The King Frontier

After being blown away by another punch, the magma beast's eyes were full of incomprehension, and as it pounced again, it hissed and asked, "Why, why are you unaffected?"

In Akainu's mind, even if Longinus could spare from inhaling volcanic ash by turning off his breathing but unable to breathe, he couldn't get energy, and Longinus shouldn't be at his peak all the time.

"You mean this?" Longinus holding his right hand in an imaginary grip seems to be the tiny particles in his hand, "Just absorb it."

Akainu can not help but silent; he can absorb even his volcanic ash; this guy must not be human, right?

Seeing Akainu some lost in thought, Longinus will not miss the opportunity, instantly appeared in the beast's head, entwined with Busoshoku Haki palm, grabbed the magma, glazed over eyes, and slammed his right hand down!

A bursting roar almost overshadowed the thunderous blast, and immediately, spiderweb-like cracks spread across the ground as the entire magma beast sank in.

Seemingly unable to react, the beast roared and was pressed down to the ground by Longinus.

Thunder God Island's entire center collapsed into a vast hollow as if it were an inland lake.

Immediately after, a strange whistling sound came from below, like a magical beast from the abyss breaking free and about to rush into the ground world in general.

The next moment, a pillar of fire shot straight up into the sky, which was boiling magma. It was almost burning through the sea of thunder in the sky.

Longinus flew out of the magma, his body scorched and black, looking a bit wretched.

"To have set off the undersea volcano, this is really amazing power!" Longinus softly sighed if he did not find something wrong to set it off in advance, if he had to wait until the volcano fully erupted, only afraid that the island would directly overturn.

"Logia ability, of course, we must learn to borrow the power of nature to do, although I can also create a favorable terrain, but using the power of this world is the best way!"

Akainu coalesced his body from the magma and said blandly, drawing the whole island as well as the magma from the bottom of the sea, lunging towards Longinus with an overwhelming aura in one go.

The reason for the awe-inspiring nature-based abilities, in addition to the incomparably difficult elementalization, a little development is enough to destroy a country's natural disaster-level power is the scariest.

However, the Logia is even more terrifying when the power manifested from a top power's hands like Akainu, who can change an island's environment and climate just by his power. When this power and the natural power are superimposed, it means - destroy the world!

In front of the power of nature, nobody is small. Looking at the magma that kept coming around, even Longinus felt a heavy pressure.

"What a terrible power!" Longinus sighed softly; if the former BIG-MOM is the all-powerful mage who controls the power of nature, then Akainu is undoubtedly the great magician who specializes in fire.

What's even more frightening is that the so-called "mages" in this world are monsters whose physical strength is more powerful than elemental power.

"How are you going to do it? Longinus!" Akainu shouted, the endless surge of magma almost blocked the sky.

"Then I also have to, slightly borrow the power of nature!" When Longinus said this, the vast and majestic Haoshoku Haki gushed out from his body.

Space was trembling, the magma was shaking, and even Akainu's will seemed to be blank for a moment.

Longinus closed his eyes, the sound became increasingly strong, the "voice" of all things in his ears speaking of something.

Fragmented, noisy, and seemingly meaningless murmuring, if another person would have been driven mad by this chaotic sound.

But Longinus is immersed in the mind; at this moment, he seems to dominate the whole world.

On the outside, it was raining without any warning, no, this can no longer be said to be rain, but the whole ocean was pouring down from the sky to extinguish the boiling sea of fire.

When looking at the curbed magma, Akainu's mind lost in thought for a moment and then, in a low voice, asked, "This is, the King Frontier? The ability shown by Roger defeating Shiki in the Edd War naval battle?"

Whether it is the awakening of the Devil Fruits or the ultimate advancement of the Busoshoku Haki or Kenbunshoku Haki, it cannot be said to be rare in this sea. Still, only the ultimate form of this Haoshoku Haki is only that man named Roger has done in these hundreds of years.

So, even with Akainu's mind, at this moment, he was shocked by the power shown by Longinus!

"That's right, this is also considered the spoils of war I harvested after defeating Whitebeard!" Longinus smiled gently; the sea rolled and roared behind him, reflecting him as the god of the sea.

Even Longinus himself did not expect that after he made that shot under the eyes of the whole world, the long-dormant Haoshoku Haki was finally advanced again.

"It seems that fate has chosen you!" Akainu gave a rare sigh of relief but soon regained his steely composure, "But don't think this will make me give up!"

Longinus wasn't surprised, "Of course I know, you're not the kind of person who would give up easily, Admiral Akainu!"

"Then come on!" Akainu roared and burst out with great power towards Longinus.

"End it here!" Longinus held the might of the sea and met it with a tit-for-tat.


With the crimson magma on one side of the Thunder God Island and the deep blue sea on the other, the entire island shattered under the ultimate collision.


Three days and three nights, this battle after the summit war caused another world sensation and lasted for three days and nights.

In the end, Longinus left Thunder God Island with a "badly injured" body, returned to the Marine Headquarters, and became the new Fleet Admiral of the Marine as a winner.

Perhaps for the sake of the past, Longinus did not kill Akainu. The defeated admiral did not appreciate the defeat in the battle after Marine's rebellion and set up a "new marine" in the New World. Most of the division's warriors followed him out of the Marine.

The Marine Headquarters, which reached its peak after the Summit War, fell apart in just a few days, and this result was naturally a shock to the eyes.

After this turmoil, the newly appointed Fleet Admiral Longinus began a new round of world conscription to replenish naval power.

Simultaneously, the original alternate Admiral Fujitora smiling (a smile phonetic, a lifetime translation, although the recent cartoon warship wrote on the life, considering the audience, or a smile it) for promotion. The New World once again formed a top pattern of three admirals and Yonko situation.

In this dazzling turmoil, the times have quietly turned a new chapter!

PS: My brain hurts, the following plot feels a little unsure how to write, several significant plot direction is there (• ᷄⌓ • ᷅), but how to link them, but also to consider the interspersed small plot, are giving me a kind of bald anxiety (ಥ﹏ಥ).

Published in Qidian, October 31, 2019