My Wano Country is Doomed?

It was only after a long time that Ashura Doji finally accepted and digested this fact.

The man standing in front of them not only represents the strongest fighting force in this world but also holds the most prestigious power in this world!

In their eyes, the noblest and the country's shogun's position, this man can easily support dozens of them!

In their eyes, a nightmare like the Beasts Pirates, even to gather three forces of the same level, can barely compete with it!

Ashura Doji's heart set off a shocking wave simultaneously, but also vaguely cheer up, with such strong support, and the Wano Country is finally saved!

Just as the mountain bandits were excited, Longinus spoke again, "Ashura-dono, next I will trouble you to temporarily relocate the people of the Wazoku."

"Relocate the people?" Ashura Doji asked blankly, "Why do you want to do that?"

"The Wano Country will become a battlefield next! Although I do not want to see such a thing happen, once the war breaks out, it will likely destroy the Wano Country as well!" Longinus' face was grave, "We must prepare for the worst in advance!"

"You you you say what?" Ashura Doji stammered and asked, "The Wano Country may be destroyed?"

Seeing Ashura Doji cast a help-like gaze, Kawamatsu smiled sarcastically, "For the outside sea, the battle between the top battle power, sinking a few islands is actually a very common thing!"

The mountain bandits are all scared and frightened; sinking islands is also called common? So the people on the sea outside are living such a life in deep water and fire?

Sure enough, it is better not to open a country!

Ashura Doji took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down, "This is very troublesome, we in the Wano Country have never liked to leave our homeland, even if you say there is the danger of destruction, most people will probably still choose to stay!"

Longinus gave him a smirking look, "That's why I'm looking for you!"

Ashura Doji was stunned, then understood, "You are asking me to play the advantage of mountain bandits and take them captive?"

Longinus nodded slightly, "In extraordinary times, we can only use extraordinary means!"

Ashura Doji did not refuse; this has initially been a crisis in the Wano Country; the other party is willing to help, it is already a great favor!

As for the people's possible resentment, he does not care, just like his lord, also never care what others think!

Do what you think is right, that's enough!

At that moment, a mountain bandit trotted over and whispered a few words in Ashura Doji's ear.

"Hmm? Are you sure you're not mistaken?" Ashura Doji asked.

"The news from the side of Boss Dozing Kyoshiro is very sure, after all, someone that dark is rare in the Wano Country!" The mountain bandit replied.

"I know, you go down." Ashura Doji told, then turned to Longinus and said, "Lazy ... Chicken Angry Death-dono, the people you asked us to find at the beginning have got news, they are now staying in a tavern in Flower Capital."

"Surprisingly, they are in the Flower Capital? The exit of the submerged port should be in the land of Hakumai, right?" Longinus, somewhat "surprised", then mused, "They did not go to take out the Road Poneglyph in the first place, indicating that their true purpose is probably not to unite the Yonko!"

Although the news released by Blackbeard is only related to the Wano Country, the government, and the marine's powerful intelligence system, naturally, they quickly noticed the previously overlooked details. They thus deduced that the disappeared Poneglyph is likely to be on the God Valley.

"Not intended to unite the Yonkos?" Kizaru's face surprised, "I thought it was Blackbeard in your hands suffered too many losses, at the risk of leaking information also want to unite the Yonko against us!"

"Really want to deal with us, secret contact is the best way, right?" Longinus shook his head and said, "He brought everything to the surface, in turn, it shows that their goal is not the marine!"

"That's good," said Kizaru with a "scared" face, "Knowing that the Yonko may join forces, I was scared to death!

All around, the marine face's heaviness also slightly relieved some, as powerful as the Marine Headquarters, to fight with all Yonko is almost an impossible challenge!

"Since it is not the marine, then his goal is ..." Gion asked in a deep voice.

"I have two guesses. The first possibility, is Akagami! He is the only one among the Yonko who does not have the Poneglyph and loves to meddle, maybe Blackbeard is planning to use the prestige of the joint Yonko to snatch the position of the Yonko from the hands of Akagami!"

Listen to Longinus said so; the crowd could not help but secretly nod.

Indeed, with the character of that guy Akagami, maybe he will jump out when the Yonko gets together and say something stupid like "Give me face, do not go to Raftel".

Then he was provoked by Blackbeard to beat the Yonko on the spot!

The crowd secretly sarcastic and heard Longinus continued, "The second possibility, is Kaido! After all, the Wano Country is Kaido's territory, with that guy's character, the possibility of violent refusal, once he blocked the road to Raftel, even if he is the Yonko will also encounter a siege!"

Listen to Longinus said so, Ashura Doji and a group of mountain bandits are even more can not stop trembling!

The outer world of human beings are all demons? Not only is the man in front of you so powerful that you can use Kaido as a unit of measurement, but even those other pirates also seem to be fighting Kaido's idea.

That is the nightmare in the hearts of all the people of the Wano Country, you can't respect us a little ... a bunch of mountain bandits hissed in shock, and all a little confused, and the pirates compared to the bandits, the mountain bandits are also too unbranded, right?

"No matter who his target is, it's scary!" Tokikake sighed softly, "That guy Blackbeard, really is a troublesome opponent!"

"After so many failures, and still have such a blazing ambition, that guy's perseverance, is indeed astonishing!" Gion said with approval.

Longinus's gaze swept throughout it, said in a deep voice, "Everyone be vigilant, but do not worry too much, no matter who the enemy is, in front of the marine will be crushed to pieces!"

The marines all nodded heavily and looked at Longinus with trust and admiration in their eyes, Fleet Admiral Longinus, but never let them down!

"That's it for today, everyone set up their own camp and rest."


At night, the lights on the ruins were faintly pulsating.

In Longinus' tent, one human and one frog stood.

"You plan to go to ..." Longinus asked, organizing his language, "the place where that Toki-sama, who is a Toki Toki no Mi ability user, last lived to see?"

Hiyori clenched her lips, tears soaked her eyes, "According to my mother, Uncle Kawamatsu and I were supposed to appear in the ruins twenty years later, some words that my mother intended to leave to the future us."

Kawamatsu's eyes were ashamed, "Twelve years ago was too hasty, I actually forgot to remind Your Highness of this matter!"

Longinus' eyes changed slightly, "You mean that Toki-sama, fearing that it would be too late, sent you away first and then tried to leave her last words?"

Kawamatsu nodded heavily, "My lord-mother should think so!"

Longinus frowned and asked, "But this place is in ruins, even if she left her letters, they should have turned into ashes along with Oden Castle, right?"

"As long as it was not destroyed in Kaido's heat breath strike, that underground dark room must still exist!" Kawamatsu said with certainty, "After all, even we, the vassals, never knew that there was an underground chamber underneath Oden Castle!"

Hiyori nodded and said, "I also learned of the existence of that chamber the day I was sent away!"

"Is that so?" Longinus mused, "Well, then, I'll go with you guys on this trip!"

Published in Qidian, December 12, 2019