Longinus vs Sakazuki

Longinus shook his head, "Not really."

Akainu was puzzled, "Then why did he lie for you?"

"It was a collaboration!" Longinus looked complicated, "I actually found out early on that the Doctor seemed to be conducting a highly dangerous research, and after I asked him about it, the Doctor didn't discontinue his research, but offered to cooperate in exchange for my secrecy."

"Highly dangerous research?" Akainu just stunned and stopped paying attention; he did not think that scientists would be more dangerous than pirates, "all this does not matter, let's start, I'm already impatient to wait!"

"Then, as you wish!" Longinus knees slightly bent, force a step. The thunder polished incomparable hard ground instantly crumbled; Longinus is through this back thrust, with a breakneck speed rushing Akainu flew over.

"Don't think you can beat me if you beat Whitebeard, I'm not the kind of old guy who has to breathe when he moves a few times!" Akainu punched out, wrapped around the thunder dragon of the magma giant dog blast.


With just one collision, the surrounding jagged and rugged mountains shattered in pieces, boulders flying and then crushed directly into pieces under the shockwave.

"This powerful explosive force is really terrifying!" Longinus moved his right hand, which was burning, and his gaze was grave.

He did not underestimate his opponent because he defeated Whitebeard; if Whitebeard's power of tremor is the strongest destruction from the interior to the exterior, Akainu's volcanic eruption is the strongest attack from the exterior to the interior.

Underestimating this kind of enemy can be a significant loss.

"This guy's fist is really ... hard!" Akainu thought for a moment. He also did not think of a better description than "hard", rather than say that Longinus's power is strong, instead of saying that his fists on the layer of Busoshoku armor are incredibly hard.

As an admiral, Akainu naturally knows that Longinus can become the world's strongest, relying on his foul Busoshoku Haki and Kenbunshoku Haki. He developed these two Haki to the extreme for a "normal" identity to stand at the world's top.

The two men did not hesitate too much, their bodies flashed, and they once again rushed forward to meet each other.

Akainu's right arm turned into magma, gushing and pushing, appearing in front of Longinus at an incredible speed.

Longinus was calm and brought his Kenbunshoku Haki to the forefront, anticipating where the magma would fall next almost the instant Akainu made his strike.

Iron Fist - Busoshoku!

Longinus dodged in a rain of flames, ran in large strides, and the fist that could easily break a large mountain landed on Akainu's chest.


Akainu spat out a large mouthful of blood; his eyes were fierce. His entire body was like a violent volcano directly exploded, and hot magma seemed like a sea of fire that surged and swallowed Longinus completely.

Longinus only felt plunged into a world of crimson and scorching heat; the extreme heat almost evaporated the water in his body, and even the air inhaled into the lungs gave a feeling of burning through the lung walls.

In addition to the threat of magma heat and volcanic eruptions, rocks and lava are crushed and decomposed into fine volcanic ash; the same can not ignore the deadly damage; it will be inhaled by the airways even alveoli wholly blocked.

For those who cannot elementalize, the threat of this collateral damage is relatively greater.

The good thing is that Longinus has finished most of the transformation of life leap. It almost can already be said to be a higher life form, after immune to part of the volcanic residue damage, covered with Busoshoku, his hands tear this magma world directly.

And Akainu does not care, for strong people, a few minutes without breathing is not a big deal, his suffocation strike, initially to be in a long battle to achieve power.

The next moment, the torn magma boiled again into a magma beast, like a living volcano, with hot magma dripping from the sharp teeth and claws, which melted the hard ground to erode.


The beast hissed and lunged towards Longinus, the burning breath instantly approaching.

Longinus leaped up high, his clenched fist carrying unparalleled power towards the claws slapping down from the sky.

Boom! Boom!

Longinus slapped into the ground with a claw; his hard body was like a bullet, buried in the darkness of the earth after penetrating thousands of meters of layers.

"This kind of power is really worthy of the magma that is known for its explosions!" Longinus stood up from the ruins, moved his body slightly, and then blasted into the ground like a cannonball.

On the ground, the mountain rock shattered, the ground collapsed, and the magma monster with a huge body also stood up from the ruins of a mountain range.

"It's amazing that you can fight against my magma with just your body strength!" The magma monster's big eyes flashed a touch of palpitation; he is not the kind of person who only knows how to rely on the fruit since physical skills can also allow him to stand at the top of the world. The combination of Magu Magu no Mi and his power can sink an island quickly.

Even Whitebeard could not have taken his attack without using the power of tremor, but Longinus did!

He can now finally understand the tremendous pressure which Whitebeard was facing!


Longinus's body suddenly rushed out of the ground, surrounded by a circle of sonic boom clouds.

After looking around the perimeter and taking in the changes, Longinus' body flashed and appeared like a teleport on top of the magma beast's head.

The right leg raised high like a battle axe came down with a bang; while the beast roared, an infinitely elongated magma arm shot from the beast's mouth towards Longinus.

Another boom, one man and one beast, were both knocked backward, and then, again, they rushed at each other nearly simultaneously.

"Iron Fist - Infinite Wheel!"

"Inugami Guren!"

The magma beast's body suddenly ran out of countless dog heads, each intertwined and dazzled and rushed towards the opposite side; while Longinus was jumping in the thunder at great speed, each punch down could burst a dog head.

After seeing Longinus' figure approaching, Akainu has no idea of backing off half the time, instead of slapping a paw at the other side with a furious sound.


Both of them flew backward with blood spraying wildly, but both of them rushed towards each other again without any pause, with fierce eyes and violent attacks, as if they wanted to tear each other to pieces.

If others saw this scene, they might have thought that the two had some kind of deep hatred.

The battle continues; both are using the most aggressive means to attack each other.

Defend? Dodge? There is no need!

Longinus is obvious, can block Whitebeard's attacks, and can fight with Aokiji for ten days and ten nights. Akainu's physical endurance is undoubtedly the world's top, and when fighting with Whitebeard, it does not apply to Akainu.

And Akainu also realized that Longinus is difficult. If the storm-like attack to the other is wholly overwhelmed, only a tiny slowdown in the continuous attack, maybe he could not afford to give Longinus injury caused by the automatic recovery.

So, both of them are desperate to attack, attack, and attack again!

Published in Qidian, October 31, 2019