other party's courage.

But this kind of thing once or twice can be said to be brave, more often then, is stupid.

In Blackbeard's view, this kind of no ambition and intelligence of the guy not considered a pirate; at best, it can only be considered a punk with a bit of strength.

Rayleigh's mouth's corner is slightly curved, although only the first time they met, but indeed as Shanks said, as impulsive as his captain, the same like to mess up ah!

Published in Qidian, October 12, 2019