Sending Troops to the Wano Country!

Marine headquarters, in the Fleet Admiral's office.

Several oddly shaped people gathered together.

"Woof! Woof!"

"Meow! Meow!"

A cat and a dog had their foreheads pressed together, jockeying against each other.

Next to him, the female, who dressed like a man, Kikunojo, laughed softly, "Nekomamushi, Inuarashi, I envy you guys for still being so close!"

A cat and a dog turned their heads to stare at the same time, saying in unison, "When did I have a good relationship with this old dog (old cat)?"

Then, the cat and dog turned their heads to look at each other at the same time, "Bastard, don't talk like me! Meow (woof)!"

Kikunojo smiled and looked at someone next to her, "By the way, Kawamatsu, I heard that you went to the fishman to identify your relatives some time ago?"

"Ka, kappappappa! You, you don't talk nonsense!" Kawamatsu blushed slightly and denied it, "I'm a kappa, not a fishman, I wouldn't go to recognize my relatives!"

Kikunojo's eyes narrowed to slits as she asked with a smile, "Is it true?"

"Dang, of course it's true!" Kawamatsu bottomed out and looked away, muttering in a small voice, "Squinting eyes and stuff are the worst!"

At that moment, the door of the room pushed open.

Longinus walked in and followed by Kozuki Hiyori.

"Hiyori-sama! Longinus-sama!" Seeing the two people enter, Nekomamushi and the others hurriedly stopped their jostling and greeted each other.

"Uncle Kawamatsu, Kiku-nee, kitten, puppy, I'm really happy to see you!" Hiyori said happily.

"So are we! It's so nice to see Her Highness!"

"If the Lord knew how much Her Highness has grown, he would be very happy too!"

"I still don't know, what did Her Highness and Longinus-sama summon us back for?"

Longinus coughed lightly, "Sorry for keeping everyone waiting! This time, I have gathered you all back mainly for that promise that has been too long ago!"

Hearing Longinus mention the promise, all four of them were quiet, their faces leaping with joy and somewhat afraid to confirm until Longinus said the words - "Restoration of the Wano Country!"

"Is it true? Is this day really coming?" Kawamatsu asked with unbridled excitement.

"Will the Lord's dream, the Lord's regret, finally be made up?" Kikunojo, who had always been smiling, had tears in her eyes right now!

"Oto-sama, oka-sama ..." Hiyori bit his lips tightly and looked at Longinus with eyes full of emotion.

"Longinus-sama, thank you, really thank you so much! Your kindness, we will never forget, woof (meow)!" Inuarashi and Nekomamushi also fell to the ground in an instant tearful bow.

No one would doubt the weight of Longinus' words, and equally, no one would doubt that Longinus could do it.

The world's strongest man, the world's most powerful, these two words alone are enough to say everything!

As long as this man wants to accomplish something, he will undoubtedly be able to achieve it!

"As long as you do not blame me for being too late to fulfill this promise!" Longinus shook his head slightly.

"Of course not, your willingness to help, Lord Longinus, is the greatest favor to us!" The crowd said with one voice.

They are not the kind of people who do not know what is good or bad; someone willing to help revenge and restore the country has already made them grateful; if they are overly demanding, that would be an absolute insult to them!

"Thank you all for your trust!" Longinus said in a deep voice, "Next, please consolidate the power of the Wano Country, together with the Marine Corps, and march on the Wano!"



New World, an ordinary town;

A large group of fierce-looking pirates gathered together, all looking lost.

"We've failed again this time! Maybe that bastard Teach was right, we were too well protected by father, and after he's gone, we're just a bunch of losers who can't do anything!" Jozu tilted his head and poured wine, "tonnes of tonnes of tonnes" drinking; the confusion was written on his big pentagonal face.

"Gura Gura no Mi won't come back, Blackbeard can't be beaten, Atmos was also badly injured, can we really still avenge father?" Haruta is also showing a melancholy color.

"Failure is not horrible, what is horrible is even the courage to face defeat is gone!" Marco suddenly "opened" his eyes, "At this point, are you even worse than that bastard Teach? That guy is no better than us, always defeated, but never gave up his ambition!"

"Or is it that your belief in revenge for father cannot even compare to that bastard Teach's persistence in ambition?"

These loud voices sobered up the chaotic crowd; indeed, that bastard Teach had repeatedly lost more battles than even them.

Especially this time, they heard that even Shiryu, who had been following him, had been killed! But he didn't stay any longer, and soon made a big noise again!

Compared to Blackbeard, their current setback seems to be nothing!

Thinking of this, Jozu was ashamed and threw the wine jar away, "You're right, Marco, we can't lose to that scumbag Teach no matter who we lose to!"

The rest of the crowd also nodded and roared with red eyes and righteous indignation, "Absolutely can't lose to that scumbag!"

Seeing the crowd had finally rekindled their fighting spirit, Marco was lamenting in his heart that everyone had been hit too much. So much so that their bottom line had dropped to just not losing to Teach.

He sometimes even envisioned that if they defeated Teach, will they evolve into a salty pirate group after losing this goal?

Rejecting that terrible thought in his mind, Marco said in a deep voice, "It's good that everyone has the will to fight, but this trip to the Wano Country may be too much more dangerous than the Golden City, so it's good that Jozu, me and Vista are going!"

When the crowd is impatient to speak, Marco ruthlessly and coldly said, "In the face of Blackbeard, too many people are easy to become a burden, you forget the lesson this time? If there are only three of us, then it is impossible to lose so badly!

Although they know what Marco said is true, the crowd's hearts are still wrong.

At this point, Izo, who looks like a woman in costume, came forward and said, "At least count me in, after all, Wano Country is my hometown, so if there are any special circumstances, maybe I can help."

Marco frowned; indeed, there has always been Kaido's territory; there is little information that it will easily hinder this operation without a guide.

Without much hesitation, Marco quickly made a decision, "Yes! But you must be careful yourself, we can hardly take care of you!"

"Don't underestimate the samurai, Marco!" Izo grunted lightly with slight displeasure.

After determining the action personnel, Haruta and others blushing while cautioning, "You must be careful of that guy Blackbeard! He must have his own plan to publish the news of the body of history!"

"Do not worry, we will not fight him hard!" Marco took a deep breath and said, "The battlefield that will gather countless powerful fighting forces, there must be someone who can defeat him!"


Wano Country, Onigashima.

"What did you say? Let me agree to that scum's proposal?" The dragon hovering over Onigashima roared and shouted.

"Brother Kaido, we can wait until after Raftel before tearing up the agreement! If we refuse now, we may be targeted by the other Yonko!" Looking at the eyes that almost spurted out of anger, Queen said with difficulty, can not stop shaking all the fat.

"What kind of bastard are you talking about? I already have three pieces of Poneglyph, only the last piece is missing, why should I share it with those bastards?" The dragon roared in anger, "Also, that Poneglyph in the Wano should have belonged to me! If that bastard Blackbeard wants it, exchange it for his life!"

In the eyes of the outside world, it should be the three Yonkos each hold a piece of Road Poneglyph. In fact, Apophis was traded with him when he invited Kaido to deal with Shiki twelve years ago, and the piece from BIG-MOM was traded to him and Apophis by Katakuri eight years ago during the Marine Crusade.

To be precise, both Kaido and Apophis already have three pieces of Road Poneglyph; in this case, of course, he is not willing to share a piece of it with others.

"But ..." Queen hesitated to say something.

"No buts, if those bastards want to come, let them come! To become the Pirate King, only I can be one!" The dragon roared furiously, "Whatever he is Blackbeard and Whitebeard, let's all go to hell!"

Published in Qidian, December 11, 2019