Useless Useless Useless ......

From the picture's impact, the two battle scenes are not as shocking as when Akainu and Whitebeard fought when that fire tore the ground.

But only the people on this battlefield can feel the two people's terrible, like the deep sea's vortex, will dare to approach any life all crushed!

"That uncle is so powerful! Surprisingly really blocked the Longinus!" Luffy is quite cheerful, every time he saw Longinus, Longinus has unsuspectingly crushed the enemy, but this time, finally, someone can block that man!

"Very strong indeed, it is the first time I have seen someone able to block the attack of Admiral Longinus head-on!" Zoro also nodded his head and said.

If it were anyone else, they would generally be surprised because Longinus blocked Whitebeard's attack. After all, Whitebeard's name is still much louder than Longinus, but Longinus have abused the Straw Hat Pirates out of the shadow of the heart; in their perception, no one will be stronger than Longinus!

"That's Whitebeard, a character who has been standing at the apex of all pirates in the past decades." Robin looked grave, "in other words, he is the closest to the Pirate King in this era!"

"So he is Whitebeard!" Luffy let out a cry of surprise, then clenched his fist, "that is to say, just stronger than the two of them can become the Pirate King?"

"Beyond the two of them? This kind of talk is not like a person with a normal brain can say." The man standing to one side of the room said mockingly, "Crocodile, Jimbei, where did you two find such fools?"

"What? Want to fight?" Desert Crocodile said in a cold voice.

"Fuffuffuffu, this is not our battlefield." Doflamingo laughed.

"Hey, who is this bird man ah?" Luffy poked Jimbei with his arm and asked.

Birdman ... Doflamingo listened, forehead veins vaguely raised.

"Oka Shichibukai, Heavenly Yaksha Doflamingo." Jimbei looked cautious, "a very tricky character!"

"Is he very powerful? How does it compare with Longinus?" Luffy asked innocently.

"The ..." Jimbei silent for a moment, "Of course it can not be compared, ten Doflamingo can not be compared to Admiral Longinus!"

"Oh, that's all right." Luffy waved his hand and said.

This ignoring attitude makes Doflamingo almost storm out; this fool thinks he is who ah!

"Fuffuffuffu, you must go to the New World alive ah, then, I will personally come to entertain you."

"Entertain? So you're a good guy, Birdman!"

Doflamingo's forehead was only a faint blue vein directly burst; this idiot does not understand the opposite words?

Longinus and Whitebeard have turned over one and another sea at the center of the battlefield. The Murakumogiri ranked as Saijo O Wazamono threw aside, and the two chose a most brutal and straightforward way of fighting.

"You brat is really powerful ah!" Whitebeard panting, sweat beads before dripping down by the hot body temperature directly evaporated, but his eyes are brightening; he has not been as painful as today for a long time.

Longinus looked calm and did not say a word.

He also did not expect Whitebeard would be in a desperate situation to break out more powerful strength, obviously at a disadvantage. Still, Whitebeard's spiritual will allowed him to transcend the physical body's constraints for a short time, so much so that it gave the illusion of a more courageous battle.

"Even a detailed plan can not take into account all the circumstances, so the problem can not be solved with intelligence will have to use force to break!" Longinus did not panic when the plan was beyond control, but the blood in his body was boiling.

His conscience is also the kind of person who likes to fight. Otherwise, it would not be every so often to find someone for fighting a battle so that their combat instincts always remain at the state's peak.

Longinus took a deep breath, his eyes gaze, steeply accelerated appeared above Whitebeard, swinging his fist hammered fiercely down. Close to Longinus, Whitebeard can even hear the other side of the skin under the rapid acceleration of the blood "gurgling" flow of sound.

Whitebeard clenched his right fist; the subgiant body is full of gunshot wounds, but he did not care at all, but the body of the power to the extreme power unrestrainedly wielded out.

Longinus near at hand can even hear, Whitebeard that overburdened body emitted a cry of grief.

Boom! Boom!

Thousands of meters high superwave undulating around the two has risen and falling. The destruction of all the hurricanes to the thick clouds strangled. Previously in the harbor below, it also blew the ambush of giant sea king class to the sky, all kinds of fish and shrimp sea beasts like rain blowing down.

People feel as if the god of the sea is anger.

Whitebeard hit at once, his body was even bursting out a layer of blood mist, and Longinus is not better anywhere. Whitebeard's right arm blasted to show irregular distortion.

Such injuries fall on ordinary people's bodies, the arm has long destroyed, but Longinus did not frown, calmly twisted to the back of the arm and directly wrench it right, and the next moment rushed out again.

And this scene also lets the crowd on the battlefield see some broken.

"What kind of body structure is this guy? Why did his arm get better when he was forced back into place?"

"Is this a new treatment technique invented by the Marine Headquarters? Do we want to try it later?"

Whitebeard also frowned slightly; Longinus's power makes him a little helpless, "It seems, can only be broken from the inside!

The next wave of attack from Longinus has arrived; Whitebeard stepped on the corpse of a large Sea King, leaping into the air and swinging his heavy and powerful fist towards Longinus.

"How is it possible? Father actually ... was knocked away!"

"It's too powerful, Admiral Longinus actually ..."

In a crowd of pirate and marine forces exclaimed, Longinus, however, threw up a large mouthful of blood, straight from mid-air into the sea.

This sudden turn of events let the crowd be a bit disoriented; Whitebeard got knocked away; how it seems to be seriously injured instead of Longinus?

Well, Longinus soon jumped up from the sea.

"Causing a tremor in my body? Worthy of the most destructive Gura Gura no Mi!" Longinus covered his chest, step by step towards Whitebeard, "But, it's useless to me!"

This time, it was Whitebeard's turn to be surprised, "How is it possible? The defense inside your body is as strong as the defense outside your body?"

To tame the berserk tremor in the opponent's body with the precision trigger requires a powerful control ability; even Whitebeard also needs to spend a great deal of energy to do.

And he used to be able to beat back Kaido many times, also rely on this kind of power, more powerful than the penetration of high-grade Busoshoku power of countless times.

And now, this decisively powerful force is also invalidated!

Longinus' eyes indifferent, pulled the tattered coats and once again rushed towards Whitebeard.

Whitebeard took a deep breath after fusing the high-level armed color's characteristics and the power of vibration and then a punch out.

However, the two are very fast; the airwave is noisy, the light distorts, and the boom's sound seems to be delayed for a century before it comes to people's ears.

Each time the bombardment, Longinus's body was violently trembling, while Whitebeard constantly retreats behind him.

"Useless, useless no, no matter how many times again is useless!"

PS: Finish up in the morning; try to write the second chapter before 4 pm.

Published in Qidian, October 26, 2019