The Torn Red Line Continent

"Against an enemy like you, it is indeed necessary to go all out to do so!" Hawkeye stood on the broken rock, holding his sword with both hands; his eyes calmed down instead.

The heart of the person, the momentum of the sword, at this moment, seems to have completely merged.

"It seems that Kenbunshoku Haki also can not perceive his breath, no, to be precise, is the person became like a sword! This harsh and powerful aura, which is almost materialized!" Zoro muttered, then suddenly looked to the other side, "His side is also about to start?"

"Although a little abrupt, if the enemy is you it is not forced!" When Apophis said this, hundreds of blood-colored tentacles suddenly stretched out from the body of the Seven Star Sword to wrap him, and finally, those tentacles turned into a blood-colored trench coat draped behind him.

"This evil and bloody aura is equally powerful to the point of suffocation, these two people ... are trying it out and then jumping straight to the duel stage?" Zoro's hands fiddled with the phone bug bought at great expense, and then, the visual in his eyes began to change.

"This long-lost power, really intoxicating, then, the real battle to start!" Apophis turned into a long, bloody rainbow and flew towards the other side the moment the words fell.

In the Bloody Ashura mode, both strength and speed have significantly increased. Apophis almost instantly crossed the limits of space, as if it could split the Red Line continent with a ferocious slash towards the head of Hawkeye.

Faced with Apophis, which almost beyond the limits of the attack, Hawkeye did not panic; at this moment, the swordsman's instincts were surprisingly beyond the foresight of Kenbunshoku Haki advance to a headwind slash to meet it.


The ground beneath Hawkeye's feet collapsed once again, but he indeed blocked Apophis' jumping slash.

Apophis, who stalled in mid-air, didn't hesitate to turn around in mid-air and slash the Seven Star Sword in his hand below again.

It is not the end, his body is like a death roll crocodile in the air as a continuous rotation, and then, slashes are like a whirlwind of black knife raised towards Hawkeye.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

In such a violent attack, the sound of booming explosions incessantly, after half a breath, Hawkeye can still hold on, but the ground under Hawkeye's feet first can not support a big blast like a boom, the whole plateau collapsed like a stack of blocks.

Apophis naturally does not care what damage he has caused; in his extreme speed, the rock fall's time seems to be infinitely slowed down in general, with light feet in the rain of rocks shuttle, by stepping on the rock with the recoil downward.

In the sky, there are constantly images of rocks trampled into stone chips; simultaneously, the blood-colored rainbow is also like a reflected light track, in a constant refraction shot towards Hawkeye.

However, Hawkeye, who had been maintaining his blocking action since the beginning, finally reacted otherwise, "The power has almost been stored, next, it's my turn to counterattack!"

Yorugami Choppu!

During the fall of Hawkeye face upwards, a chopping attack swiftly cut out, and then with great speed through the sky.

The sword's light will be wholly submerged Apophis, and constantly plummeting rocks also shattered into the tiniest particles in this like a waterfall of sword light.

Finally, even the black thunderclouds that had been falling from time to time over the plateau torn apart, and the golden sunlight, once again, spilled down.

"Is this something that humans can do with their own strength? The two of them, are they really not ability users?"

"Is this the ultimate of swordsmen? It's really too shocking!"

"Where is Apophis-sama? He should be able to dodge part of such a chopping attack, right?"

Just as the crowd searched for Apophis' trail, the bloody rainbow surprisingly rushed out from the sword light, and after shortening most of the distance through the cover of the sword light, a strong and dominating slash directly chopped at Hawkeye.

"To lower my guard, actually take the initiative to rush into the chopping attack? Heh, this guy is an uncompromising madman!" Hawkeye thought so, hastily raised his sword to block; however, he cannot block Apophis' stored power strike.

Boom! Boom!

There was no crumbling of half of the plateau, and the two of them crashed completely under the violent impact, and Hawkeye crashed into the deep sea.

Of course, Apophis is not much better, forcing him to take the Hawkeye chop; his body covered with tiny wounds, not to mention the chest and a hideous wound from the right shoulder to the left waist.

"It's crazy that he chose this injury-for-injury fighting style when he already had the advantage!"

"This guy is really just as crazy as Kaido!"

"He should still be a bit more clear-headed than Kaido, but this kind of clear-headed madman is the more terrifying!"

The Red Line continent, which is like a paper ring, has been broken off here in the Reinke Plateau, with rock walls standing on both sides of the continent, only this part has been cut off in its entirety, giving the impression that it is like a strait that connects to the Grand Line.

Of course, this is not precisely a strait; at least, at the moment, there are small mountains of broken rock piled up on the surface of the sea.

Apophis stepped on these broken rocks as if murmuring to the sea, "You should not be so easy to finish, right, Hawkeye Mihawk?"

As if to confirm his words, the next moment, a bright blade light came shooting out from the broken rock under his feet.

Apophis jumped back slightly, avoiding the attack, and looked blandly at someone who jumped out of the sea, "You guys, when did you start playing sneak attack?"

Hawkeye, who was blasted down to the sea by Apophis with a forceful strike, was not lightly injured, even the arms holding the black sword Yoru was dripping blood, but he still said with an easy and calm posture, "It's not a sneak attack if you can dodge it."

"So that's a greeting?"

"Pretty much!"

"Not bad for someone who spends all day with humandrills, you learned this greeting from those humandrills too, right?" Apophis pulled out the seven-star sword stuck in front of him, "You should still be able to fight, right?"

"Are you in a hurry to change the subject after taunting? What a nasty character!" Hawkeye chuckled lightly, then bent down slightly to prepare for an attack, "But don't think it's so easy for you to take the title of world number one!"

"First take the strongest among swordsmen, so that I can then challenge the strongest in the world!"

"The strongest in the world? It's not easy to do with that man standing in front of you!"

"So, try to put pressure on me!" Apophis exclaimed, and the splendid sword aura sliced through space and rushed to the opposite side.

"Thinking of me as a stepping stone? Then you should be careful not to fall off the stepping stone!" Hawkeye's gaze condensed, waved his black blade, and the incomparably strong blade light flashed to meet him!

Published in Qidian, November 19, 2019