The World''s Shock

At the entrance of Mariejois, a rare scene of the Gorosei descending at the same time appeared.

The guards at the entrance were still wondering who had been so honourable to make these Gorosei appear together to greet them.

But after the shocking news spread, they can finally understand why the Gorosei will make such a move, which is the World Government's biggest enemy; Longinus deserve to be honoured for the government to erase the big trouble.

Not to mention these guards, a group of CP0 who used to treat the marine as the biggest rival, also had to admit that this man's power is making others desperate, they have not been able to do things for more than ten years, the other side finished in two years!

In the crowd's eyes was either looking forward to or complicated, Longinus blood-soaked body with the lift cabin slowly appeared, they were more surprised to see this scene!

Even Whitebeard was not able to cause the injury and did not expect that the real strength of the revolutionary army leader to this extent!

Of course, their eyes fell more behind Longinus; they look forward to seeing that man who has plagued the government for more than a decade to appear in such an unfortunate posture.

But after waiting for a moment, there was still no Dragon to be seen.

The bald Gorosei who hold the long sword could not help but ask, "Fleet Admiral Longinus, where is Dragon?"

"I'm sorry! I was unable to spare my hand at all in the duel with Dragon, he is now in a state of serious injury and near death, I am asking the doctor to give him emergency treatment!"

Hearing Longinus' words, there was a tightening in the hearts of those who heard it, and then they couldn't help but clap their hands and laugh, "Hahahaha! Good, Fleet Admiral Longinus, you have done well!"

Despite this, they still signalled with their eyes for a CP0 to go in and check the situation. Soon, that CP0 reappeared and reported, "It's Dragon, and he is indeed seriously injured, even his life breath is almost completely gone!"

The bearded Gorosei nodded slightly, "We must ensure the survival of Dragon, only by executing him in front of the whole world can we maximize the blow to the revolutionary army's momentum!"

He still has something to say, that is, he is looking forward to using this execution to the revolutionary army; the second person and third person attracted out of a net!

With that, he looked at Longinus and said, "Fleet Admiral Longinus, it is all your credit to achieve such results, for meritorious subjects, the government never stingy with rewards. No matter what you want, as long as it is available in this world, the government will get it for you! However, Dragon will be left to our care for now!"

"As it should be!" Longinus bowed slightly, "The Marine would only use pirates for declaring punishment, as for the revolutionary army, of course, the government is supposed to carry out the execution!"

Seeing Longinus so "righteous", the Gorosei, who rarely show a smile, could not help but laugh, "Hahahahaha! Fleet Admiral Longinus, you have done a good job, the government will never forget your contribution!"


The next day, a variety of newspaper news has spread all over the world, the news can spread so fast, there is naturally the World Government behind the promotion.

New World, the nameless island that it had upgraded from the fifth alternate base to the main base, was an air of nervousness and anxiety everywhere as if everyone felt confused about the future.

The conference table.

"How is this possible? How can a reliable man like Dragon ... Dragon be arrested by the government, I don't believe it, I absolutely don't believe it!" Ivankov shouted.

"It's true that the bunch of losers from the World Government couldn't have done it, but you should have read what the newspaper said, this time the one who struck out was the man whose name is Hitsujiza that has been used to suppress the world!" Revolutionary Army North Army Commander Karasu said in a deep voice.

Hearing him mention that name, the atmosphere in the conference room was dead silent for a moment, in every sense of the word, that was a man so powerful that they were desperate!

It was only after a long time that Ivankov gritted his teeth and shouted, "That bastard Longinus, I'll make him experience the beauty of the Okama!"

The corners of Karasu' mouth twitched slightly, "Ivankov, don't be impulsive; that man is not something you can deal with!"

Betty followed suit and cautioned, "Even the chief was defeated by him, do you think you'll be better than the chief?"

"Our first priority now is to save people!" Victor said in a deep voice, "With the way the World Government is acting with great publicity, they definitely intend to publicly execute Dragon in front of the whole world, just like the Pirate King did twenty-four years ago!"

"Dragon's hometown is in Foosha Village in the East Blue!" Ivankov said hurriedly, "Should we go there in advance to ambush?"

"It's supposed to be a trap, right?" South Army Commander Lindbergh hesitantly said, "I remember the chief said, back in the year on the Loguetown, in fact, many powerful battle force of the Marine Headquarters and the World Government laid an ambush, it was to capture the remnants of the Roger Pirates, except that they also did not expect that the greatest danger is actually from the executed Pirate King Roger!"

"Then what do you mean?" Ivankov slapped the table and stood up, "Could it be that we also learn those pirates to see the death of Dragon?"

"Of course not, I just think we should think of a more secure way!"

"By the time you think of a safer way, Dragon will have been executed a hundred times!"

Seeing the two arguing like this, Betty lightly stroked her forehead to look at someone silent on the side.

"No need to blame yourself, Sabo, it was the chief himself who made the decision!"

Victor also nodded, "Even without you, in that situation, Dragon would have more likely stepped in!"

"No, if I persuaded Luffy from the beginning to leave the Fishman Island, the things that followed, simply will not happen!" Sabo blamed himself, shouted, "It's because of me to ..."


Sabo, who was blaming himself, was smacked out by Ivankov, "Who are you showing this negative look to? Whatever the reason, the most important thing is to save people now! If you don't even have that kind of courage, don't be a man, I can make you understand the benefits of Okama beings right now!"

Sabo unconsciously put his legs together but did come to his senses, "You're right, Ivan-san, I'm going to save my sensei myself before I make amends to him!"

"Well, that's a bit of manliness!" Ivankov nodded and said, "Although I don't like that bastard Longinus very much, but I have to admit, when he was your age, both strength and aura, he has long become the world's top powerhouse! Although you are already very good, but compared with him is still too far away!"

Sabo did not deny it but only smiled slightly bitterly, "Comparing me with Fleet Admiral Longinus, you are too flattering to me, Ivan-san!"

Ivankov's eyes glared, "You are the future of the revolutionary army, of course you have to compare with the strongest person in the world! Even if you can't beat the current him, you still have to surpass him at the same time!"

Seeing Ivankov's giddy fingers, Sabo repeatedly nodded, "I know, Ivan-san, I will definitely try to surpass him!"

"Okay, back to business!" To see that Sabo recovered, Victor said thoughtfully, "We must come up with a countermeasure as soon as possible to do so!"

Soon, the conference room once again fell into a brawl!

Published in Qidian, November 15, 2019