Thoughtfulness is Too Backward!

The first half of the Grand Line, G2 branch;

Outside of an unsurprising-looking dormitory, a line of recruits lined up in order outside the door. With solemn faces, each other is waiting for the people in front to come out before walking in with a pilgrim-like mindset.

In this process, no one made a sound; to be precise, no one dared to make a sound; in such a serious and solemn atmosphere, they subconsciously corrected their attitude.

It was only after walking out a long-distance that those recruits turned red and whispered about it.

"So this is the place where Fleet Admiral Hitsujiza used to live! It's fantastic! I can actually train in the place where Fleet Admiral Hitsujiza used to exercise!"

"That's why I came to the G2 branch to join the marine!"

"Me too, me too, if it wasn't for that, I would have joined the G8 branch, which is a little closer to home!"

"This is a benefit that only we have in the G2 branch!"

Watching this scene, a Rear Admiral on the nearby training ground nodded slightly and said, "It seems that they have gone through a great spiritual baptism!"

Standing next to him, a certain CP0 in white robes but without the mask on his face pulled the corners of his mouth and said, "Rear Admiral Gregory, I think you are on the very wrong path, the military, should not be a place to engage in personal worship!"

Gregory narrowed his eyes, but instead of getting outright angry, he smiled and looked at someone who spoke, "Captain Dag ... oh no, now it should be Observer Dag, let me clarify."

"First, past experience has proven that the path you CP0 have taken is the wrong one, so perhaps you should learn to turn your views the other way sometimes."

"Second, this isn't some kind of personal cult, and for the fleet admiral, he doesn't need to get any personal cult. In the annual research questionnaire, choosing to join the marines because of admiration of envisioning Fleet Admiral Hitsujiza has always been one of the top reasons for joining the marines! So there is nothing we can do, we can't just turn them away because the fleet admiral's personality is too charismatic, right?"

Dag said in a deep voice, "Even if that's the case, there's no point in continuing this meaningless formality, right?"

Gregory slapped him on the shoulder and said with a severe rebuke, "How can you say it's meaningless! Observer Dag, your mindset awareness is really too backward!"

With that, Gregory called over two recruits who had just walked out and asked, "Let me ask you, did you get any insight from this activity?"

The two recruits who got forcibly pulled over were apprehensive at first, but they quickly scrambled to answer after hearing the officer's question.

"I saw from this activity the hard-working and simple spirit of Fleet Admiral Hitsujiza, who never gave up the pursuit of justice even under those difficult conditions!"

"I, I saw the ambition and persistence of Fleet Admiral Hitsujiza, he was from the very beginning to follow the strictest standards, so I will definitely be like the marshal from a young age to aspire!"

Hearing these answers, Dag was dumbfounded. Was he the only one who was mentally retarded? Why was he the only one who couldn't see anything?

Gregory nodded in satisfaction, "Not bad, at least, much better than this Observer Dag who didn't get any spiritual baptism!"

When the words fell, the surrounding recruits all looked at Dag with contemptuous and disdainful eyes.

"What? He doesn't even have any sense at all?"

"It's too shameful, how can he still have the nerve to stand here?"

"The mindset awareness is too poor, it's really a fallen generation!"

"Everyone stay away from him, don't be infected by him!"

At this moment, Dag even felt like garbage!

A Commodore behind Gregory then added, "This Observer Dag also proposed to cancel all similar activities in the future!"


As if he had ignited a spark in the explosive magazine, the atmosphere was instantly detonated, and every marine soldier was looking at Dag with angry eyes.

"It's despicable! Even if you don't seek progress yourself, you even want to stop us from studying!"

"I know! This guy must be a traitor from the Revolutionary Army who infiltrated our army!"

"Burn him! Burn him to death!"

In the face of the crowd's passion, Dag couldn't help but take a half step back; these scum with less than five combat power gave him even more fear than those sea pirates he once faced!

He had never seen such a frightening look!

These marines are crazy ... Dag swallowed hard; that fleet admiral's call is very high, he was very early to know.

There is an evil pirate manga with the theme of Germa in the World Economic News and superhero manga based on that fleet admiral.

These cartoons alone have attracted countless admirers to that fleet admiral. Still, he did not expect that this phenomenon of admiration is grave in the marines. It so much that the development has reached a point that is almost pathological in his eyes!

Why I never noticed before ... Dag's heart astonished, as an excellent special agent, he keenly perceived that something was wrong!

The attitude of these marines is too wrong!

In his memory, the Fleet Admiral Sengoku, although the same respected and loved by his subordinates, can guarantee that the Fleet Admiral Sengoku in the Marine is not even a tenth of the reputation of the Fleet Admiral Hitsujiza!

This Fleet Admiral Hitsujiza has only been in office for two years ah!

When thinking of this, an inexplicable fear enveloped him!

"Everyone be quiet, Observer Dag is actually just a bit dumb, his heart, still not bad."

"So he's a retard? Then forget it, I'll just forgive him this time!"

When Gregory spoke eloquently there, Dag did not have the joy of being saved but was instead plunged into the usual cold bones' ice cellar because he seemed to see the entire marine force is shrouded under a vast shadow!

That vast shadow is precisely the Fleet Admiral Hitsujiza, they say!

I want to denounce, I want to prosecute ... so thinking, Dag suddenly hesitated again, "Something is not right ah! If it's really what I think it is, then why, there's no news flowing out? There are many people in the government who are better than me, so why can't they see it? Or is it that the people who knew about it ... are all dead!"

It can't be that the government is full of his people,... Dag was shocked by his conjecture and immediately forced a smile to comfort himself and said, "Impossible, how is such a thing possible? That is, the government that has ruled the world for eight hundred years ah! There is such a cunning and wise Gorosei; there is such a powerful and unpredictable chief, I imagine that kind of thing can not happen at all!

"Moreover, maybe this is my chance, if I can prosecute successfully, I will become a hero of CP0 ..."

As he was thinking this, a marine soldier came running towards them excitedly, grabbing the newspaper in his hand and dancing in the air while running and shouting with all his strength:

"Fleet Admiral Hitsujiza led a large fleet in the Wano Country to defeat the Beasts Pirates and the BIG-MOM Pirates in one fell swoop and successfully captured the two Yonko. The world's greatest evil is about to be destroyed; the peace we expect will be coming soon ah!

When the words fell, the crowd first did not dare to believe, then, waves of cheers burst out.

"My goodness, is this true?"

"Fleet Admiral Hitsujiza is just too powerful, worthy of the hero I've admired since I was a child!"

"The pattern of the Yonko has been broken, from now on, it's our marine's time!"

"Cheer up, laugh, today is a day without taboos!"

Gregory was also laughing loudly, "Observer Dag, look at ... eh? Observer Dag?"

The Commodore on the side replied with a wry look on his face, "Observer Dag says that he is indeed too far behind in his mindset, and in order not to hold everyone back, he'll have to get a grip on the spirit of the Fleet Admiral!"

Published in Qidian, December 17, 2019