This Chapter Contains a lot of Straw Hat Plot, Please Skip If You Do Not Like

"Why is this happening? It shouldn't be!" Blackbeard shouted frantically, almost began to doubt life, "Could it be, I'm really cursed?"

For this, the two behind Blackbeard are not much concerned, with the ability to listen to the voice of all things; they read the coordinates recorded on that piece of history body at first glance.

Only, there will be some trouble!

He will support Blackbeard and the intention to let Blackbeard attract fire to create chaos more, but also want to allow Blackbeard instead of him to Raftel to retrieve Pluton.

After all, he does not know what the legendary final island is really like that. Is it full of opportunities wealth, or is it full of complex crises?

Especially after reading Lady Toki's account, he was more than ready to let Blackbeard and the two minor explore the intention.

He has always been reported with caution and awe; even if there is a successful precedent of the Roger Pirates, a little caution is never a bad thing.

But, this time is some trouble!

People who have seen the contents of the tablet's front, only Blackbeard and his "Bullet" identity, to say the words directly; however, how Bullet read the Poneglyph can not be good.

After all, Blackbeard is not an idiot, so noticeable changes; it will undoubtedly notice him!

"How about knocking him out and throwing him straight to Raftel?" Bullet's heart was flashing with gloomy thoughts; suddenly, his face became odder.

Just a moment ago, his body received a transmission from Kuina; this last ancient stone tablet, surprisingly, was delivered to her by Robin's own hands.

A week ago in the Wano Country, the location was in the Ringo.

"Too, too terrible!" Nami teeth are chattering; you all saw it, that is two Yonko, ah, but just like this was defeated by the Marine!"

"That Fleet Admiral is really more than bold!" Sanji nodded with a grave face, "knowing that the Yonko gathered in the Wano Country, but chose to take the initiative to raid!"

"This is the difference between us and that man in the eyesight and boldness!" Zoro also said in a deep voice, "It is not without reason that he has become a living legend!"

"Yohohohoho, before the Marine and the Yonko leave the Wano Country, we'd better hide in the graveyard in peace." Brook said with a smile, "With my soul out of the body, this cemetery should be able to scare away a lot of people."

"Why are we so unlucky?" Nami shouted frantically, "It was clear that we came here because we inquired about the possibility of a time-type ability in the Wano Country. It was only after we got into the Wano Country that we learned that Lady Toki had been dead for almost twenty years! Before we can leave, the Yonko and the Marine ran to the Wano Country to fight again! Now, we can only stay in this big, gloomy cemetery!"

The crowd fell into silence; they certainly know that Nami is not complaining, but in fear, fear that they will be too late to save Luffy before the final deadline.

With this in mind, they cast their expectant eyes toward the real-rubber plant lying on the ground.

Is it possible, a miracle?

At this moment, without any warning, a massive stone monument suddenly appeared in mid-air, and then, under the gaze of the crowd's dumbfounded eyes, vertically smashed downward.


The square monolith just pressed on Luffy's body, leaving only a head exposed, and because of the huge pressure of the squeeze, the body was flattened by the gas and blood squeezed into the brain of the head.

Visible to the naked eye, Luffy's head exposed turned into a giant basketball, giving the impression that it is like a gentle puncture can be poked.

"Ahhhhhhh! Luffy!"

The crowd screamed and did not have time to think about why there will be a monolith that suddenly fell, hurriedly run-up, incomparably careful to move the vast monolith away.

Then, that blood in Luffy's brain began to flow back, flattened like a paper-thin body, but also gradually began to recover expansion.

When the crowd was slightly relieved, a scream almost gave them a heart attack.

"Ah! This sleep is too comfortable!"

"Lu Lu Lu Luffy!"

When they saw Luffy's sudden fallen body, the crowd's eyes almost popped out.

"Luffy, he did not become that what kind of vegetable?" Sanji opened his mouth wide and asked, "How suddenly woke up?"

"Wait, I seem to understand a little!" Nami swallowed hard, "that doctor said Luffy is lack of oxygen to the brain? He was just smashed, the oxygen in the body may be squeezed into the brain!"

"I @%#, this fucking works?" The crowd unconsciously opened their mouths wide, only to feel the three views completely exploded.

"Luffy, you really well?"

"I've always been fine ah! By the way, where is that miscellaneous bird bastard?"

Looking at this surprise Luffy, the crowd secretly relieved, it is still the retarded captain well!

"Speaking of which, it's really thanks to this tablet!" Sanji patted aside the stone tablet; hindsight asked, "By the way, where in the end did this tablet come from? How suddenly smashed on Luffy?"

"It looks like it's a bit old!" Nami whispered muttered, "I wonder if this antique is worth?"

At this point, Zoro suddenly asked, "Robin, what happened to you?"

Hearing Zoro's question, the crowd then found that, somehow, Robin was sitting limply on the ground, her eyes listless and muttering under her breath.

"This can't be, this can't be, could he have foreseen this scene? All of this, is it all under his control? This kind of powerful, impossible to overcome!"

At this moment, Robin felt an unprecedented fear; even if it was two years ago when she was imprisoned in the Impel Down, she has never been so afraid as now.

Two years ago, when the BOSS let her lurk to the Straw Hat Pirates, she was wondering, what qualifies these new pirates to get something like the Poneglyph?

Moreover, even that BOSS of hers could not get the last piece of red stone!

And now, when this red stone appeared from the sky in front of her eyes, she was terrified. Is her future has always been in the control of her BOSS?

At this point, Nami asked with a puzzled face, "Robin what are you talking about ah? What's impossible, huh?"

"Huh? No, nothing!" Robin quickly calmed down and forced a smile, "This is an ancient stone tablet, and it is also the red stone that recorded the coordinates of Raftel! In other words, the Yonko came to the Wano Country because of it!"

"What?" The crowd gasped in amazement. The object that Yonko was fighting each other for appeared out of nowhere before their eyes.

What kind of luck is this?

"Great, I'm going to become the Pirate King!"

"Not only Luffy woke up, we also got the Red Stone, it seems that our unlucky stage has finally passed!"

Seeing that she successfully diverted the crowd's attention, Robin gently bit her lower lip and decided in her mind.


Perhaps because of the previous night's party, the following day early, the crowd did not wake up.

Robin stood outside the tomb early and whispered to the air in front of her, "I'm sorry, I had to do it for the reason ... heh! I'm still a really bad woman! Whatever the reason, betrayers should not be forgiven!"

"Luffy, you must hate me, it is I who took away your hope to become the Pirate King; Zoro and Sanji, you will also hate me, after all, I am about to go to the place you hate most; Nami and Brook, sorry, I have to leave early!"

"I am very happy to be your nakama, only, I can never meet again like you guys such a good nakama ... say what? It should be hope that you guys ... never meet a bad nakama like me again right!"

With tears dripping down, Robin used the ability to transport the stone monument in the direction it came from it.

After a long time, a figure came out of the grave.

"Really, women are really twisted creatures!"

"Aren't you the same? Otherwise why not go and stop her?"

Zoro turned around and leaned on a tombstone, "I thought you the nymphomaniac sex maniac will cry and chase up!"

Sanji lit a cigarette, incidentally breathed a little bit of bitter morning air, "Doing that, Robin-chan will be very embarrassed! Please remember, it is only a man who can understand the difficulties of women!"

"Heh! As expected, it is also an unpleasant guy!" Zoro said with a crooked head.

"Bring back Robin-chan in a dignified way, why, do you have a problem with it?"

"As long as you're happy!"

Published in Qidian, December 17, 2019