The Badly Underrated Yonko

Reinke Plateau, dry and bitter cold, the air is thin; thunder falls from time to time in the sky, such a scenery, in the sea is not typical.

However, at this moment, not many people's attention would fall on the surrounding landscape; as far as the eye could see, there were powerful swordsmen everywhere holding swords blades.

"Did I see it right? Isn't that the Flying Frost Swordsman who is said to have been dead for many years?"

"Over here too, the great swordsman Inferno Sword Dilasian who retired twenty years ago!"

"It's exciting that the greats who once traversed the Grand Line are appearing in piles!"

"That's only natural! Anyone who is a swordsman can't possibly miss a duel of such high caliber!"

The plateau, which used to be cold and lonely, was now as noisy as boiling water, and the appearance of every big name that it could name made these pirates shout with excitement.

"The new person entering the scene is the Flower Sword Vista, right, although not compared to the main character this time, but is also a famous big swordsman ah!"

"Twenty years ago, Hawkeye and Apophis are famous for defeating him before he became famous in the sea, what a pity, if it was born in other times, he may also become the protagonist of the times, right?"

"No way, the last era is too dazzling! The three great swordsmen at that time, one grew to be the world's number one swordsman, and the other two shocked the sea with the name of the Yonko!"

Hearing this gossips, Vista's pirates are vicious glare at those who talk too much.

Vista himself does not care much but rather feel some emotion; he also considered a monster in others' eyes, although it is far from those real monsters.

At that moment, a greeting came from behind him, "Captain Vista."

Vista turned his head to look, slightly surprised, asked, "You are ... two years ago in the summit war, that brother of Ace's crew?"

"Zoro." The three-bladed man nodded and briefly introduced himself.

"You guys have had a pretty good development trend in the past two years, from time to time I hear the news that you have defeated a strong enemy." Vista glanced behind him again, "What about those companions of yours?"

"I came alone, after all, it belongs to the swordsman's carnival, and besides, aren't you the same, Captain Vista?"

"Heh, that's true." Vista nodded; in addition to the swordsman squad under him, the other teams are still looking for Blackbeard's trail.

After a moment of silence, Solon asked in a low voice, "Captain Vista, who do you think will win between the two of them?"

"Maybe it's Apophis!"

"Why? Apophis is two years behind!" Zoro was a little surprised, in terms of the current general perception, those two were tied in the battle twelve years ago, the strength should be similar, but the difference is that Apophis was seriously injured but fell behind by the entire two years!

"That's because, you have not seen that terrible man in full strength!" Vista said in a deep voice.

"In full strength?" Zoro was a bit puzzled.

"He was known as the Red Swordsman, a large part of the reason is derived from his demon sword, with the demon sword, he is the real strongest state!" Vista's face was sullen as if he had gone back to the first time he fought that man twenty years ago.

"Demon sword?" Zoro looked tense, "Demon Sword Pirates?"

"He will take this as the name of the pirate group, you can see his confidence in that demon sword." Vista nodded, "Only a new generation like you would think that Apophis is just only that level!"

Zoro could not help but take a deep breath and asked, "That is to say, he was defeated by Longinus two years ago actually was not in full strength?"

"You are a swordsman yourself, you should know the impact of a proper weapon for a swordsman, right? Not to mention ..." Vista's eyes showed an intense light, "His demon sword is said to be at a level that may surpass Saijo O Wazamono!"

"Beyond Saijo O Wazamono!" The always calm Zoro lost his temper for the first time.

"Many people think that Apophis is the weakest of the Yonko, but in our opinion, he who has never shown his true strength, who can be ranked among the Yonko is the most terrifying one of the Yonko!" Vista said with scorn.

"A seriously underestimated enemy?" When looking at the pairing of his own hands of Two 'O Wazamono' and One 'Ryo Wazamono', and then associating it with the demon sword in the opponent's hands that might surpass Saijo O Wazamnono, Zoro's facial muscles stiffened a bit.

Just at that moment, the ground suddenly shook violently.

"What is this? An earthquake?"

"Wait, what is that?"

"Just kidding, right? There's a giant ship crawling up from underneath the Red Line Continent!"

A group of pirate swordsmen shouted in surprise, following their line of sight, the giant ship with eight legs climbing on the rock wall, rushing up to the Red Line Continent in an extraordinarily violent and brutal posture.

Then, the man wearing a ghost-faced mask came out of the giant ship, and behind him, there was a large group of fierce and famous sea pirates.

"This kind of shocking debut, really deserves him!" Vista chuckled softly.

"This man, this man ..." Zoro's eyes were red and his breath caught in a rush, "I was finally able to meet him!"

Vista frowned to the side, although he did not know why this calm swordsman suddenly berserk, out of affection, he still reminded in a solemn voice, "Be calm, no matter what hatred you have for him, but the current you to be no stronger than his rival 10,000 times!"

Zoro listened, closed his eyes, and finally eased down after a few breaths, "Thanks a lot, Captain Vista."

Vista did not ask him the reason, only said approvingly, "Being able to calm down, it is your own self-control was strong enough!"

Zoro nodded silently, accepting the compliment; if self-control is not strong, he would have killed that pitiful captain.

Apophis, who stepped off the giant ship, turned his head slightly sideways and asked the pirates around him, "Hasn't Hawkeye arrived yet?"

A side of the pirates agitatedly replied, "Apophis-sama, Hawkeye has not yet appeared."

At that, Wyper cursed with a fierce look in his eyes, "That bastard, how dare he make Apophis-sama wait for him?"

Apophis, however, waved his hand, "Be more considerate of him! After all, his small wooden boat trying to get there on time, probably have to use his black sword Yoru to paddle with effort to do!"

Hearing Apophis' joking, the tense crowd because of this stern atmosphere almost didn't laugh out loud, that kind of high-calibre man desperately rowing the boat look, imagine, is a bit comical.

"Men like you, do you also like to bad-mouth people behind their backs?"

Suddenly came the voice from the sky, the crowd looked up, and it was Hawkeye sitting on a specific big head of fierce birds that flew up.

Apophis then said in a cold voice, "Yes? I thought this was very understanding consideration!"

Published in Qidian, November 17, 2019