Dedicated to the Revolution!

In the silent room, the quiet passage, they can hear not a single sound.

Looking at the abyss-like passage behind him, the chief of the guards stationed here involuntarily shivered, "The legendary leader of the revolutionary army is more frightening than the devil is locked up in here, it really makes people's scalp shiver!"

As if cheering himself up, he whispered to himself, "There is nothing to fear, but he is locked up by Kairoseki, now imagine, even the leader of the revolutionary army such a big man is not also a prisoner in my hands ..."


The sudden sound of greeting scared his soul almost flew out, looked up, only to say as relieved, "So it is Benson-san ah!"

He asked, "Has Benson-san received orders from any of the lords?"

He was the head of the guards, nominally on the same level as the chief of CP0. Still, in reality, it was similar to a dispensable position like the judge of Enies Lobby; even if the other party was just at the level of a minister of CP0, he had to take it seriously.

"The prisoner is an extremely evil criminal like Dragon after all, even if there is a sea floor stone, it's not enough insurance, so that's why Sirvis-sama asked me to check it in case there is a mistake."

"That's as it should be." Bellathorne said flatteringly while opening the door, "Sivis-sama gave me an explanation of this matter some time ago, it's really hard for Benson-san!"

"What kind of hard work is this for me?" Benson shook his head and sighed, "If it weren't for the fact that I hadn't recovered from the injuries I received earlier, I would have followed Rhine and the others to the Reinke Plateau."

"Haha! You are very diligent, Benson-san, if you ask me, after Sivis-sama becomes the Chief, the next position of Vice Chief will definitely be yours, Don Benson!"

"Hehe, then I thank Bellathorne-san for his blessing!"

Witnessing Benson's back disappearing from sight, Bellathorne only let out an envious whisper, "It's good to be CP0! Speaking of which, I'm really lacking in sleep these days, so I almost forgot what Sivis-sama explained! By the way, when did Sivis-sama give the explanation?"

The second barrier was guarded by Veit, as Cister had explained that the current situation was very unfavourable to them. They should try to remain silent and never let the Sivis faction's people put their attention on them.

So, he also closed his eyes and let Benson pass.

The last barrier is even simpler, the guards just casually greeted, and then after a bit of questioning, they let Benson in.

Of course, this is also because there is monitoring along the way; if Benson's behaviour is not proper, the security alarm would have sounded long ago, precisely because there is no movement, so their guard lowered to this extent.

"It seems that the hypnosis in the surveillance room was not exposed, well, it was not in vain that I went to Baccarat to touch it before the action, I really do what I want in the strong luck state!" Benson's eyes showed a colour that was entirely at odds with his usual, and he walked into the last room at a steady pace.

In the room, Dragon sat on the floor, his body was tied up with Kairoseki chains, wrapping him up in three layers, and his vital breath was somewhat weakened, which was because the World Government was not at ease with him. They only dared to treat his injuries to the point where he could barely move.

Seeing someone enter, Dragon was silent, with no trace of bewilderment or fear visible on his face.

Benson looked around, then lowered his voice and said, "I'm a subordinate of Julius-sama, I'm here to rescue you, chief, from getting out!"

Even with some reminders from Longinus, the tremendous amount of information in these brief words almost made Dragon fail to react.

Of course, he knows Julius, the "hero" who manipulated the forged Pluton to blow up the Holy Land five years ago, but what he remembers more is the Revolutionary Army logo that forcibly affixed to the other side.

He always thought that the World Government was forcing the pot, but now it seems, is it true? That comrade Julius was one of their revolutionary army?

But why did he, the leader of the Revolutionary Army, not know anything about it? Could it be that the comrade had spontaneously awakened to revolutionary ideas but died before he could contact the organization?

Of course, this could also be a conspiracy of the World Government ... thinking about it, Dragon said without moving, "Julius? I do not understand what you are talking about?"

"Julius-sama should not have had time to contact the organization at that time, it is not surprising that you do not know, chief, but we do not have time to continue to waste now ... eww." Benson vomited dryly, with a surge in his throat, surprisingly spitting out the acid-stained stone key and glazed vial from his mouth.

"Whether you believe me or not chief, unlocking the chains is always harmless, by the way, this bottle is the life potion developed by the military, although it looks a little disgusting, but now it does not care so much, please chief you hurry to drink it!"

Benson unlocked the chain with the key while putting the bottle to the mouth of Dragon.

If they want to kill me, there is no need for any poison ... so thinking, Dragon did not look half disgusted and bit the mouth of the bottle and tilted his head to drink.

It's true ... feeling the life force welling up in his body, Dragon spat out the vial and said seriously, "Comrade, thank you so much!"

After saying that, he tentatively asked, "Is someone asked you to save me?"

Benson looked slightly moved, "The chief really also knows about the lord?"

Indeed it is he ... Dragon heart sighed with emotion and then asked, "Does he have anything he wants you to tell me?"

Benson face gloomy, "The lord said, the specific route and explosives location have been told to you, chief, the only thing to keep in mind is, absolutely not to use the real body to explore the secrets of that field!"

"Like that? I understand!" Dragon nodded slightly; at this time, the chains on his body also unlocked, the long-lost power re-emerged, "Be prepared to escape!"

However, Benson was shaking his head slightly, "No need, from the moment I stepped into this place, I never thought of leaving alive."


"With your strength, chief, it is not difficult to escape quietly, but I will only become a drag for you, chief, and, even for a CP0 like me, I really do not have the confidence to carry through the torture if I am caught, so, dying here is the best relief for me!"

Dragon is silent; of course, he knows, this is the safest way!

"Chief, you do not need to grieve for me, as CP0, with my hands tainted with sin, in fact, I should not live in this world long ago!" Benson looked "noble", after biting through the poison hidden under the tongue, the corners of his mouth soon flowed with fishy black blood.

"As long as the world ... can finally usher in the light, without ... living in darkness ... like me."


Before he could finish the words, Benson completely lost his breath of life.

"I will, I will bring light to this world!" Dragon whirled and split two vortexes of gas from his body with a light sigh, while those two vortexes kept changing and eventually evolved into two of his appearance.

"It is really not possible to manipulate three bodies at the same time, it seems that I must first send the body out, and then, take this opportunity to see the reality hidden under the Holy Land!" Dragon whispered, his body turned into an apparent wind and floated quietly outward.

Published in Qidian, November 18, 2019