Ruthless People Who Don't Get His Way!

"Determine the fate, so powerful, are you diviners?" When Luffy heard it, his eyes shone and asked.

Diviner ... Ichiji now finally understands why Yonji will be that mad, "It is pirates, we are pirates ah bastard!"

At this time, Bartolomeo, who has been using the ability to block Cavendish's attack, shouted infinitely moved, "That is to say, just now is Luffy-senpai in order to protect me in combat? I am really touched, now even if I die, it is worth it!"

Ichiji took a deep breath and asked, "Is not willing to hand over that fruit? Then, when Wyper-sama arrived it will not be as good as we talk!"

Bartolomeo but shouted, "I have already offered that fruit to Luffy-senpai! That is only Luffy-senpai deserve to have the power!"

Luffy pulled out his nostrils, a bewildered face, "Hey, it was given to me?"

Bartolomeo said excitedly, "I gave you the box previously, Luffy-senpai!"

"Oh, so that's the one!"

Luffy dawned on him, then looked around at the audience, "Here it is!"

His arm suddenly stretched from a corner to retrieve a box.

At once, three burning gazes swept in.

"Do you guys want this? I can give you guys."

Hearing Luffy said so, the three first stunned, and then with contempt face laughed, "Because hearing the name of Apophis-sama, you have been afraid that your whole body shivered, right?"

Luffy's face does not change, and then go on to say, "But the condition is that you three must apologize to Sanji!"

"Luffy, you ..." Sanji looked at him in surprise.

The smile of Ichji and others were also quickly frozen down.

"You three have been badmouthing Sanji since earlier, even if your relationship is not ordinary, I will be angry!" Luffy said seriously.

Sanji subconsciously opened his mouth but could not say anything.

Ichiji and others are looking at each other and coldly said, "Let us apologize to this punk, he may not have that life to bear! Since you're not going to hand it over, it's just as well that we kill you and then snatch it!"

"In that case -" Luffy walked to the side, put the box down, then both arms stretched violently, bazooka-like blast out, "Then I have to hit you guys too! Second Gear - Gomu Gomu no Jet Bazooka!"

" Hit us away? I' ll let you also see the force of technology ... pfft!" Before Ichiji could say anything, he was blown away directly by the super strength and plunged back into the arena's wall.

"Iji was actually destroyed in seconds!" Niji subconsciously opened his mouth in some disbelief.

"Stronger than just now, and the one he used while fighting me was not even at full strength?" Yonji's face was not very friendly.

"Although it started messing up again, but this time I want to say that the fight is good!" Sanji's mouth corner can not help but rise and then said, "Luffy, solve them as fast as possible, and then, we go directly to the Greenbelt to regroup!"

"The fastest speed? Understood!" Luffy did not ask the reason but blasted his arms towards the opposite side with the force of a fierce storm.

"Damn, can't block it!" Niji's arms crossed in front of his body, were hit constantly sliding backward, his feet plowing a two-length furrow in the ground.

After holding on for three seconds, surrounded by electric light, yet no half effect on Luffy, Niji was also blown away into the wall by the berserk blow.

"Two idiots, how dare you speak properly about me?" Yonji subconsciously cursed.

At that moment, Luffy's attack also shifted over, "Your turn!"


There was a loud sound, and Yonji had expected a fierce blow, and it didn't happen, but instead, Luffy was blown away by a sudden force.

"Who is it?" Sanji subconsciously protects in front of Luffy.

Yonji also surprised out, "It's Wyper-sama!"

The huge Pteranodon landed on the ground, an icy eye sweep; the voice coldly said, "There are unplanned forces intervene?"

"Wyper-sama, it's the Straw Hat Pirates!"

"A group of newcomers, but also dare to interfere with our actions?"

To see Wyper cast a cold gaze, Sanji felt pressure and also some surprise in his heart, "This guy is the man that Reiju mentioned that should never be provoked? The aura is indeed very strong, but also looks very young ah!"

Sanji did not realize that they are far younger than each other when thinking like this, to say young.

At this point, Luffy pushed away the debris covering the body stood up, "Be careful, this guy's strength is very strong!"

"Who do you think you're facing?" Yonji mocked, "Wyper-sama is the major cadre of our Demon Sword Pirates, one of the three demon gods with a bounty of one billion berries or more!"

"Billion berries bounty!" Luffy not only did not fear but, on the contrary, his eyes sizzled up.

Wyper didn't care, just swept his gaze, then settled on the box at Sanji's feet, "Is this it? Give it to me!"

"Give it to you?" Sanji asked with a smile, "And then what? Let us go?"

"You can make your death less painful!"

"Idiot! Who would agree to such a condition?"

"It's not a condition, it's an order!" Almost at the same time as the words fell, the giant Pteranodon swooped over at a breakneck speed.

"So fast!" Sanji pupils contracted violently, and then, he saw a red monster blocked in front of him.

"I know you are very strong, so I used the full force at the beginning, Fourth Gear - Kin'niku Fusen!"

Boom! Boom!

An incomparably violent wave of aura shot out in all directions, causing a rippled wave in the air, and a vast crack ripped out of the ground directly under their feet, like a doorway to the abyss.

It is not the end, in the center of the battlefield that stirred up countless dust, the sound of booming explosions came out one after another, powerful and violent waves from time to time, it seems that the two people from the beginning has entered into a super fierce battle.

After collapsing half of the arena, the two figures flew backward at the same time.

Seeing this scene, Yonji couldn't even believe his eyes, "How is this possible? That rookie pirate actually blocked Wyper-sama's attack! Even, even looks like a kind of evenly matched!"

Sanji, slightly relieved, holding the box to the side, his heart somewhat agitated, "It is true, Luffy's strength has grown to the point that even the great cadres of the four emperors are not able to suppress!"

Bartolomeo is even more excited to tears, "This time it is the great cadres of the Yonko, next time it will be the Yonko himself, and then the next time it will be Luffy-senpai become the Pirate King!"

However, because he has been blocked from the barrier and dropped out of the Hakuba personality, Cavendish is unable to resist pouring cold water, "Idiots, have you not heard of Wyper's other title in addition to the three demon gods?"

"What did you say?" Bartolomeo subconsciously asked.

"It's War Demon, War Demon Wyper, a demon that is more terrifying than the title of God! In order to achieve the task, this man has always been willing to do anything at all costs!" Cavendish said in a faintly fearful voice.

"At all costs?" Sanji was stunned; Reiju seems to have said something similar.

At this time, Wyper also changed from Pteranodon form to human form.

"Obviously just new pirates but have this kind of strength, if you grow up, the pattern of the New World may really change!" said Wyper, and took out a handful of pills and poured them directly into his mouth, "But unfortunately, you no longer have a future! Anyone who stands in my way of completing my mission will all die!"

After saying that, the aura on his body steeply rose.

"This, is this the kind of forbidden medicine that consumes life?" After seeing Wyper's strength soar and his steely, cold face also faintly emerged a trace of pain, Sanji also looked incredulous, "Simply to complete the task he will do this step. It is amazing how high the status of Apophis in his heart to this extent? This guy is definitely a madman! Just to complete the task, even to consume his own life!"

Published in Qidian, November 29, 2019