I'm really not Sanji!

"Kill me? Why do you want to kill me?" Luffy looked puzzled, "Because I just accidentally stepped on your face?"

"Shut up, stop saying that!" Cavendish shouted in a mixture of grief and anger.

"Luffy-senpai, I know him, this guy is most concerned about his image, as long as we take out the image of the telephone bug, taking pictures of his current wretched appearance, you can certainly blackmail him to do all kinds of things! Hehahaha!" Bartolomeo laughed shamefully with great devotion.

"Devil, devil!" Cavendish shuddered; these two bastards are just too evil!

"Why is this guy acting like a woman? No fun!" Luffy bored, picking his nostrils, and said.

"Since Luffy-senpai said not interesting, then this kind of minor character is certainly not worthy of attention!" Bartolomeo dawned on him.

"Minor characters ... are not worthy of attention ... " Cavendish muttered, gradually blackened.

At this time, a man flying down in the sky with a gas jet under his feet and a grassland color on his head, looking particularly conspicuous.

"Sanji, you guys kicked me so painful ah!"

"Stupid, I told you I'm called Yonji!"

Hearing Luffy says this, the man who called himself Yonji roared.

"You think I won't recognize you if you dye your hair the color of Zoro?" Luffy said with conviction.

"I told you not to compare me with that scrappy, I do not have his kind of bad character!" Yonji snorted.

"Look, there's a pretty girl over there!"

"Huh? Where is it? Where is it?"

See the other side of the almost instinctive reaction to look around; Luffy revealed a "wisdom" smile, " You are really Sanji!"

Realizing that he got fooled, Yonji said frantically, "In the end, how many times do I have to say, this master called Yonji!"

"I see!" Just when Yonji slightly relieved to hear, Luffy shouted again, "You want to win the captain's position from me, right? Sanji!"

Yonji: "(╬ ̄皿 ̄)"

"Then come on, it just so happens that we haven't fought yet!"

"Ch! I can't believe I wasted so much time with an imbecile like you!"

At this time, the completion of the blackened awakened personality Cavendish morbid laugh, "Hehehehe, kill you, kill you bastards who don't put me in the eye!"

"Luffy-senpai, I' ll take care of this psychopath, you go finish the battle with Sanji-senpai!" Bartolomeo shouted with tears in his eyes, "This is a fated duel!"

"You idiots can not listen to people in the end ah! I told you I'm Yonji!" He yells out frantically and then rushes towards Luffy.

"Let's fight, Sanji!" Luffy shouted, his stretched fist slammed into each other.


On the coastline, in front of a strange pirate ship.

In front of them, a large group of pirates kneeling on the ground is a man whose eyes are cold to the extreme.

"Tell me, where is that fruit?"

"I don't know, we really don't know ah!" These pirates were snotty and broken-hearted, shouting, "Only the captain knows where the fruit is placed!"

At this time, another group of pirates standing around watching came forward and said, "Wyper-sama, there is no devil fruit on board, so it seems likely that the newcomer pirates took it with them."

Wyper did not deny and looked at those kneeling pirates and asked, "Where is your captain?"

"This ... this we do not know." A bunch of pirate's eyes dodged and said with a lack of breath.

"Do not know?" Wyper's voice slightly cold and was about to continue talking when the Den Den Mushi in his arms was ringing.

"Wyper-sama, we found that pirate's trail! Now, Yonji-sama is blocking him in the Corrida Colosseum!"

"Corrida Colosseum? Very well, I know!"

Without saying much, Weber quickly hung up the phone.

"Wyper-sama, then what should we do with these pirates?"

"Do you still need to ask? Kill them all!"

In the desperate eyes of a pirates group, Wyper spread his wings and flew towards the sky.


On the Lover's Lane.

"Thanks a lot, little brother! Boing!"

"Make sure you don't say thank you!"

Sanji, who was spraying nosebleed after sending off a nearly robbed beautiful woman, suddenly reacted, "I forgot again, now I should seize the time to find Luffy only!"

At this time, in the distance, suddenly came the sound of fighting in the direction of the Corrida Colosseum, and looking up, Sanji even saw that an arm stretched to the arena overhead.

"It's Luffy, he has fought with people!" Sanji's heart darkly said terrible, but there is no time to think more, can only run with all his might, with the fastest speed towards the arena direction.


In the arena;

"Sanji, how have you become weaker!" After punching Yonji out, Luffy faces "shock".

"Bastard, you are saying that I can not compete with that defective?" Feeling humiliated, Yonji rushed up, and then with more speed, was hit backward.

"I see! You must be because you have too many nosebleeds today, so the body is weak, right?" Luffy said "suddenly", and then enviously, "By the way, where did you get this super cool dress? How much is it? Lend it to me when we get back!"

"Shut up!" Yonji roared and got knocked backward again.

At that moment, two more figures came from the sky.

"What a mess, Yonji!"

"Heh, you would not be that guy disguised as Sanji, right?"

See the appearance of these two people, Luffy's brain suddenly down, " How come another blue hair Sanji and a red hair Sanji?"

"Could it be that this is the legendary bilocation?"

"Bilocation your head ah, idiot!"

Sanji, who happened to appear, kicked Luffy out and cursed furiously, " After two years and still misidentified people, are you an idiot?"

"Four, four Sanji!" Luffy did not care much, just stared at the scene, and then finally woke up to look at Yonji, " So you are not Sanji ah! It is too vicious, how dare you lie to me!"

Yonji got up from the ground and roared like a frantic baboon, "I always said my name was Yonji, it's Yonji ahhhhhh!"

Seeing this look of Yonji, who was going crazy with torture, a trace of sympathy surged up in Sanji's heart for some reason.

"Oh." Luffy just simply "Oh", and then asked, "Since you are not Sanji, then why did you just hit me?"

Seeing Luffy's perfunctory attitude, for some reason, Yonji felt even angrier with himself!

Before he could say anything, Sanji put his right hand on Luffy's shoulder, "They should have come for the minion you just met!"

"Hey? Bartolomeo?" Luffy said in surprise.

"You guys even know? Heh, it does not matter!" A red-haired Ichiji said indifferently, "Let him hand over the devil fruit bought on the black market, otherwise, all of you will die!"

Luffy did not rush to respond but tilted his head, a puzzled face asked, "Then again, who are you pirated version of Sanji in the end ah?"

"Pirated ... Sanji ... " three people's faces instantly grim down, "To say pirated, it is your side of the remnant is pirated right, as for us, is affiliated with the Vinsmoke family under Apophis-sama."

"At the same time, it is also the one who can decide your fate!"

Published in Qidian, November 29, 2019