Ashura Doji's Shock

Two weeks later, Wano Country.

In a small tavern in the Flower Capital, the three sat at a window seat.

"Hey, hey, hey, according to the information I got, Kaido that fool really plans to refuse my proposal, in this way, although there is no way to determine the attitude of that guy Akagami, but Apophis and Katakuri can not let that guy block the way!"

Blackbeard licked the corners of his dry mouth, his eyes leaping with a flame called ambition, "Next, as long as we find a way to ride on their two, and then gather the power of all of us, just flying dragons in the sky can only be slaughtered by us!

Redfield reminded in aside, "Do not ignore the attitude of the marine, but I heard that the marine side also has a big move!"

Hearing him say so, Blackbeard also calm down, for the "enemy", he is still quite serious, "The marine is indeed a problem, so we must contact Apophis and Katakuri as soon as possible, before the marine reacted, to obtain Kaido's ability! "

Suddenly, Blackbeard turned to look around.

"What's wrong with you?" Bullet asked.

"It seems that someone is peeking our way!" Blackbeard said with a gloomy face.

"Is it one of Kaido's men?" Redfield asked, turning his head sideways.

"Heh, who knows?" Blackbeard quickly withdrew his gaze and said with a sorrowful smile, "But we really should hurry up and act! Otherwise, it is likely that we will be the ones who fall into passivity!"


Nine miles from the Wano Country, on the ruins of Oden Castle;

Two forces stand separated, the mountain bandits of the Wano Country and the marine forces from the outside sea.

"You have finally returned!" The man with a tree on his head, looking at the crowd in front of him, said rather emotionally.

"Ashura-san, we have returned in accordance with the promise!" Kawamatsu said solemnly, word by word.

"Unlike the time twelve years ago, this time, it seems that you have really brought back the power that can liberate the Wano!" Ashura Doji's eyes were filled with shock; in his perception, there were at least no less than ten whose breath was at his level.

In particular, three of those strangers, the lazy man, the crooked mouth looks like a monkey man, the older man wearing a dog's head hat, laughing cheerfully. These three vaguely emitted aura even let him feel trembling; this is his own Lord and the Beasts Kaido level of superpower!

The appearance of so many strong people at once, this is, in his opinion, simply unimaginable!

Is this the power that the outside sea has ... Ashura Doji, in his mind, shocked can no longer be described in words, and can only exhale a breath of turbid air, and his eyes incomparably bright said, "There are so many strong people, and the Wano Country is finally saved!"

However, Longinus spoke up and said, "Don't let your guard down, the calamity of the Wano Country may have just begun!"

"It's you! Vice Admiral Chicken Wire!" The Ashura Doji, of course, remembered each other; this was the benefactor who helped them defeat Kurozumi Orochi, only it didn't include the name that was unbearably awkward for them.

When Ashura Doji's words fell, many marines were looking at him with displeasure.

These days, even if Longinus himself does not care about these details, those who worship him like a god in the marine can never allow their fleet admiral to be "insulted"!

Knowing what status Longinus has in the marine, Kawamatsu hurriedly glared at the Ashura Doji, "It's Longinus. ... It's Fleet Admiral Longinus, don't misspell it for me!"

Ashura Doji was aggrieved; it's a word that you passed on to me?

The mountain bandit next to him hurriedly relieved the situation, "My Lord, you just said the calamity of the Wano Country has just begun what do you mean ah?"

Longinus said in a deep voice, "Not only us, but also the outside world of the sea known as Yonko of the pirates also came to the Wano!"

When the mountain bandits are a little confused, Kawamatsu explained, "The Beasts Kaido, is one of the Yonko!"


Suddenly there was a series of swords falling to the ground, and these mountain bandits, dumbfounded and horrified, screamed, "There are three more monsters as powerful as Kaido!"

"In fact, there will be more!" Hiyori also said with a grimace, "Many pirates whose strength and power are close to that Yonko but who do not have the name of Yonko, have also come to Wano Country!"


A group of mountain bandits collapsed to the ground as if they had forgotten their dreams of salted fish, one Kaido making them and the country into a 20-year-long disaster. If another three or even more to come, then does Wano Country is entirely hopeless?

Not only them, but even the Ashura Doji is also horrified in his heart. However, he has been highly overestimated by the outside sea's power, but the information flowing between their words is still incomparably desperate!

"No wonder our lord always wanted to open a country back then, it turns out that, compared to the outside sea, the Wano Country is so small and weak!" Ashura Doji couldn't help but mutter to himself.

Hearing him say so, a bunch of marines instead slightly embarrassed, excluding Elbaf, Wano Country can even be said to be the strongest country on this sea!

Being ravaged by Kaido for so long and still not destroyed makes people feel terrible to think about it!

When they seem to be overly frightened, Kawamatsu hurriedly remedies, "But you do not have to worry too much, the whole reason why the Marine Corps came here is to save the Wano Country! With Fleet Admiral Longinus around, all disasters and crises can be lifted!"

Ashura Boy, who lost the high light in his eyes, slowly looked up, "He is very strong, even when faced with Kaido is able to maintain undefeated, but did not you also said that a monster like that there are three ..."

Speaking of which, he suddenly brightened up, "Right, there seems to be three very powerful guys on your side, with them in, maybe they can really stall the Yonko you mentioned!"

"Hahaha! You have eyesight! Of course I have to be more powerful than him ..." Garp's laughter suddenly stopped and scolded in a harsh tone, "What are you talking about, you bastard? What do you mean stall? I can punch a Yonko, okay?"

"Powerful guy, would not be talking about the old man, right?" Kizaru looks shocked, "Speak such words in front of boss Longinus, you really want to make the old man unable to face it!"

"Arara, I just came to be a fighter, the troublesome things, there is no need to say to me." Aokiji lazily leaned on a large tree, pulling down the eye patch, "What fleet admiral said, I will do."

Ashura Doji listened in awe; how come these three people all seem to hold that Fleet Admiral Chicken Wire in high esteem?

Speaking of which, when he accidentally called the wrong name just now, the reaction of the others, too, seemed to be intense and excessive!

He had a preconceived notion that the three "strongest men" should be the group leaders, but now it seems that his perception was off!

"Uncle Ashura, what you said was already a very old battle record!" On the side, Hiyori bristled with dissatisfaction, "The current Brother Fleet Admiral, is the strongest in the world!"

"What did you say? The world's strongest?" Does Ashura Doji repeat like a repeater?

"If I really say so, two Kaido will not necessarily be the opponent of Longinus-sama!" Kawamatsu switched the measurement unit to something they could better understand.

"Two Kaido!" Hearing Kawamatsu say this, a group of mountain bandits completely petrified!

PS: Bareheaded words in progress!

Published in Qidian, December 11, 2019