The CP0 shocked by "Longinus"

The speed and power beyond the extreme made the air unable to withstand it, emitting an overwhelming sonic boom sound.

The surrounding air constantly compressed, the sea surface moisture condensed into clouds, at the end of the sword hilt appeared cone-shaped cloud mass.

This group of sonic boom clouds and under the influence of blood mist evolved into a red storm, giving the impression that it was like Apophis itself was releasing a deadly scarlet breath!

Hawkeye's gaze sharp and harsh; his aggressive eye almost materialized into needles stabbing at each other; he did not have Haoshoku Haki, but he has a unique swordsman's potential!

If a person who is not good at heart stands in front of him, it is possible to be killed directly by this " visual "!

After sitting on the world's throne for more than ten years, he rightly has the strongest swordsmanship in this world!


The collision of the two sides' sword power was like killing a bloodthirsty python and a sky-scraping eagle, intertwining and roaring. The violent, deadly fight made the broken rocks piled up under their feet shattered into slag once again.

The waves stirred, hundreds of meters high terrifying wave after wave slapped on the fractured two sides of the continental rock wall.

Apophis also sent flying into the rock wall behind him and flew back faster with the recoil of stepping hard on the broken rocks, his sword blade slicing through space, jumping and weaving, and landing on the other side in a "surplice chop" stance.

Hawkeye silently crossed his sword across his chest, blocking his opponent's ferocious chopping blow.

"Really hard enough! However, how much Kenbunshoku Haki do you have left?" Apophis pressed his sword blade downward with force and said condescendingly.

Hawkeye seemed to fall into silence; the strength of that demon sword is above his black blade, making him need to consume more Kenbunshoku Haki on the protection of the blade.

In this stalemate situation, the blade in Apophis's hand kept pressing down, and gradually, it has approached Hawkeye's neck.

"When have you ever seen a battle between swordsmen lost because of insufficient Kenbunshoku Haki?"

"Heh, that makes sense!"

Apophis's eyes gaze, the whole body power surge, been blocked above the sword's blade fiercely downward.

At this point, the black blade as rugged as the mountains and rivers suddenly softened; after the sword touched the arm, Hawkeye's black blade in his hand again slashed because it was too late to withdraw the hand was below the Apophis.

Apophis in mid-air a turn, leaning upward to swing the sword.


The airwave is noisy, the chopping wave is raging, Apophis directly knocked down, but a moment later, he shoots at Hawkeye again like a sharp arrow.

"Besides being sturdy, is there flexibility?" said Apophis, but the attack in his hand was floating towards the opponent like fierce wind and rain.

"Well, a sword that is not soft is not strong!" The black sword the size of a door panel in Hawkeye's hands recklessly changed characteristics, a moment soft, a moment hard, and surprisingly blocked the attack of Apophis.

They fought in this way, from the continent's midsection to the sea, from the sea to the sky. Finally, surprisingly, re-fall back to the plateau that it broke most of the time.

The moment they saw the two flying up, the people who were watching the battle from the cliffside hurriedly fled to the distance, and a thought flashed through their minds rapidly, where these two guys coming to destroy the wretched Reinke plateau again?

"Soshaku Tsuki no Surasshu!"

"Sen no Sutoraiki!"

The terrain that hadn't changed in hundreds of years destroyed by the two of them.

Seeing the destruction caused by the two fightings, a group of CP0 who came late only felt some chills in their bodies.

"Red Line continent unexpectedly ... even split open!"

"What the hell is wrong with these two guys? Obviously one is only a Shichibukai, and the other is only the weakest of the Yonkos, how can they be so strong? Even Sivis-sama may not be able to do such a thing, right?"

"Can we really play a role in a battle of this level?"

"I did not expect Apophis' strength to be so strong that it is hard to imagine that Longinus that guy who was able to defeat him ... cough cough cough, Long Long Long Long Long ... Fleet Admiral Longinus, how did you get here ... No, I mean how did you come so early?"

After catching a familiar figure out of the corner of their eyes, CP0, who was speaking disrespectfully, coughed up his lungs in fear.

Don't look at their mouths and dislike Longinus, but in their hearts, they still have respect for this fleet admiral who has suppressed the entire CP0 with just one person.

"It's you guys who arrived too late!" Longinus reprimanded in a gentle tone, "Since this is an important mission, don't just think about being on time, but arrive early with certain variables in mind."

"Yes! We understand!" A group of CP0 replied obsequiously.

Although the Marine and Cipher Pol are entirely different institutions, as fleet admiral have equal status with their chief and occupy the accountability of reason, they indeed should be humbly accepted.

That's right; they are not out of fear!

Seemingly to break this awkward atmosphere, Rhine smiled sarcastically and asked, "Fleet Admiral Longinus, you were able to seriously injure Apophis two years ago, now then, you should also be able to easily suppress him, right?"

Longinus gave Rhine a calm look in his eyes, causing the latter's heart to tighten, and he almost failed to catch his breath, but fortunately, Longinus quickly turned his eyes to the battlefield.

"Don't underestimate that man, until now, he hasn't even used his full strength in the true sense of the word!"

"What?" Rhine's heart, astonished, can not help but hurriedly asked, "This situation he is still preserving strength, is it, is to guard against us?"

"No, in the battle with Hawkeye, he has been on fire!"

"Then why do you say ..."

"It's the fruit! Have you forgotten his fruit?" Longinus said in a deep voice, "This battle, it is just his fight with Hawkeye for the title of the world's number one swordsman, so, of course, he will not use the Devil Fruit means, but, at other times can not be this result."

The crowd was horrified; indeed, after Apophis showed that incomparably powerful means of attack, they subconsciously ignored that the other party also has the ability of space that is called insurmountable!

"If before today he was the weakest of the Yonko, then after today he is the strongest of the Yonko!"

Hearing Longinus says this, and Rhine subconsciously looked towards him, "Then Fleet Admiral Longinus, you ..."

However, Longinus just looked at him with indifferent eyes, "The government's orders are for them not to start a bigger riot, so don't think too much!"

"I, I understand!" Rhine hurriedly lowered his head; he was so nervous that he was suffocating during the moment when he looked at Longinus, "What a terrifying look, what a powerful aura, worthy of being Fleet Admiral Longinus who even Sebastian-sama was suppressed!"

While Rhine was feeling the power of Longinus, "Longinus" was also anxious in his heart, "He can't have seen something in my eyes, right? Everything else is easy to imitate, but my sensei's aura is too difficult to imitate!"

She had intended to praise her teacher's power, but only after she finished speaking did she realize that she was using her teacher's model to praise her model!

If the teacher knew about it, he wouldn't think she was a narcissist, right?

Published in Qidian, November 19, 2019