Whitebeard Fallen

It was as if two suns were colliding with each other. Each of their blasts, space trembled, light distorted, sound ground out, and even the breathing of all things stopped at this moment.

"Even boss Kaido can not defend the power, this guy actually did it!" Ember's voice is low; twenty years ago, he probably would not have thought that at that time, only a little stronger than him, Longinus will now be so powerful that he can look up to the point.

"No wonder he didn't even react halfway when I attacked his internal organs with a slashing attack that had advanced Busishoku Haki attached to it earlier!" The corners of Shiryu's mouth twitched slightly; he thought at the time that it was because of his poorly developed Busoshoku.

Hearing this familiar yet unfamiliar voice, Ember cast his gaze away, "Have you guy finally defected too?"

Shiryu snorted coldly, "You don't look surprised at all."

"Of course I'm surprised, but I'm surprised that you're only now defecting." Ember's voice is calm, without a hint of fluctuation, "A man like you, it is impossible to stay in prison in peace."

"You do have a good perspective."

"How about it? Do you want to come to our Beasts Pirates?"

"Forget it, your barbarian pirate group is not for me, moreover, I have found my future."

"Recognize a dead man as the boss? Your vision is really as bad as before!"

Shiryu blandly laughed, "Do not underestimate the ambition of that man, he will not die so easily!"

In the center of the battlefield, Longinus' body is getting more and more wounded, but his breathing is very steady, and Whitebeard's battle spirit is getting stronger and stronger. Still, his body is already on the verge of collapse.

Although Whitebeard regained his youth, the body's accumulated injuries do not disappear with aging. Even those injuries also because of Whitebeard's reckless use of the ability to get more serious.

He can live up to now; it is already a miracle!

Whitebeard once again knocked out another bright light explosion, dragging hundreds of meters on the back of the Sea King class corpse before stopping.

A large mouth spitting blood, sticky blood gives a decaying air, sunken sternum area, countless knife and sword wounds, as well as gunfire booms, the scorched black scars left after the magma burns, all give an incredible feeling.

"Whitebeard, you have lost!" Longinus took a deep breath, if not for his armed color hegemony on the body organs to achieve more than 90% of the transformation, under the attack of that degree of Whitebeard, he is now afraid to be a dead man!

"Do not talk big, brat, I am Whitebeard ah!" Whitebeard was coughing blood from the throat out of every sentence with a rich to the extreme blood.

No one is more aware of his physical condition than he is; saying that it is full of holes is not too much; he seems to have heard the God of Death calling to him.

However, he can die but can not lose!

"My beloved son has not been rescued, how can, how can I fall here!" Whitebeard's voice low gasp, sobbing blood in all five senses, roaring with rage and rushing toward Longinus.

"Stop fighting, stop fighting! Father, leave quickly, I beg you!" Ace kowtowed hard on the execution platform, blood flowing from the corner of his forehead, mixed into the tears as if sobbing out tears of blood.

"Useless, if he retreated would not be Whitebeard!" A low sigh came from the side.

Hearing this voice, Sengoku warily looked at a certain marine hero.

"What are you looking on me like that?" Garp's eyes glared.

Ace, however, as if reminded, hurriedly turned his head for help, "Grandpa, please go to block ..."

However, before he could finish, his words were rudely interrupted by Garp.

"Stupid! The old man is the Marine, no matter when, the most basic position will never change! And -" Garp gratefully looked to the battlefield that body straight, as if to pierce the sky figure sighed, "I also can not stop them, Longinus, he ... is indeed growing stronger than me! Even stronger than me!"

"How is this possible?" Ace lost his soul and muttered to himself.

"You guy surprisingly will also have the time to concede defeat?" Sengoku couldn't help but smirk.

"What I can do if I don't lose?" Garp glared at Sengoku, "Dealing with Kaido but still can use the characteristics of advanced Busoshoku to penetrate his scale armor. But Longinus, even his internal organs can defend against Whitebeard's tremor power, this all-around powerful nor do I know how that little bastard is trained!"

Not only Garp, the people who watched the battle was silent.

Is Whitebeard strong? Of course strong, and ridiculously strong!

His aging state can rival the admiral, after regaining his youth is fierce to unbelievable, and will quickly suppress Admiral Akainu. Still, even so, he could not break through the defense of Longinus; the man is like a big mountain, crushing the heads of all.

Many people are secretly speculating that should we use soul-level attacks when physical attacks do not work?

One after another, wave turbulence swept away; unknowingly, this sea's sea surface lowered a lot, blood-soaked, dead sea beasts will almost completely stain this sea red.

"I can not lose, even more will not lose!" Whitebeard hands fiercely pulled on the atmospheric space in front of him, stretching thousands of meters of atmospheric cracks spread to Longinus.

"All have been dying still can use this power, your faith, your persistence, indeed is impressive!" Longinus strolled through the ongoing spatial rift; from a distance, it looked as if every step he took could cause the world to tremble, reflecting him like a god.

"To show my respect to you, I will use my strongest blow." The light in Longinus' hand surged, and a blazing white lance gradually took shape in his hand, "Let's use this blow that killed Shiki ten years ago and let the remnants of your old era end here. Once and for all!"

Seeing that incomparably bright and dazzling light, the crowd on the battlefield and the crowd in front of the screen, only then remembered Longinus' forgotten nickname - the Holy Lance!

Because Longinus is too strong, since he killed Shiki ten years ago, no one in this world is worth using his full strength.

After all, this kind of attack is to consume most of his physical strength, and Busoshoku Haki, with his current power, there is no need to use this kind of desperate means.

But this time is the exception!

After sensing the majestic and vast breath in the hands of Longinus, people of Whitebeard Pirates were shouting at the top of their lungs.

"Father, run!"

"Please, father, don't fight anymore!"

However, Whitebeard is bright-eyed laughing, "Gurararara, Hitsujiza brat, should I now thank you for not underestimating me as an old man ah? But don't think you're sure to win!"

Like the arrow from the sun shot out brilliantly, Whitebeard poured his last power into his right fist and struck up against the light.


It seems to be a round of the sunburst here, releasing endless light and heat; the terrifying energy fluctuations will destroy all the surrounding matter.

After a long time, the storm subsided.

The crowd narrowed their eyes to look, a top figure standing, a lurid hole in the chest, the breath of life has completely disappeared from him.

The man who stood at the apex of all pirates, Whitebeard, thus fallen!

Published in Qidian, October 26, 2019