Better than Rotten World Government

New World, a very ordinary town;

"Dragon also fell into the hands of that man, it seems that his position in the World Government is getting higher and higher!" The man with the pineapple head sighed.

"It's really upsetting to see the man who killed father in such a scenery!" The man with the spiked flail in his hand said with displeasure.

"Rakuyo, you don't have to hate him like that, dying in a fair duel would be a relief for father! In a sense, Ace and us all can live thanks to his ability to keep the agreement!"

"Marco, then you mean that the revenge will not be necessary?" Rakuyo said unhappily.

"Of course not." Marco shook his head, "We have to make amends with him someday, but there is no need to keep dwelling on the hatred, I believe that father would not want to see you keep living in the painful memories!"

On the side, Jozu is even more straightforward, "You think this kind of thing is something you can do if you want to do it? Even father and Dragon were defeated by him, the power of that man is simply not we can fight! Instead of spending time on such boring fantasies, we should think about how to deal with our real enemies!"

The surrounding pirates are somewhat silent after experiencing that battle two years ago; in fact, they all know in their hearts that that man's power is indeed not something they can handle!

Rakuyo, who had been snapped at by Jozu, was not annoyed but said in a deep voice, "You're right, Jozu, that scumbag Teach is the enemy we should really consider!"

"I heard that he has been active in the first half of the Grand Line after the destruction of his Grand Fleet, although it is not clear what he is up to, but this is our only chance!" Marco's face was heavy.

Jozu nodded heavily, "Although that bastard Teach is irritating, it is undeniable that he is indeed very strong, and only by seizing this opportunity of his power being completely destroyed can we defeat him completely!"

"We've also stayed long enough, let's set off and go catch him!"


New World, Wano Country.

"The leader of the revolutionary army? Don't bother me with such trivial matters!" Kaido roared sound waves like an air cannon blast the pirates in front of him directly, "The kind of cowering rats who only know how to hide in the gutter, unable to defeat Longinus is not a normal thing?"

Ember, whose body is shrouded in armour, said thoughtfully, "Revolutionary Dragon's record is not much, but it is one of the most challenging characters in this world. When I was still in Impel Down, I heard that he was as tricky as Sakazuki!

"Sakazuki? That bastard's strength is indeed quite good, so, that Dragon is also considered one of the most important person?"

Even the World Government is incomparable fear of the revolutionary army leader, surprisingly to rely on Sakazuki to make their boss pay attention, the surrounding pirates are somewhat helpless to see this.

"Brother Kaido, what do we do next?" Ember asked in a deep voice, "Judging from the actions of the World Government, it is likely that they will publicly execute Dragon!"

"Public execution?" Kaido's eyes grew increasingly bright, "I did not see the execution of that bastard Roger, this time, I can finally do a great job, worororo!"


New World, on an unnamed island.

"Capturing the leader of the revolutionary army? He's really a man who can attract the world's attention at any time!" Beckman, who was clutching the newspaper in his hand, commented calmly.

"I think it's the man who can't be quiet at all times that's right!" Akagami somewhat sourly bristled.

"The leader of the revolutionary army! For the world's influence is estimated to be no less than the current Pirate King!" Yasopp is also looking at the newspaper, "I wonder, will he start a revolutionary army era?"

"Who knows?" Akagami looking at the distant calm sea, sighed, "But the world seems to be calm!"


Mariejois, in the middle of some room.

"Benson-san, isn't it a little bit not good for you to sneak into my room like this?" Cister, who was crossing his legs and enjoying his afternoon tea, looked towards the corner and gently smiled.

"Sneaking around, just to avoid being seen by others, of course, I know that this can not be hidden from you, Cister-sama!" Benson slightly bent down and gave a half salute.

"That's really strange! As the leader of the operations department, don't you belong to Sivis-sama's faction? It's not good to be misunderstood if you come to visit me secretly, right?" Cister chuckled.

"We all serve for those noble lords, where is there any faction?" Benson shook his head.

"There's no need to say such words that can't even fool yourself, right?" Cister snorted.

"Well, I admit that there is a direct faction in CP0 dominated by Sivis-sama, and there is also an outsider faction dominated by you, Cister-sama, but I'm not in either faction!" Benson looked up abruptly and laughed, "To be honest, I belong to the faction of the Revolutionary Army!"

The room's atmosphere suddenly condensed, Benson's body seemed to be pierced by the Cister's gaze, but he did not care but only smiled slightly and waited for the other party's response.

Half a long time, Cister gently laughed, "Is this some new tactic? You guys, you're really getting to be more sophisticated!"

Benson was not surprised by Cister's reaction, or one could say it was expected, "If Cister-sama is worried that it is a trap, you can use Den Den Mushi to record it right now."

However, Cister still laughed, "Don't be silly, if this conversation really continues, even if I can prove that you are framed, doesn't it also prove that my loyalty to the lords is not pure? Maybe, you were originally taken out by them as a leverage?"

"In fact, you should have already believed what I said in your heart, right, Cister-sama? Sebastian-sama is more optimistic about Sivis-sama, and Sivis-sama, who has the absolute advantage, actually has no need to come and do this kind of thing, especially in ..."

Benson smiled and said, "When the main responsibility of guarding Dragon is in the hands of Sivis-sama!"


The teacup in the Cister's hand cracked, slightly narrowing his eyes questioningly, "Are you challenging my patience?"

"Cister-sama please don't be angry, I don't mean anything else, I'm just saying this to make you understand, I don't have much to do with Sivis-sama, by the way ..." Benson smiled faintly, "I'm actually the underling trained by Julius-sama back then!"

"Julius!" Cister's eyes showed shock, "The shame of CP0 who blew up half of the Holy Land with the forged 'Pluton' back then!"

"I'm ashamed to say that time was short, and Julius-sama died before he could explain to the organization what happened to me. All these years, I've been living like a ghost, until today, I finally understood the meaning of my existence!" Benson looked "noble"!

Cister looked odd, "You mean to say that no one in the revolutionary army knows about you?"

Benson nodded, "That's right."

"You guys, it's really confusing!" Cister rubbed the corner of his forehead, then looked at the other party with a smile, "Anyway, I'll treat you as a revolutionary army for the time being. If you are really a revolutionary army, then I do not need to make such a big mistake, just hand you over to Gorosei-sama."

"Is this a test for me, Cister-sama?" Benson smiled faintly, "With the merits you have established, you would have become a vice-chief ten years ago. But the reality is that if it weren't for the failure of two successive vice-chiefs, you wouldn't necessarily be sitting in your current position today, my lord!"

"So, isn't the conclusion obvious? If you want to continue to climb up the ladder, it is not enough just to make merit, the most crucial thing is to kick down the people who are in the way! I think, you should have figured this out long ago, right, Cister-sama?"

"Benson, right? It seems that I really underestimated you before!" Cister narrowed his eyes and asked, "Tell me, how do you want to do it?"

"In order to release the chief, you need to pass through three barriers, the first one is in charge of the first guard, the second one is in your hands, and the last one is in the hands of Sivis-sama. And all I lack is simply your permission to acquiesce, my lord."

"Looks like you're well prepared! However, I will be held responsible if I let you pass!"

"The World Government is supposed to be a place that is more rotten than anyone else, so you don't have to worry at all, Cister-sama, as long as I die there, Sivis-sama will be punished countless times more harshly than you!"

"More rotten than anyone else? You do have a thorough perspective!" Cister laughed for a while, then looked at the other party and said, "However, there is one last problem in this!"

"Please speak, Cister-sama."

"I want to be on top, but the problem is that I am on top so that I can gain the power of the World Government, and if I let Dragon escape and overthrow the government, then everything I have done will be meaningless!"

"This is something that Cister-sama do not have to worry about; in fact, we all know very well that the revolutionary army almost no chance of winning. Since that fleet admiral Longinus can arrest him once, I think he can also capture a second time; you need to be at ease to prepare to receive power!"

Published in Qidian, November 15, 2019